Bill Clinton: Difference between revisions

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* [[Chessmaster]]: When Clinton was impeached over the Lewinsky scandal, he successfully managed to portray it as nothing more than his political rivals being willing to go to any lengths to undermine him. Public opinion eventually came around to his side: his approval ratings skyrocketed, the Republicans lost many congressional seats in the 1998 midterm elections, and he was acquitted and allowed to serve out his term. To top it off, the resultant fallout of public opinion towards the Republican Party lead to Newt Gingrich, the driving force behind Clinton's impeachment, to resign as Speaker of the House.
** This could be applied to how Clinton evaded all of the scandals his rivals brought against him during his Presidency.
* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]: Bill Clinton is good friends with [[George HW Bush]]. They're even rumored to have the same low opinion of [[George W. Bush|Junior]]. They frequently, and consistently, do fund-raising tours together for important humanitarian causes, most notably during the Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts.
* [[Disappeared Dad]]: Bill's father died in a car accident three months before his son was born.
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: Despite being from opposite parties, the similarities in background between him and Newt Gingrich meant that they could discuss issues in a friendly atmosphere (well, relatively speaking, anyway).
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* [[Never Live It Down]]: The Lewinsky scandal. More seriously, his administration's actions during the siege of the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: He was the one that deregulated the markets, apparently under advice from Phil Gramm. Later admitted that he was wrong on that front, as well as the derivatives.
** Also ordered an attack on a Sudanese pharmaceutical factory, [http://en.[ pharmaceutical factory|Al-Shifa]], on the dubious claims of the factory having chemical weapons. The factory was a principal source of Sudan's anti-malaria and veterinary drugs, and its destruction indirectly saw thousands die from diseases that could not be countered. Whoooops.
* [[One of Us]]: He's a Rhodes Scholar, for pete's sake, and according to his family and friends, he's always got at least two books he's working on reading through at a time. In more than one way: he appeared on ''[[Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (Radio)|Wait Wait Don't Tell Me]]'' and was asked three questions about the show ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]''. [ He got every one correct].
* [[Our Presidents Are Different]]: Practically the [[Trope Codifier]] for the President Playboy variant.
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* [[Scandalgate]]: The Monica Lewinsky scandal became known as Monicagate / Zippergate. Called "Tailgate" by ''[[The Daily Show]]''.
* [[School Uniforms Are the New Black]]: In the 1998 State of the Union address he endorsed uniforms in American public schools (which traditionally don't have them). Short-term, it bought him a full week of [[Late Night]] [[Talk Show]] jokes about [[Catholic School Girls Rule|teenage "interns" in plaid skirts]]; long-term, Chris Matthews in particular is fond of bringing it up as a classic example of a Presidency that had run out of big ideas and grand plans.
* [[She Is All Grown Up]]: His daughter [http://en.[ feb08 calpoly.jpg |Chelsea.]] Guess it's a sort-of [[Take That]] to [[Kick the Dog|the cruel journalists that mocked the poor girl's looks]] [[Rush Limbaugh|when she was growing up]].
* [[Single-Issue Wonk]]: [[Small Reference Pools|Most people now]] will remember him ''only'' for the [[Everybody Remembers the Stripper|sex scandal]]. When he negotiated for the release of two female journalists from North Korea, it was joked that, even if Al Gore [[Global Warming|saves the planet]] and [[Barack Obama]] abolishes A-bombs, Clinton ''still'' always gets the girl.
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]: His initial claim of not having "sexual relations" with Monica Lewinsky which many took as the truth, but only if you have a very narrow definition of the term. Or a very legal definition of the term. Under the laws of Washington DC at the time of his testimony, oral sex was not ''legally'' considered "sexual relations". Thus, Clinton's statement, while untrue by any standard of common sense you wish to use, was [[Exact Words|perfectly accurate and truthful]] ''[[Rules Lawyer|under the law]]'' and thus not perjury at all, despite accusations to the contrary.
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* Clinton's most famous television appearance was on ''The Arsenio Hall Show'', where he performed with his much-parodied saxophone.
* He appears as a guest saxophonist in the New Labour Rock Band on ''[[The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer|Bang Bang It's Reeves And Mortimer]]''.
* A Rory Bremner special from 2000 had Clinton planning to go into space and seek out alien life forms after his term was up, and took Tony Blair with him. Like a lot of British satire from this period, it emphasized the idea that Clinton and Blair were best friends forever -- which of course is [[Hilarious in Hindsight]] given Blair's later relationship with [[George W. Bush]].
* One episode of ''[[Quantum Leap]]'' featured a moment when Sam was about to go on stage at an "amateur hour" talent show -- and the act he was following was sax player "Little Billy C from Hope, Arkansas" complete with dark suit and shades.
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