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* Happens in ''[[Corsair]]'' manga, where the princess of a powerful pirate group finally announces to her family that she intends to wed their [[Mysterious Past]] and [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|very pretty]] [[The Strategist|strategist]], [[Spell My Name with an "S"|Kanale (or Canale... Or Kanare... take your pick)]]. Cue their [[Asskicking Equals Authority|right-hand]] [[Badass|master swordsman]], Ayase, who [[The Stoic|rarely shows any emotion at all]], speak the following:
{{quote|'''Ayase''': I never said I approved (of you choosing Kanale). In fact there's another problem before all this: Kanale already belongs to me. }}
** ... The silence goes on for multiple panels.
* There's one early on in the [[Battle Royale]] manga. Shuya asks Noriko how she can trust him so easily. She says "You didn't peek at my panties." Cue the ellipsis and possibly the only funny moment in the story.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
* [[Christopher Priest]] might well be the [[Trope Codifier]]. [[Quantum and Woody]], [[Black Panther]], and pretty much everything else he wrote were rife with beat panels. The impressive thing was that as often as he used them, they never got stale or overdone; he knew exactly when and where to use them.
* The Keith Giffen/J. M. DeMatteis comedy incarnation of ''[[Justice League of America]]'' used this all the time, sometimes featuring entire Beat ''Pages''.
** J.M. DeMatteis's run on ''Spectacular [[Spider-Man]]'' featured a beat page - but it wasn't funny, rather it was one of the creepiest pages ever seen in a comic book.
* Used excessively in ''[[Invincible]]'', then [[Lampshaded]] when the main character gets his comics signed by an artist who comments on his use of copying and pasting panels.
* In the comic ''[[Teen Titans (Comic Book)|Teen Titans]]'', after Beast Boy asked Raven to go with him on a "[[Not a Date|not-a-date]]", there was a beat panel before Raven said "Let's go".
* In an [[Iron Man|Invincible Iron Man]] issue, Pepper Potts admits to Maria Hill that she slept with Tony. A shocked Maria Hill admit that she also slept with Tony a few days before Potts. Follows a succession of panel with both looking shocked, each at each other, and then each looking down, visibly angry. After that, Hill mutters a simple "Tony Stark. Tony [[Precision F-Strike|fucking]] Stark.
* One of the traditions of a super team crossover is having a few B-List (Or even) major villains crash the headquarters seeking revenge, then a beat panel as they realize there are [[Oh Crap|quite a few more super heroes than they expected.]]
* [[Peter David]] enjoys regular use of these. The Madrox mini-series contained a number of examples.
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** [ And then, the Ultimate Beat Panel]
** [ Followed by an onslaught of beat panels.]
* ''[[Death to the Extremist]]'' uses this ''constantly.'' Often taken [[Up to Eleven]] with comics like [ this].
* ''[[Dystopia (video game)|Dystopia]]'' [ demonstrates Medium's new reflex upgrades].
* Happens rather frequently in ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]''. A prime example is [ here].
* ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' uses this when Grace explains [ the plan] to cure Elliot of his [[Gender Bender|problem]].
** Also, Tedd [ and the spilled barrel of exposition], Nanase [ talking about Ellen with Susan]. Grace [ realizing she had to break her "morphing moratorium"], Ellen [ coming back to Earth] and [ informed] of the Elliot's [[Gender Bender|upcoming powers]] and "Man Engulfs Food" [ looking at dining Grace].
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** Mal is ''[ good]'' at causing this.
* Used in full by [[Hello Earthling]], and regularly too. Perhaps the most abusive example on this trope is [ here].
* ''[[Irregular Webcomic]]'' does this [ very often].
** [ A recent strip] has a [[News Post]] in which Morgan-Mar explains that he tried to avoid it (putting the silent panel earlier), but it just wasn't funny.
** [ Another one does three]- and a [[Lampshade Hanging]]. [ The "Shakespeare" strip after that] is entirely Beat Panels, possibly going for [[Overly Long Gag]].
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* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' has [ this]. Then a [ double beat panel]. And [ two more] with highly unimpressed Kat. And a ''[ triple]'' beat panel (the scene in question justifies this much).
* [ Here], thanks to the ''[[Amazing Super Powers]]'' of a [[Split-Screen Phone Call]].
* Lampshaded through the fourth wall in [ ''Retail''].
* ''[[Rusty and Co.|Rusty and Co]]'', in the [ re-acquaintance] of The Princess and White Knight.
* ''[[Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic]]'' has a [ good one] when [[Monster Adventurers]] [[X Meets Y|meet]] "[[Here There Be Dragons]]".