Black and Gray Morality: Difference between revisions

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# Are they still unquestionably painted as being "on the right side?" By virtue of the other side being worse? Whether the author is successful or not does not matter.
If so, you've got a classic case of [['''Black and Gray Morality]]'''.
See also [[Shades of Conflict]], [[Grey and Gray Morality]], [[Black and White Morality]], [[Evil Versus Evil]], [[Crapsack World]], [[Sliding Scale of Idealism vs. Cynicism]]. The inverse is [[But Not Too Evil]]. Contrast with [[White and Grey Morality]], where everyone has some nobility to them, and the thematically similar [[Designated Hero]], a much more parodied trope which features a protagonist that is selfish and cowardly as opposed to a bastard.
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* [[Ghost in the Shell]], following much the same vein as Akira. It's more evident in the Stand Alone Complex verse, although Innocence also features Batou mercilessly shooting down what looks to be an entire group of Yakuza simply for getting in his way.
* ''[[Samurai Champloo]]'' to a certain degree. Or maybe it's just [[Heroic Sociopath|Mugen]].
** Jin. He was a ronin<ref> A samurai without a master</ref> {{spoiler|because Jin killed him in self-defense}}.
*** Actually, who isn't either a righteous bastard or a tragic figure in that anime?
* Most UC ''[[Gundam]]'' series use this, wherein the heroes work for the lesser of two evils. For example, in the original ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam]]'', the heroes fight for [[The Federation]], which is run by greedy, elitist old men, while fighting [[The Empire|Zeon]], which is...well...[[A Nazi by Any Other Name|Nazi Germany]] [[Recycled in Space|IN SPACE]].
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* The authors of ''[[Death Note]]'' have declared that L (who sacrifices the life of a (death row) convict to get some clues, and only takes on cases if they interest him) is a little evil and [[Villain Protagonist|Light]] (who kills thousands of criminals and a bunch of innocents [[Utopia Justifies the Means|in order to create a perfect world]]) is ''very'' evil. The cover of the first live action movie adaptation even has Light against a black backdrop and L against a gray one.
** Soichiro, his wife, and his daughter are described by the creators as being the only totally good characters. The other task force members seem decent as well, even if Matsuda runs into some [[Not So Different]] issues.
* ''[[Hellsing]]'', where the protagonists include a viciously [[Heroic Sociopath|sociopathic]] super-vampire and the master who has to sanction his actions. On the other side you have [[Knight Templar]] [[Church Militant|Church Militants]]s and a Nazi remnant organisation who employs baby-eating synthetic vampires, would-be rapists and have as a leader someone who wants to plunge the world into war and destruction [[For the Evulz]]. Seras is the only main character that might truly qualify for "white" status.
* ''[[Baccano]]'', just about every character is criminal of some sort, ranging from petty thief/delinquent to Mafia assassin. The protagonists just happen to be nicer about it, usually with ''some'' sort of moral code.
** Even Isaac and Miria, who are the most innocent and purehearted ones of the lot, are robbers wanted by the FBI.
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* ''[[The Authority]]''
* In ''[[V for Vendetta]]'', the only real options are suffer under horrible fascists that are the only surviving piece of civilization, or rebel with a vicious killer for freedom before the collapse causes the apocalypse. The film made the rebel option better as there was never a nuclear holocaust (though a terrible pandemic substituted nicely and reduced the United States to a "leper colony"), so though V is still pretty crazy, he does have an ultimately admirable goal, and thus "less gray".
** There's some hope in the comic too, but in a rather absolutist way -- Vway—V basically leaves the people of England a choice between taking responsibility and pulling together voluntarily, or starving.
** Indeed, it is quite common for films to increase the contrast setting on morality. One reason may be that the goal of literature is more often to provoke reflection, while a film is intended to inspire. A full success on that score: V's comic book identity would have fit more among the cast of ''[[Watchmen (comics)|Watchmen]]'', but if the film showed him that way, he would never have become a cultural icon of popular movements.
** Also note in the film, the populace's will hasn't been thoroughly crushed under the fascist regime. They are still able to rise up against their leadership with proper inspiration.
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** It is perhaps worth noting that there are a few very minor characters who seem to fill in the position of being truly good, although for one reason or another they often come off as [[Good Is Impotent]]. This is most notable with the Union prison commandant, who attempts to stop The Bad's torture of and stealing from the Confederate prisoners for no other reason than because those are truly horrific things to do. Unfortunately that commandant is effectively powerless within the prison camp, can barely walk due to a massive gangrene infection, and is slowly dying.
* ''Anything'' made by [[Quentin Tarantino]].
** Greatest example being ''[[Inglourious Basterds]]''. One of the "good" guys is Bridget Von Hammersmark, a double agent working for the [[World War Two|Allies]] who kills an unarmed and highly sympathetic German soldier in cold blood to stop her cover being blown ( {{spoiler|unfortunately it is anyway because she forgot [[Too Dumb to Live|she left an autographed napkin at the scene of the crime]]}}). Note that of the major characters in the film she has the ''least'' controversial blood on her hands. You know your film has a morally gray cast when a Jew-murdering Nazi and a Jew who beats Nazis to death with a baseball bat while quoting baseball celebrities are the [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Ensemble Darkhorses]]s.
* ''[[Killing Zoe]]'' takes place in a world best described as [[Quentin Tarantino|Tarantino]] meets [[Bret Easton Ellis]]. From the co-writer of [[Pulp Fiction]] and director of [[The Rules of Attraction]].
* Any film based on [[The Mafia]], by necessity (this is the Mafia we're talking about, after all). This includes ''[[The Godfather]]'' series, ''[[Goodfellas]]'', ''[[The Departed]]'', etc.
** Under the same lines is the film ''[[City of God]]''.
* ''Anything'' made by [[Martin Scorsese]] when it involves the Mafia, the [[The Departed|Irish Mafia]], or any criminal element whatsoever.
* ''[[The Proposition]]'' -- The—The protagonist is a notorious criminal who is forced to kill his psychopathic older brother in order to save his innocent, mentally handicapped younger brother. The younger brother is a rapist. The cops are basically thugs stuffed into uniforms, and even their well-meaning captain is a chauvinist and a bit of a racist, and his innocent wife is [[The Millstone|extremely naive and foolish]]. And as for the governor, [[Smug Snake|well...]] The ending is [[Bittersweet Ending|bittersweet]], which is as cheery as you're going to get with a screenplay by Nick Cave.
