Black Butler (manga)/Characters: Difference between revisions

So much to do, so many characters to add...
(So much to do, so many characters to add...)
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* [[Fangs Are Evil]]
* {{spoiler|1=[[Fate Worse Than Death]]/[[Ironic Hell]]: He looked pretty darn unhappy with the fact that he'd have to serve Ciel for the rest of eternity in the anime.}}
* [[Femme Fatalons]]: In his demon form.
* [[Game Face]]: He shows his true form very occasionally to his and Ciel's enemies, though the actual readers have still never seen the whole thing up to this point.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
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* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The red to Ciel's blue, especially in the anime.
* [[Red Right Hand]]: His fingernails are black even when he suppresses his other visible demon traits.
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers]]
Line 258 ⟶ 260:
* [[Only One Name]]
== Elizabeth "Lizzy" MiddlefordMidford ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Yukari Tamura]] (JP) and [[Cherami Leigh]] (ENG)}}
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* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita|Elegant Sweet Lolita]]: Unsurprising, given the time period.
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Granted Elizabeth's mother Frances knows that Ciel will protect [[Damsel in Distress|Elizabeth]] at all costs, but she is also aware that Ciel is [[Distressed Dude|not all that skilled in combat]]. Just why was she so sure of her daughter's survival? {{spoiler|Because her [[Deliberately Distressed Damsel|daughter]] is just as [[Little Miss Badass|skilled]] in [[Dual-Wielding|swordsmanship]] as the rest of her [[Badass Family|family]] and thereby is perfectly capable of handling herself.}}
** Also, the fact that {{spoiler|Lizzie hid her [[Lady of War]] side due to fearing he'd see her as [[No Guy Wants an Amazon|"uncute" or "brash"]] }}? Makes more sense when you recall this ''is'' [[Victorian Britain]], thus {{spoiler|a female who didn't behave like a [[Proper Lady]] would be more often than not ostrasized by others, if not thrown into an asylum. While it's unlikely that the MiddlefordsMidfords would let her be locked away, she would still be looked down something fierce by others.}}
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
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* {{spoiler|[[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]}}: {{spoiler|The reason she wasn't fighting was because when they were little, young Ciel was afraid of Lizzy's mother and her harsh personality, and was glad he was marrying Lizzy. This made Lizzy feel that if she were to show her sword-fighting side, Ciel wouldn't like her.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: She's not so harmless after all.}}
* [[Overly Long Name]]: Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia MiddlefordMidford is her full name in the anime. Not that that was unusual for that time period either.
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Regal Ringlets]]: Though the manga seems to indicate these aren't natural and are the way she chooses to style her hair.
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* [[Those Two Guys]]: When partnered with Soma.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
Line 696 ⟶ 697:
* {{spoiler|[[Et Tu, Brute?]]: At the end of episode 8, Claude offs him before their contract was even complete. Then again, the fact that he didn't save him from getting stabbed by Ciel earlier could also fit this trope.}}
* [[Evil Brit]]: This takes place ''in'' Britain after all.
* [[Expy]]: Ladies and Gentlemen, [[Garden of Sinners|Lio Shirazumi's]] ''equally'' [[Ax Crazy|depraved]] '''[[In the Blood|14-year old son!]]''' I mean, think about it. These two [[Blond Guys Are Evil|look rather similar, blonde hair and all]], they [[Villainous Crossdresser|crossdress]], and have... disturbing fetishes... with Shiki Ryougi/Ciel Phantomhive to the point where they even start licking them and [[Not So Different|comparing themselves to them]]. And they threaten their [[Morality Pet]] loved ones (Mikiya Kokutou/Elizabeth MiddlefordMidford) and practically have horrid backstories that [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|make you feel bad for them]] [[Moral Event Horizon|until...]]
** If you subtrackt the licking, Lio and Alois may both be expies of [[Monster|Johan Liebert]].
* [[Eye Scream]]: Performed on an undeserving maid. ''With his fingers.'' To [[Love Makes You Evil|impress Claude]], apparently.
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== Manga-Only Characters ==
== Freckles/{{spoiler:Doll}} ==
"''There's a long life o' circus ahead o' you!''"
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* [[Bandaged Face]]
* {{spoiler|[[Beware the Nice Ones]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fallen Hero]]: He used to be a philanthropist}}.
* [[Gonk]]: Fully aware of this after his second meeting with the Phantomhive household.
* [[Lolicon]]: He likes little girls too.
* [[Jerkass]]
* {{spoiler|[[Psychopathic Manchild]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Serial Killer]]}}
* [[Shotacon]]: {{spoiler|One-sided towards Ciel}}.
* [[Unsexy Sadist]]
* {{spoiler|[[Yandere]]}}
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"''Wow! Double guns are so cool! But, I win at close combat.''"
* [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]]: A sword slicing a thick wooden door into pieces like that isn't normal.
* [[All Work vs. All Play]]: While Phipps is all about his work Grey is all about the play.
* {{spoiler|[[Beware the Nice Ones]]}}
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* [[Co-Dragons]]: With the other servants of the queen, at times.
* {{spoiler|[[Cute and Psycho]]}}
* [[Dynamic Entry]]
* [[Gray Eyes]]
* [[Keet]]
Line 1,055 ⟶ 1,057:
* {{spoiler|[[Serial Killer]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sissy Villain]]}}
* [[Super Window Jump]]
* [[Terrible Trio]]: With Phipps and Brown.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
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<br />
== Maurice Cole ==
* {{spoiler|[[Beware of the Nice Ones]]}}
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]
== Sieglinde Sullivan ==
* [[Fille Fatale]]