Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United/Funny

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  • "It started when the nanites went ka-pow upon the scene. Transforming all life on Earth like nothing you've ever seen. But there's one lucky hombre who can make them build machines. He's Gen Rex!"
    • You can't deny... It is catchy.
  • When Ben and Rex start to head out. Not realizing they've switched jackets.

Ben: Why does my jacket smell like bananas?
Rex: Ugh. This feels tight.
Bobo: You guys are our best hope? We're doomed.

  • Loved it when Holiday points out that Caesar isn't like normal scientists.

Dr. Holiday: For the record, most scientists aren't like that.

  • It dosen't matter what kind of reality you're in, Rath is still Rath.

Seriously? I'm the cat who's all that. The Rath attack. And about a hundred other things.

  • Alpha's got Rex and Ben tries to help, while de-powered.

Rex: Do something, anything! (Ben throws a rock at Alpha. Hits Rex in the head)
Rex: ...Do something better!
Ben: I can try calling it names!

  • "I was going to say the same thing, but in Spanish!"