* ''[[The Chronicles of Riddick]]'' -- Riddick—Riddick is a sociopathic mass murderer with a [[Knife Nut|knife fetish]], but his opponents are nihilistic necrophiliacs that want to enslave and then [[Omnicidal Maniac|murder the entire universe]]. Riddick doesn't want to save the universe, he just wants to kill the guys that killed the people he had claim on.
* The ''heisei'' era of ''[[Godzilla]]'' films occasionally border on this. Godzilla is, once more, a bad dude, but he's all that defends us from creatures like King Ghidorah, Space Godzilla, and [[Godzilla vs. Destoroyah|Destoroyah]], who are downright diabolical. Meanwhile, the minds in control of Mechagodzilla are extremely iffy, and Battra, Biollante, and Rodan are very very insane. Mothra is nice enough, but promptly [[Heroic Sacrifice|dies to save us all]].
** Mothra didn't die in the Heisei series. It was in the Rebirth of Mothra series that she did the heroic sacrifice, which was part of a different continuity.
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* ''[[The Mechanic]]'' is a good example with its [[Knight in Sour Armor]] existentialist assassins as protagonists, and the ones who they kill.
* ''[[In the Loop]]'' is ostensibly about the backroom sausage-making behind a war in <s>Iraq</s> an unnamed Middle Eastern country, though the real focus is on [[Cluster F-Bomb|epic]] [[Country Matters|language]]. Proponents of the war are depicted as clueless, cavalier bureaucrats with zero appreciation of the consequences of what they are doing. Meanwhile the opponents are shameless weasels mostly interested in milking it for political favors.
* Most Guy Ritchie crime films, especially as even the main characters/protagonists tend to also be crooks, usually matched up against other, worse ones. Not counting the mandatory [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|Ineffectual Sympathetic Villains]]s, lets look at some characters from several of Ritchie's works:
** ''[[Snatch]]''. The most sympathetic characters are Turkish, Tommy, and the [[Irish Traveller]] clan. Turkish and Tommy are shady characters in the London underworld who run unlicensed boxing matches, gambling houses, etc. Turkish in particular is a rather cutting [[Deadpan Snarker]]. The Travellers participate in the sale of fake gold and jewels, rip off their business partners in transactions, then intimidate them with force, and at one point consider killing Tommy over a misunderstanding. The least sympathetic character is [[London Gangster|Brick Top]], who [[You Have Outlived Your Usefulness|routinely kills off his mooks]], brutalizes dogs and puts them into lethal dogfights, kills people and feeds them to pigs to dispose of the bodies, sets fire to the caravan of one of the gypsies, (burning her alive) and threatens to wipe out the rest of the clan if they don't cooperate with him.
** ''[[Rock N Rolla]]''. The most sympathetic characters are Archy, Johnny Quid and the Wild Bunch. Archy is [[The Dragon]] for an underworld boss who kills or beats people without hesitation. Johnny is a drug addled rock star who routinely steals from people, (and threatens them with a knife if they protest) hands out [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown|No Holds Barred Beatdowns]] to bouncers who try to stop from getting into clubs, (and keeps going long after they have stopped being able to resist) and constantly physically and verbally abuses the people around him. The Wild Bunch are a trio of career criminals. The least sympathetic character is Lenny, (Archy's boss and Johnny's step-father) an arrogant man, abusive father, [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]], a crime boss who lowers victims into water to drown/be eaten alive by voracious crayfish, rips off the people who make deals with him so that he can get them in his debt, and has secretly {{spoiler|given testimony that has put most of his men and partners into jail at one time or another in order to save himself from prosecution}}.
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* ''[[The Elite Squad]]'' has BOPE, a special forces team which employs cruelty in both [[Training From Hell|training]] and [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|the police work]], against drug dealers that even [[Kill It with Fire|burn people alive]]. The villains of the sequel also count: corrupt cops, aiding and aided by corrupt politicians.
* ''[[The Element of Crime]]''. A more than questionable [[Anti-Hero]] pursuing a [[Serial Killer|child killer]], (un)assisted by [[Bad Cop, Incompetent Cop|the worst police force ever]] in the [[Crapsack World|crumbling ruins of dirt poor]] [[Wretched Hive|and morally corrupt]] [[After the End|post World War II Germany]]? If this isn't it, then…
* The [[Villain Protagonist|Villain Protagonists]]s in ''[[The Final]]'' are a group of [[Teens Are Monsters|teen]] [[Loners Are Freaks|outcasts]] who [[Cold-Blooded Torture|torture]] and [[Beauty to Beast|mutilate]] their school's [[Alpha Bitch|popular]] [[Jerk Jock|kids]] as revenge for a lifetime of humiliation. As one can figure from the last sentence, neither side in the situation is all that nice. The only real "good" guy is Kurtis -- andKurtis—and even that's pushing it, seeing as how he {{spoiler|kills Andy in cold blood}}.
* ''[[The Professional]]''. It's a hitman who relucts about giving shelter to a girl (who is not ''that'' pure either'') versus a drugged and corrupt policeman willing to kill anyone.
* A staple of [[Film Noir]].
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* Many writings of [[Robert Sheckley]].
* No trope describes ''[[A Clockwork Orange (novel)|A Clockwork Orange]]'' better than this one.
* ''[[Trainspotting]]'' -- Almost—Almost all of the main characters are amoral drug addicts. The ones that aren't are either dead, going to be drug addicts in the near future, or [[Hair-Trigger Temper|berserker psychopaths]]. Or dead. Or are going to suffer because of the main characters.
** And it's even more complicated than that. The book talks about how people who are going to be drug addicted are better before taking any drug: for instance, everyone says that the drug dealer was a nice man before taking heroin. It's more something like "white and gray morality".
* Joe Abercrombie's ''[[The First Law]]'' series is based on this principle, pushed to the point where you wonder at the end whether the protagonists were really the least evil, or if, perhaps, they weren't actually even worse than their antagonist.
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** It's worth noting that after giving the page quote, Vetinari talks for about a page and a half about just how ''much'' [[Humans Are Bastards]], at which point Vimes asks him how he manages to get up in the morning, which he answers with his usual calm, kind-of-cheerful manner.
** Also worth noting that Vetinari rules his own city, which is the most efficient city on the Discworld and has people flocking to live there. Whether he's right or not, it ''works''.
* ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]''. Being a deconstruction of typical [[High Fantasy]], there are no snow white heroes (with life expectancies longer than mayflies), only bad people fighting flawed people. Would be [[Grey and Gray Morality]], except the Lannisters and loads and loads of people are real assholes or [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s, and worse, {{spoiler|the Others, creatures from beyond the Wall which are impervious to most weapons and breed zombies, are in the process of returning after centuries.}} In fact, the character Sansa Stark exists pretty much just to [[Lampshade Hanging|hang lampshade]] how different this story is from other [[High Fantasy]], often getting those around her killed as a result.
* ''[[wikipedia:When Heaven Fell|When Heaven Fell]]'', by William Barton. The protagonist—a mercenary working for the [[Starfish Aliens|conquering extraterrestrial overlords]]—is [[Anti-Hero|not a nice guy]] by any means; nor are most of the people around him. However, they're ''sweethearts'' compared to what the alien overlords are fighting against...
* Played with and subverted in [[Glen Cook]]'s ''[[The Chronicles of the Black Company]]''. The soldiers work for an obvious [[Big Bad]], and the rebels on the side of good turn out to be nasty little bastards. But every time it looks like the story's going down a familiar route, it ends up going somewhere ''even more interesting''. In the end, the first book (''The Black Company'') ends up looking like a neutrally-portrayed reality while standard fantasy epics look like the propaganda put out after light's victory, and it gets more interesting from there.
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* ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' often works in this area. On more than one occasion there was no "good" solution so Harry often has to make do with what he can. An example in ''White Night'' occurs when Harry offers criminal [[Anti-Villain]] Marcone even more power to both get his aid and offer Chicago more protection against the supernatural.
** It's also [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] in ''Turn Coat'', when Harry dubs the clandestine group designed to combat the equally clandestine Black Council the "Gray Council." Oddly enough, they're probably ''less'' morally ambiguous than the stagnant, zealous, overly traditionalist leadership of the White Council.
* Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson's much-maligned ''[[Dune]]'' prequels actually do a fairly decent job portraying the free humans in terms of Grey morality. The Machines and their cyborg servants on the other hand are pretty much [[Card-Carrying Villain|Card Carrying Villains]]. Although some are treated with some sympathy (especially in the last two books where the authors get better at making some of them like Erasmus actual three-dimensional characters), they're basically a bunch of bloodthirsty enslaving bastards who perform Mengele-style medical experiments on humans, get thrills from torturing them, force them to slave away like the Jews in ''[[The Ten Commandments]]'' apparently [[For the Evulz|just because it strokes off their egos]] (little else makes sense, given that they can build sapient robots and contented humans would be less likely to rebel), and respond to any defiance with horrific atrocities. It's especially grating because superhuman machine intellects that run on cold logic should logically be [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bastards]]s or at least dispassionate [[Chessmaster]] types, not a bunch of gratuitously sadistic [[Obviously Evil]] loons (in fairness, it's justified by one of the human Titans having programmed Omnius with his own personality).
** The original ''[[Dune]]'' itself is very black-and-gray too. The vast majority of the protagonists, including Paul, are not nice people and in many cases not good people either. And then there's [[A God Am I|Leto]] in the sequels...
* [[Dragaera|Vladimir Taltos]] is pretty much a low-level mafia boss, with all the unpleasantness that implies. However, he tries to be benevolent to his underlings and the inhabitants of the area he runs, and his antagonists are usually those causing or planning something that will cause widespread suffering. After leaving the Jhereg, while he tries to help the downtrodden, he does so through [[Anti-Hero|rather brutal methods]].
** This also applies to Vlad's friends Aliera and Morrolan. Both are ruthless and quite selfish, but are nicer to humans/arguably less of a danger to Dragaera than their fellow nobles. Thus, in ''Dragon'', Vlad sarcastically notes the irony of calling Morrolan's army in which he is a member the "good guys", since all they are doing is trying to take some artifacts of doom/empathetic weapons so that a somewhat worse noble can't have them. Similarly, the plot of the upcoming novel, ''Iorich'' involves Vlad trying to defend Aliera after she is arrested on a charge of using illegal magic (the same type her father used and accidentally destroyed the old capitol and killed everyone there). This isn't because Aliera is innocent. Rather, it's because so many nobles break this law, that there must be a conspiracy at play for Aliera to be arrested for something she does in essentially plain sight.
* ''[[Conan the Barbarian]]'', especially Robert E. Howard's original stories. The hero is a mercenary/pirate/bandit/professional thief albeit one with a code of honor. Most everyone else is worse.
* [[J. K. Rowling]] was very fond indeed of doing this with her characters in the ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' series. [[Word of God]] says that there were concerted efforts made to remind the readers that Harry is a flawed person (see his ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix|Order of the Phoenix]]'' "[[Wangst|wangstingwangst]]ing", and is certainly no saint (his ready use of {{spoiler|the Cruciatus curse on Amycus}}, and before then, Bellatrix). James (and specifically Sirius) are shown to have very good hearts overall, but could definitely be [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]]es at times (Sirius and his treatment of Snape/Kreacher, his recklessness). Ron (who never went through what Harry did but accomplished more than most Hogwarts students could ever admit to) {{spoiler|left Harry and Hermione in the woods.}} Dumbledore, of whom so many people "thought the sun shone from every orifice", made plans in his youth with another to take {{spoiler|siege of the general Muggle population, during which time he neglected his remaining family.}} Paradoxically, Regulus {{spoiler|turns out to have been not as Black as first painted- same for Snape, of course.}} Draco is a tricky one, who at first {{spoiler|doesn't turn Harry in, but then later tries to capture him, accompanied by his old henchmen who, by now, are not just brainless brawns and are unafraid to kill.}}
{{quote|'''Sirius Black:''' The world is not divided into good people and Death Eaters.}}
* Martha Wells' ''Death of the Necromancer'' has [[Anti-Villain|Nicholas]] [[Aristocrats Are Evil|Valiarde,]] a coldblooded thief, murderer and all around [[Magnificent Bastard]]. Nic has spent years sabotaging his enemy on a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]]; at the start of the narrative, Nic's nearing the completion of his [[Xanatos Gambit|ultimate scheme]] when he and his subordinates run afoul of an unknown person using [[Black Magic]]. Somehow, this leads to the group spending the rest of the book fighting an insane mass murderer. And the reason they do it is at least partly because it's ''bad for business.''
