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* Melfina from ''[[Outlaw Star]]'' gets an inverted version of this with Gene and Harry. Of course, when the "safe" choice is a foul-mouthed [[Badass Longcoat]], you just ''know'' the "bad boy" is [[Psycho for Hire|going to]] [[Stalker with a Crush|have some]] [[Yandere|serious issues]].
* Possibly lampshaded in ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]''. To Spike there isn't much choice between Julia, (his long lost [[Love Interest]]), and Faye, ([[Ms. Fanservice]]) as he's madly in love with Julia and things with Faye never go beyond a proto-[[UST]] stage. However it's somewhat telling that when Jet asks [[Broken Bird]] Faye what Julia was like, Faye responds with "[[Femme Fatale|Ordinary. A beautiful, dangerous ordinary that you can't leave alone]]", which perhaps defines the roles of the two.
* The Kuno/Akane/Pig-Tailed Girl triangle of ''[[Ranma One Half½]]'' is an interesting case. You could say Akane is the Veronica trying to be the Betty and Ranma is the other way around, but we're talking about the warped mind of Tatewaki Kuno here.
** Akane's somewhat sheltered and naive due to being the youngest child in a middle-to-high-class and very traditional family. Well, at the same time, she's rather popular at school, shuns the boys who chase after her (specially Kuno), has a quick temper towards Ranma and despite her tries has very few traditionally feminine traits. These are all Veronica-ish qualities/flaws, so Kuno is somewhat right with this one.
** Shampoo a [[Supreme Chef]], works full-time in her grandma's restaurant, and can be almost kittenish when she's happy (pun intended). Also added is that she came from a lower-class setting than Akane, is a lot smarter than she looks, and is also multi-talented. She also pines after Ranma. That's quite a dosage of Betty-ness.