Beware the Nice Ones/Video Games: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Mass Effect]]'':
** The turians are generally pretty nice guys, are almost all unbelievably polite. They're heavily militarized, but strongly civic-minded, highly responsible, steadfastly loyal, place the greater good before the individual, and are quite willing to work with and protect other, weaker civilizations or species. And if you provoke them into war, they make ''damn'' sure you are ''never'' able or willing go to war with them again. ''Ever.'' They conquer everyone they fight<ref>Except for [[Humans Are Special|the humans]], which has ever since been a major sore spot for them</ref>. But give you compensation afterward, just to make it perfectly clear how well this fits.
** Liara's level of niceness is over nine thousand, but her powers are such that she can telekinetically bench-press a Geth Colossus (which is, for the record, as large as a ''three-story building''), and launch people practically into orbit by thinking at them hard. Even [[Old Master|Wrex]] makes a point of noting how damn powerful she is.
** Kaidan Alenko is a relaxed, dorky type with absolutely no weapon skills available. But he can fire people into the sun ''with his mind'' and cause biological enemies to have toxic-flavoured seizures. {{spoiler|He even ends his [[Training From Hell]] by snapping his turian instructor's neck with a biotic kick whilst defending another poor schmuck.}}
** [[Wrench Wench|Tali]] is seen as being very polite and kind to most of her fellow crew members. If she runs across someone who she sees as evil, though, she can be... surprisingly vindictive. [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|And amusingly creative.]]