* In Frederick Forsyth's ''[[The Day of the Jackal]]'', the OAS are far right terrorists. The eponymous [[Villain Protagonist]] is a consummate [[Professional Killer]]. However, the French Action Service are secret police-like, going to use [[Electric Torture]] on an OAS captive.
* The various races in [[Lord of the Rings]] could be this. Tolkien makes it pretty clear that any of the "good" races, even elves, are capable of evil. But you aren't likely to see a [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil|goblin or ork turning good any time soon]].
* In [[Andrew Vachss]]'s Burke books, Burke and his [[True Companions]] are mostly ex-cons who skirt or break the law frequently. They cross paths with pedophiles and other [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s from time to time.
* Near the end of ''[[Good Omens]]'', the forces of Heaven and Hell line up across the sky, and the narrator mentions that if you looked ''very'' closely, and had been specifically trained, you could tell the difference.
* Common in the works of [[China Mieville]]. [[Kraken (novel)|Kraken]], for instance, has a Lovecraftian doomsday cult as one of the ''nicer'' factions.
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* The Tribulation Force versus the Global Community (and also God versus Satan) in the ''[[Left Behind]]'' books. Thing is, it's hard to determine which side is black and which side is grey.
* ''[[Gone (novel)]]'' started out having [[Gray and Grey Morality]], but, by ''Plague'', has solidly veered into this. The heroes are still quite far from white, and the bad guys, after a year of enduring even worse [[Nightmare Fuel]] than the protagonists, are now growing increasingly [[The Sociopath|sociopathic]] and [[Kick the Morality Pet|kicking morality pets right and left.]]
* ''Sisterhood'' series by [[Fern Michaels]]: As the series goes on, the morality of the stories turns into this. The good guys are called the Vigilantes because they break the law in capturing a bad guy and inflicting a cruel and unusual punishment on hir. The good guys don't kill anybody, but since their punishments tend to be of the [[Fate Worse Than Death]] variety, that fact may not be very comforting. Also, the good guys have acted like big-time [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]]es a number of times. That's okay, because the bad guys have virtually no redeeming qualities to speak of!
* [[Percy Jackson and The Olympians|Help ]] the [[Jerkass Gods|Gods ]] who are often jerkasses and sometimes cause problems, or serve a [[Big Bad|Titan ]] who devoured his own kids and uses humanity as a source of cheap amusement or as a snack.
* ''[[A Series of Unfortunate Events]],'' especially from book eight onwards.
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{{quote|'''Wesley:''' There is a line, Lilah. Black and white. Good and evil.
'''Lilah:''' Funny thing about black and white: you mix it together and you get grey. And it doesn't matter how much white you try and put back in, you're never gonna get anything but grey. }}
** In the ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' episodes "This Year's Girl" and "Who Are You?" -- as—as well as the ''[[Angel]]'' episodes "Five by Five" and "Sanctuary" -- Faith—Faith, after having spent the last half of the last season on the side of evil, makes a genuine effort to [[Heel Face Turn|redeem herself]] for her crimes. She does this after making a [[Xanatos Gambit]] by trying to kill Angel, punching out Cordelia, and torturing Wesley, all while struggling with the will to live. The Watcher's Concil, though, actively try to kill Faith, Buffy, and the cast of Angel, while leaving each other to die at times, and one of them takes joy in killing people.
** ''[[Firefly]]'' and ''[[Serenity]]'', the protagonists are thieves but usually non-violent except in self-defense; the main antagonist is a corrupt government that tortured an innocent little girl.
** ''[[Dollhouse]]''. The show is all about a business that brainwashes people to act like other people and service the needs and wants of the business' clients (sometimes sex, sometimes other things). Most (but not all) of the brainwashed people "volunteered" for it, so YMMV on wheather or not this is wrong. The business sometimes uses the technology and brainwashed people for clearly good things (rescuing kidnapped people, trying to help an abused child grow up into a healthy adult etc.) and sometimes for clearly bad things (theft, ruining an innocent man's reputation etc.) In any case, they are never as bad as their enemies, which include The Ghost (a child molester) and [[Create Your Own Villain|Alpha]] (a sadist who [[Knife Nut|carves up people's faces with a large knife]] [[For the Evulz]]).
* As ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'' is becoming more and more of a [[Crapsack World]] lately, it's only right that they should start to wallow in this too. Dean and John's [[Deal with the Devil|deals with the devil]] are seen more as selfish suicides than [[Heroic Sacrifice|Heroic Sacrifices]]s, they now kill demons without any thought to the human host, John was a suicidally broken man who fucked up everything, Dean's annoying martyrdom, low self esteem and messed up death wish frustrates the hell out of Sam and Bobby and Sam's willing to destroy everyone and everything that might hurt Dean. After all this, you start to get the impression that becoming evil might look like a much better deal.
** Listen to Castiel's speech to Dean about how every human is a work of art and thus all precious to God, and reconsider. When Uriel's disdain for humanity is answered by an icy cold "You're close to ''blasphemy''", you can't say that Good doesn't exist or that it doesn't care. It's just very ''outnumbered'' right now.
* ''[[Farscape]]'', by the end. The villains start a galaxy-wide war, so to fix it John Crichton decides to {{spoiler|''destroy the whole damn <s>galaxy</s> universe''.}} ''And he's not bluffing''. By the end of the series, the cumulative body count of the good guys is such that it probably counts as a natural disaster.
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* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'' has most of the many characters with some sort of fatal flaw, but none of them fit this trope more than Bob Bishop. He is introduced at the start of season 2 as a reasonable man, directing a previously villainous company, and trying to steer the way forward to a brighter future for everyone. Although there are subtle hints as to his true motives, he appears to listen to Mohinders advice over the [[Depopulation Bomb|shanti virus]]. However in episode 9 it's revealed that Mohinder and viewers alike [[Horrible Judge of Character|were a little wrong]]. It's made clear he [[Professor Guinea Pig|experimented on his daughter]] leaving her as a [[Psycho Electro|psychopath]]. From then on, none of the characters [[Manipulative Bastard|trust him]].
** In the graphic novels we also find out he's a torturer and murderer. He was also directly involved in the plot to blow up New York city and apparently worked alongside Linderman during this time. He also was the one who had Candice save Sylar from Kirby Plaza
* ''[[Sons of Anarchy]]''. The title biker gang is mostly composed of [[Heroic Sociopath|Heroic Sociopaths]]s (except for Tig ([[Psycho for Hire]]), Jax ([[Anti-Hero]] or [[Anti-Villain]] depending on ones viewpoint) and Opie ([[The Woobie]]). The cops are all hopelessly corrupt or psycho except for Hale, the [[Knight in Sour Armor]] and Stahl, the [[Knight Templar]]. And then there are the ''really'' nasty gangs.
