Batman/Characters/Arkham Series: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bad Boss]]: He lets some of his goons know that Batman is coming for them... and laughs about it. Shortly after, he has all the bridges detonated to slow Batman down, and doesn't give a crap that this puts several of his men at the mercy of the Joker's crew. In addition, one of the mooks says in the Penguin's debut trailer "You think the Joker's bad? Wait until Penguin deals with him! Penguin's an animal", which carries the implication that he's even worse of a boss than even [[The Joker]], the latter of whom is definitely no saint in terms of being a boss.
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Big Eater]]: During his appearance in ''Assault on Arkham'', he's chowing down on a plate stacked pretty damn high with raw fish.
* [[Break the Haughty]]: Spends a lot of time as smug as can be, but is consistently humiliated and beaten until he's been trapped in one of his museum cases.
* [[Bullying a Dragon]]: The first thing he does onscreen in ''City'' is have Bruce Wayne knocked out and dragged over to his headquarters to be executed. Of course given that this is Batman, he gets his hand broken and is also knocked out for his trouble. Even worse for him, he was completely showed up by a guy in handcuffs!
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: Penguin freezes a cop's hand and smashed it with a hammer while using a P.A. system to let Batman hear the whole thing. It's heavily implied that he does this with the captive Precinct 13 policemen frequently, as well.
* [[Collector of the Strange]]
* [[Complete Monster]]: Cobblepot is a nasty, ''nasty'' little man.
* [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything]]: Suppose the player decides to not knock out Penguin and leave him at the gate. The game has Penguin shout about how he always knew that Bruce was a coward just for that occasion.
* [[Evil Brit]]: Played with. His bio says he ''grew up'' in London, but wasn't necessarily born there.