Batman/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** You're assuming the GCPD would find you before Batman does. Not a smart assumption.
**** Batman is really that good, yes, but he can also only be in one place at one time -- and his first priority is to go catch the dangerous assassin, not the rich white guy whose only threat level is 'can use checkbook really well'. So, by the time he's done with that, I'm already in the police station.
**** For that matter, what does Batman do if he catches me first? Especially if I surrender without fighting him? He... takes me to the police station?
*** Oh and about Deadshot, Lady Shiva, and David Cain: Never in a million years would any of them surrender to the cops. For any reason. Even if it did protect them from Batman, you're talking about ''internationally known assassins''. They're probably on ten different Most Wanted lists in the United States alone. They might be acquitted for murdering the Joker, but they'd still be on the fast track to the gas chamber for all the other murders they've committed throughout their respective careers.
**** Well, yeah, but that's no skin off ''my'' nose. Once they've done the job and collected their payment from me, their getaway is their own problem, and they're entirely all right with me leaving it up to their own skills. It's ''my'' getaway plan that's "Jury Nullification", precisely because I have no experience at living la vida fugitive like they do.