* ''[[The Shield]]'', big time. Apart from, at the most, one character (Claudette), everyone in the show is either outright villainous or at least very shady. This includes the apparent "good guys". In fact, the most corrupt and immoral of the supposed "good guys" (as in the police) are the four man Strike Team, whom the protagonist leads and the show revolves around.
** Don't you think that Dutch counts as good as well? The only morally dubious thing he did was {{spoiler|strangle that cat}} and {{spoiler|plant evidence, but he even took that back}}.
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Warhammer 40000]]'' is nothing but this. Intentionally. Every time it looks like another race, usually the Tau or Eldar, is starting to look more sympathetic than the fascist (among other things) Imperium, they'll start pulling off new atrocities in the next edition. In most games, the scale starts at [[Knight in Shining Armour]] and ends up at [[Complete Monster]]. In 40K, about the ''best'' you can hope for is a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] or [[Knight Templar]] who won't kill you too painfully.
** On a general scale, you can't find any faction that is good by our standards, but some sub-factions and characters, like several [[Space Marine]] chapters, a few Imperial Guard regiments, the occasional Craftworld Eldar protagonist, [[Ravenor]] and [[Ciaphas Cain]] '''(HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!)''' or the Tau count as good. Unfortunately, they are far outnumbered by less moral groups, [[Bad Boss|Bad Bosses]]es, [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|people who go]] [[Knight Templar|too far]] for their cause, and the Dark Eldar, Necrons, Tyranids and the forces of Chaos.
** It is saying something about the setting when the "good" faction, the Tau Empire have a "join us or die" plan of galactic conquest.
* ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]] Fantasy'' is almost as bad as [[Warhammer 40000]]. The main "good" races are arrogant elves, isolationist elves, power-hungry humans, grim feudalistic humans, [[Mayincatec]] lizards who practice human sacrifice, and [[Our Dwarves Are All the Same|dwarves that are all the same, only with fatalism and grudges against everyone under the sun]]. You get the occasional hero; you also get regular sociopaths. Fantasy does, however, have good people like [[Reasonable Authority Figure|Emperor Karl Franz]], [[The Wise Prince|Prince Tyrion]], [[The Atoner|Alith Anar]], and [[An Ice Person|Tsarina Katerin]], so it's not nearly as dark as 40k.
* Most of the gamelines in [[Old World of Darkness|both]] [[New World of Darkness|incarnations]] of the World of Darkness present a system where the playable factions are some shade of Grey and are opposed by a faction who is Black. The majority of [[Vampire: The Requiem|vampires]] vs [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil|Belial's Brood]], the Pentacle Orders vs the [[Ancient Conspiracy|Seers of the Throne]], the [[Changeling: The Lost|regular Changelings]] vs [[The Quisling|Loyalists]] to the [[The Fair Folk|True Fae]], and [[Artificial Human|Prometheans]] vs [[Body Horror|Pandorans and (most) Centimani]]. The exception would be the werewolves, with the main factions being the Tribes of the Moon vs the [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Pure]], who are both Gray. The Black faction in that gameline (the Bale Hounds, worshipers of [[Cosmic Horror|the Maeljin Incarna]]) mostly sit on the sidelines. They are also one of the only things the other two can agree on [[Enemy Mine|fighting against]].
** In ''[[Genius: The Transgression]]'', the Peerage deliberately chose to be Grey because if you have a Genius go off on his own he'll often become [[Complete Monster|Illum]][[The Unfettered|inated]], and if the choice is between accepting jerks or have them wander off and turn into Mengele, you'd better get used to putting up with jerks. The Storyteller is advised to keep the players wondering whether the [[Ancient Conspiracy]] Lemuria is really that bad compared to the barely human nutbars in high-up positions in the Peerage. (The "black" role here is played not so much by modern Lemuria, which is just going through the motions, but by [[Empty Shell|Clockstoppers]], the Illuminated, and the occasional Hollow Earth Nazi or Phantom Slaver Yeti.)
* In ''[[Call of Cthulhu]],'' the heroes are insane and the villains are even more insane.
* Morality is a very minor point in [[Shadowrun]]. Generally characters don't question whether it is right to take a job, they question [[Kleptomaniac Hero|how much they get paid]]. Though some groups [[Even Evil Has Standards|draw the line at assassination]].
* Though there ''are'' heroes in ''[[Eberron]]'', they are few and far between. In the core Eberron setting book, there's only 1 high-level Good NPC, and she is a young girl who only has such power while in the same city as the Silver Flame (a metaphysical source of elemental good) itself. And that person is responsible for trying to make sure her church full of Knight Templars doesn't cause too much death and destruction.
* ''[[Cthulhu Tech]]'': A crossover between [[Cosmic Horror Story|H.P. Lovecraft]] and ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' was bound to be pretty hard on everybody -- aneverybody—an ongoing theme of the setting is how the horrible, soul-rending evils wage a tireless war to keep the ''really'' bad stuff at bay. To quote the Corebook's intro fiction: "Some people say war is hell. Well, I've seen Hell. This is worse."
** Basically, the main factions are a police state, a number of secret societies (the Eldritch Society, the Children of Chaos, the Esoteric Order of Dagon), and the Rapine Storm (who are [[Complete Monster|significantly more evil than they sound]]).
* The ''Necessary Evil'' setting for the [[Savage Worlds]] game-line starts out with all the superheroes of the world getting killed by a precision strike by invading aliens. The only ones left to oppose them (the PCs and their allies) are the supervillains.
* ''[[Winterweir]]'' is an Anti-Traditional Fantasy RPG in many respects. As such, the Trow and humans killing each other are more likely to be decent people suffering [[Fantastic Racism]] than not.
* ''[[BattleTech]]'' does this a lot as well. The state usually tagged as the good guy, House Davion, was led for years by the [[Magnificent Bastard]] to end all [[Magnificent Bastard|Magnificent Bastards]]s, Hanse Davion. A man who engineered a massively destructive war and faked the brutal cashiering and disgrace of the son of his best friend and intelligence adviser... all so he could gain revenge on one man. Yet this same state is (almost legitimately) the beacon of freedom and rights in the Inner Sphere.
