Beneath a Steel Sky: Difference between revisions

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* [[Author Filibuster]]: Given the weighty subject matter they pretty much managed to avoid preaching a message about the evils of technology.
* [[Back-Alley Doctor]]: The unbelievably unscrupulous Burke, who operates on patients for no reason whilst huffing gas, performs bizarre cosmetic surgery procedures in the name of fashion and trades in people's organs. He also turned his dead wife into a holographic receptionist.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: The plans laid out to foil Rob in his goal to uncover the mysteries of the city. He played right into {{spoiler|LINC's}} hands and didn't even realize it.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Rob's stylish silver, gray and black garment. Handy for concealing a crowbar, amongst other things.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: The plans laid out to foil Rob in his goal to uncover the mysteries of the city. He played right into {{spoiler|LINC's}} hands and didn't even realize it.
* [[Black and Gray Morality]]: Rob versus everyone in Union City. For example, Robert [[Disproportionate Retribution|disproportionately]] de-LINCs Gilbert Lamb and freezes Lamb's assets in order to steal a videotape that he needs as a distraction while Robert steals from his living ally, Mrs. Piermont, so that Robert can send her dog treading water in the park to distract a guard so that Robert can sneak into a church. What Robert actually catches Lamb doing is being disrespectful to Anita and sending her to the "testing area" and bragging that his coat is made from the world's last ten beavers. There is no sign calling the radiation-soaked area the "testing area", and Robert does not catch Lamb de-LINCing anyone nor freezing anyone's assets. However, Robert's motivations are commendable.
** {{spoiler|But given Lamb's negligence leading to Anita's death, and the file saying that he may be received his promotion through dubious means, the retribution may be minor compared to what he's guilty for.}}
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* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: [[Fun with Acronyms|BASS]] goes out of its way to provide motivations for the lead character and tells us what sort of person he is quite quickly. Though [[Backstory|backstories]] and long [[Cutscene|cutscenes]] are commonplace now, this was a rare thing in 1994.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: All over the place. Seemingly throwaway lines and scenes can give clues to what happens later, in terms of both plot and puzzle-solving.
* [[Freud Was Right]]: There's plenty of dialogue that doubles as innuendo.
{{quote|'''Lamb:''' Pipes are the arteries of this mighty ERECTION, the VEINS through which its LIFEBLOOD pumps...}}
** Also, the video tape "Pussies On Parade". While earlier Lamb was referring to his cat, it can bring some hilariously inappropriate connotations. Deliberate? Maybe.
* [[Fun with Acronyms]]: LINC, which actually stands for '''L'''ogical '''I'''nter-'''N'''eural '''C'''onnection.
* [[Gainax Ending]]: No-one could have predicted the conclusion. Very unusual, no easy answers.