** Granted, the 'one man' he wanted revenge on was the leader of ''another'' Successor State, who very nearly managed to actually replace Hanse with a brainwashed doppelganger who'd have acted as his willing puppet. All events laid out in the (very early and thus possibly now somewhat obscure) ''[[BattleTech]]'' novel ''The Sword and the Dagger''. Wars ''have'' historically been fought for less...
** Or ComStar, who are shown to be a manipulative and secretive organization, that can easily bring a state to its knees just by shutting off all communications between planets, and which is not above intriguing to keep its own interests secure -- theresecure—there are a few hints that the Succession Wars may well be a [[Xanatos Gambit]] by ComStar intended to preserve its own autonomy and power within the Inner Sphere. At the same time, it is the last holdout for many destroyed technologies that humanity would need to survive and thrive.
* The ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' campaign world ''[[Greyhawk]]'' lives for this trope. The world of Oerth is always on a knife's edge between Law and Chaos, and there is an organization led by Mordenkainen the Mage (who must people will recognize because his name appears on a few spells) that ensures that neither gains ascendancy... by any means necessary. Literally. Mordenkainen, in canon fiction ([[Gary Gygax|Word of Gygax]], however, has it that this wasn't intended originally, had he not been ousted from TSR) will work with the [[Big Bad]] one week, and then lead a group of paladins against him the next... all to keep the balance between Law and Chaos correct.
** So does ''[[Dark Sun]]''. A [[Death World]] reduced to a scorched, mostly lifeless desert of rocks and dust (the ocean has been renamed the Sea of Silt... [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|take a wild guess why they call it that]]), where there isn't one creature (or plant) that isn't dangerous in some way (a sandcrawler looks like an adorable, fluffy, foot-long black furry caterpillar... it uses its cutesy appearance to get close to people, waits until the poor fool falls asleep, then implants its parasitic larvae in their flesh), one of the facts emphasized is that people will do terrible things merely to survive. That this is a [[Justified Trope]] for the setting goes some way towards explaining why it's a [[Crapsack World]].
** [[Forgotten Realms|The city of Neverwinter]], which has its own campaign book as of 4th Edition. Sure, you have the standard [[Obviously Evil]] factions such as the [[Eldritch Abomination|Abolethic Sovereignty]], [[The Necrocracy|Thay]], the [[Religion of Evil|Ashmadai]], and a [[Our Werebeasts Are Different|criminal empire of wererats]], but even the "good" factions don't come off particularly well. [[The Usurper|Lord Dagult Neverember]] is unquestionably helping the city recover after being ravaged by an erupting volcano, but he's a bit of a sleazeball and his reasons for devoting resources and money to the city aren't entirely altruistic. And [[Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters|the Sons of Alagondar]], while certainly well-intentioned in their desire to see Neverwinter back in the hands of its people, are willing to murder, riot and hop into bed with the Dead Rats and Thay in order to see their goals achieved.
** ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' as a whole runs on this beneath the surface, [[Word of God|at least according to Ed Greenwood]]. [ See here.]
* ''[[Exalted]]'', because they wanted any kind of Exalt to be an acceptable player character. Let's see: the Solars used to be the mind-raping fascist overlords of the First Age and were fond of creating and later destroying entire races, the Lunars tend towards the [[Social Darwinist]] end of the scale, the Dragon-Bloods are ruthlessly militaristic tyrants, the Sidereals are [[Manipulative Bastard|Manipulative Bastards]]s, the Abyssals poison the world merely by existing, the Infernals have made deals with [[Eldritch Abomination|Eldritch Abominations]]s to screw up the world as part of a frankly insane plan, and the Alchemicals are the propaganda face of a totalitarian state modelled on ''[[Nineteen Eighty-Four]]''. These guys, even the Infernals, are the ''Grey''. You don't want to know what the Black are like.
** There is a slight distinction in between the Exalted splats that are the Grey when they play ''to'' type, and the ones that are the Grey when they play ''against'' type. For example, while its entirely possible to have an antiheroic Abyssal or Infernal, the default Abyssal is a loyal servant of the Neverborn seeking to bring Oblivion to all that is, and the factory standard Infernal ([[Depending on the Writer]]) is a loyal servant of the Yozis seeking to free their hellish masters plunge Creation into an eternity of ultimate pain. It's the ''rebels'' of those two splats that are the grey.
* Typical for ''[[Kult]]'', except when it's worse.
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* ''[[Legacy of Kain]]'' is the KING of this trope. Your hero is either a [[Heroic Sociopath]] or an [[Unwitting Pawn]] with a habit of [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|screwing everything up]]. Your villain tends to be a corrupt [[Eldritch Abomination]] that would fit in well with H.P. Lovecraft's horrors and all of his minions. Even the Sarafan Brotherhood, a bunch of priests, were noted by Kain as being ignoble in the opening of Soul Reaver 2. The closest thing you get to something RELATIVELY good is [[Last of His Kind|Janos Audron]].
** To put that in context: Janos Auldron is the last of his kind because they began an unprovoked genocidal war at the command of their god, the aforementioned [[Eldritch Abomination]]. Since he was selected as the Reaver Guardian, made Vorador and the Hylden leader in [[Blood Omen 2]] knew him (or at least of him) back then, he was no lowly conscript; he was probably one of the religious officials giving the orders to commit atrocities. The Ancient version of Moebius: Janos still believes in that same god. Then there's the fact he clearly doesn't give a damn about Vorador's victims & those of other vampires (the Sarafan's motivation), and the fact that even though he believes that vampirism is an unholy damnation, he had no problem doing it to a human. And he ''still'' comes across as relatively saintly and his death makes Raziel go on a [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] because fanaticism and sociopathy are the norm in this universe and he's [[The Woobie]].
*** It should be noted that neither Janos nor Moebius realized that the Elder God was just a hungry Eldritch Abomination. He even manages to fool Kain once. The Elder God is [[The Omniscient]] [[Magnificent Bastard]], and pretty much made everyone his [[Unwitting Pawn|Unwitting Pawns]]s till Raziel purified Kain and allowed him to see the Elder God. [[spoiler: Moebius himself is forced to see it, [[My God, What Have I Done?|and is quite horrified]]. Janos even admits that to pass on the curse was horrible, but it was necessary to keep the Hylden at bay. Also, while Raziel's main motivation is vengeance, he comes as more sympathetic and troubled guy as the story goes by. He REALIZES he's an [[Unwitting Pawn]] to everyone, especially the guy who created and burned him, Kain, and in the end is {{spoiler|willing to make a sacrifice of the same vein Kain wasn't willing to(sacrifice yourself to save the world), though in Kain's case, killing himself wouldn't have solved anything}}. The plot is complicated, so it's safe to say everyone's got their Freudian Excuse or has been fooled into being what they are.
*** And let's not forget the Hylden. When you hear their story, you surely pity and root for them. Problem is, after so many eons trapped in the Demon Realm, they've become as genocidal and monstrous as the Ancient Vampires and Sarafans. They engineered Ariel's murder and the Corruption of the Pillars, and it's hinted they would have done it again and succeeded if Kain had sacrificed himself in the first game. In Blood Omen 2, they are revealed to have created a [[Doomsday Device|massive bio-organic superweapon]] [[The Final Solution|to kill every non-Hylden thing on Nosgoth]]. Plus, as {{spoiler|they are secretly controlling the Sarafans}}, their rule is quite the inquisitorial, fascist one.
* The protagonists of ''[[Grand Theft Auto III]]'' and ''[[Grand Theft Auto Vice City|Grand Theft Auto: Vice City]]'' can only be said to be heroes in the sense that they fight against people who are even worse than they are. CJ, from ''[[Grand Theft Auto San Andreas|Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas]]'', on the other hand, has a few genuinely heroic motivations (getting the drug dealers out of his neighborhood, avenging his mother's death, keeping his family and friends safe from harm), but he's still a murdering, thieving gangbanger {{spoiler|who blows up the Hoover Dam.}}
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* Lampshaded in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' by Solid Snake saying ''"I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer hired to do some wetwork."'' The truth is, he's one of the [[Reluctant Warrior|least gung-ho heroes]]. Compared to him most action heroes are [[Blood Knight|reckless bastards]], but he actually feels guilty for all the mooks he killed and does not want other people to admire him for that.
* The Renegade playthrough of ''[[Mass Effect]]'' seems to take this light. While that's not to say there isn't a decent amount of [[Grey and Grey Morality|grey]] in the Paragon playthrough, Shepard and his/her crew are, for the most part, pretty clear-cut good guys. In the Renegade playthrough on the other hand, Shepard is portrayed as a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] [[The Unfettered|who will go to any lengths]] to stop Saren and, later, {{spoiler|Sovereign.}} Though this can be justified by Saren being a [[Complete Monster]], and {{spoiler|Sovereign being an [[Omnicidal Maniac]]}}.
** ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' is basically this trope regardless of paragon or renegade status. Not only does Shepard have to make an alliance with a terrorist group to fight the [[Eldritch Abomination|Reaper]] threat but Shepard's team is made up of [[Vigilante Man|Vigilantes]], [[Knight Templar|Knight Templars]]s, [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|Well-Intentioned Extremists]]s, and other [[Psycho for Hire|ruthless murderers]]. Almost everyone on the team this time around is an [[Anti-Hero]] in some way.
* ''[[Gears of War]]'' starts off like this and falls prey to [[It Got Worse]]. The humans are not portrayed as the nicest guys to start off with, and while Myrrah, the Locust queen, claims at the end of the first game that that the humans have actually done something incredibly horrible in the past -- somethingpast—something that, to the Locust, completely justifies their own war of extermination -- theextermination—the Locust kidnapping of humans expressly for torturing them, as revealed in the second game, gives them absolutely no moral high ground to condemn humanity with. Moreover the COG forces have been intentionally and explicitly designed as [[Putting on the Reich|Space Nazis]]. They even have their own medical concentration camps and they're perfectly willing to stunt the Locust advance by killing the vast majority of their own people with WMDs and preserve the human race by impregnating women against their will.
* During ''[[Modern Warfare]]'', members of your party regularly engage in torture, one murders an unarmed man tied to a chair, and another holds an ally over a ledge with the full intent to drop him. By the next game, your party gets even more ruthless, at one point (implicitly) interrogating someone with electricity. When playing as an American going undercover, {{spoiler|you're forced to gun down an entire airport full of civilians.}} {{spoiler|However, you were playing directly into the [[Big Bad]]'s hands with that one.}} By the end of the second act, {{spoiler|Capt. Price, your team leader, launches a nuclear warhead at the United States, nullifying all technology on the East Coast.}} And by the end of the game, {{spoiler|Soap, your character, and Price have become fugitives with only one intent in mind: kill the bastard who set them up, and fucked over world history in a big way.}} There is no question, however, that these men are infinitely more heroic than [[Chaotic Evil|the people]] [[Complete Monster|they fight]].
* ''[[Supreme Commander]]'' falls squarely into this mindset-- themindset—the United Earth Federation, Cybran Nation, Aeon Illuminate, and Seraphim can and do make extremely good cases for why the other three are villains worthy only of annihilation. The Cybrans are the least-black of the factions, but it does basically boil down to what you view as the least evil: [[The Empire]], [[La Résistance]] with a bad case of [[The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized]] and [[We ARE Struggling Together!]], a [[Church Militant]], or the local [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens]].
* A similar setup was used in the sadly defunct MMORPG ''[[Auto Assault]]'' with the Humans, Mutants, and Biomeks. Each faction had reasons for wanting the other two dead, although the Humans may have been the biggest bastards of the bunch depending on how justified you think their desperate measures to protect their own existence were.
* In both ''[[Fable (video game series)|Fable]]'' games, you can be as evil as they come, and still be expected to defeat the [[Big Bad]]. Thus, making you the Black, and Jack/Lucien the Gray.
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* ''[[Blaz Blue]]'' features ''very'' few unambiguously good characters.
** On the side of the villains, we have the [[Organization Index|Novis Orbus Librarium, (NOL, the "Library" for short)]], [[The Empire|an oppressive, all-powerful organization]] ruled by the menacing, unseen Imperator. Although the institution itself is gray when it comes to morality (in fact, it's a neccessary case of [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]), and there are good people in it, its enforcers include; [[Big Bad|Hazama/Yuuki Terumi]], a [[Complete Monster]] [[Troll]] who has [[Magnificent Bastard|meticiously planned]], [[The Chessmaster|manitulated others into]], [[Moral Event Horizon|outright caused]], or is in some other way related to almost every single bad thing that has happened in the [[Blaz Blue]] verse, all of it strictly [[For the Evulz]]. Then there's Relius Clover, another [[Complete Monster]] who transformed his innocent wife and daughter into weapons using alchemy. And finally, there's Jin Kisaragi, who's [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|a total]] [[Jerkass|dick]] to everyone he meets and has [[Ax Crazy]] [[Yandere (disambiguation)]] tendencies towards his brother, Ragna. {{spoiler|(He does get better later on and ends up [[Heel Face Turn|siding with the good guys.]], but he's still a [[Good Is Not Nice|dick, but at least he's not a total one anymore]])}}.
** On the side of the heroes, we have the aforementioned [[Anti-Hero|Ragna]] [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|the Bloodedge]], a ruthless [[One-Man Army]] who's on a quest to take down the NOL and all its personell, [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s and [[Punch Clock Villain|Punch Clock Villains]]s alike, by any means necessary. And not because of any greater, idealistic purposes, like peace or freedom, either, but simply because Hazama royally fucked up his life. Believe it or not, he's one of the ''less'' ambiguously [[Good Is Not Nice|heroic people in this game]]. Also on the supposed good side, we have Sector Seven, who are also opposed to the NOL, but only as far as '[[Somebody Else's Problem|We're not listening to you]]', and have [[Kick the Dog|kicked many dogs]] in whatever they do. Of particular note are the actions of Kokonoe, who is so crazed in her pursuit of revenge against Terumi, she is fully prepared to {{spoiler|[[Nuke'Em|nuke Kagutsuchi]]}} should her plan to use [[The Woobie|Lambda]] as a vehicle for her revenge go awry. Also helping Ragna is the vampire Rachel Alucard and her butler Valkenhayn R. Hellsing. She had the best intention, but not only she is a bit lazy to take actions (she's not allowed to, but lately, she got better), she's just very haughty and full of disdains, and seemingly no better than Terumi in making nearly everyone pawns for her speed chess with Terumi. Valkenhayn used to be one of the world-saving Heroes, but his utter loyalty to Rachel made him look like a [[Yes-Man]] to her. To note: They're not exactly united greatly.
** So, um, in that case how about [[Taking a Third Option]]? Maybe there's some unaligned people who CAN be accounted to be good. Well, first off there's the bounty hunter Carl Clover, who, deep down is a sweet boy, but thanks to Relius' (his father) atrocity, he has no qualms of murdering you while still acting polite if he wants any information from you. Hakumen is an unflappable [[Badass]] who is damn effective at leaving a trail of pain in his wake, and one of the few who can force ''Relius'' to bail from his mere presence... except he believes the only way to save the world from destruction is to mow down both Ragna and Terumi, and then go burn this world for he thinks it's been too corrupted and the only way is to restart the world anew, [[Knight Templar|and he is not open to alternatives whatsoever]]. Moving on from that, there's Litchi Faye-Ling. She's motherly, caring and compassionate and at least cares for the normal townspeople. But then, this is a case where her [[Love Martyr]]-ism is cruelly manipulated by Hazama to the point that she's right now siding the NOL to save her 'beloved' and herself. Said 'beloved'? Arakune, your resident [[Eldritch Abomination]] who'll eat you if he finds you tasty. And what of his human self that Litchi loved? Lotte Carmine, a glory-seeker, fame-hunting scientist who's just in Sector Seven for his own glory, not helped with his inferiority complex against Kokonoe. There's also Makoto, who is roughly Litchi's equal in terms of [[Blaz Blue]] goodness. She's kind, friendly, caring and compassionate to pretty much everyone, but if you [[Berserk Button|make the mistake of threatening her friends]], she'll [[Beware the Nice Ones|hunt you down and]] [[Good Is Not Soft|pound you into hamburger]]. Also, [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]] is game for her, if it'll lead to that. So yeah, I think your only hope for straight morally-white characters in this game are [[Catgirl|Taokaka]] and [[Highly-Visible Ninja|Bang Shishigami]]. They both have good hearts and goals, and they're not quite broken yet... wait, they're the designated [[Joke Character|Joke Characters]]s of the series? Well, [[Precision F-Strike|fuck]].
* In ''[[Warcraft III]]'' the factions ranged from genocidal (Undead) all the way to willing to let everyone die out of sheer prickishness (Night Elves). [[World of Warcraft]] turns around and averts this with Tirion Fordring. Despite the questlines in Northrend which appear to be arguing that good people must sometimes do bad things, the only man who keeps his hands clean [[Curb Stomp Battle|melts the face off the Lich King]] every time they meet.
* ''[[Prototype (video game)|Prototype]]'' doesn't really have any heroes. Correction, it ''really'' doesn't have any heroes. Take your pick: zombie mutants controlled by a psychotic girl, soldiers who are more concerned with destroying evidence than protecting anybody, or a main character who is out for revenge, is a self-proclaimed terrorist, and has absolutely no qualms with tearing innocent people to shreds and eating their insides to heal? (He gets a conscience later on, but still.) Sure, there's the Marines [[Punch Clock Villain|who only want to save people and destroy the main character and zombie mutant side because they're eating people]], Dr. Ragland and Dana Mercer, but it doesn't change the fact that the fate of the city lies in the hands of a man-eating mutant monstrosity.
* The ''[[Earth 2150|Earth]]'' RTS series. The Eurasian Dynasty is [[The Empire]], combining the worst aspects of Soviet Russia and the Mongolian Khanate. Against them in ''Earth 2140'' are the UCS -- aUCS—a group of lazy hedonists completely dependent on machines for labor. Sequel ''[[Earth 2150]]'' introduces the Lunar Corporation, who start off as [[A Lighter Shade of Grey]]... but get worse ''fast'' due to actually having to participate in the war. By ''Earth 2160'', they're confirmed to be working on chemical weapons.
* ''[[Geneforge]]'' approaches into this after the well-intentioned, hopelessly naive Awakened are [[Multiple Endings|canonically]] exterminated in the second game, and falls headlong into it by game five. The funny thing, though, is that every faction except game two's [[Take Over the World|Barzites]] has some people arguing (occasionally [[Flame War|vehemently]]) that it's the grey to everyone else's black. In general, [[Team Switzerland|Astoria]] and [[The Magocracy|Alwan]] have the most supporters, but even [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|Taygen]] has been argued to be the lesser evil.
* The hero of ''[[Dragon Age]]: Origins'' is a member of the Grey Wardens, an order of warriors, rogues and mages dedicated to battling the darkspawn. The latter is a race of [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil]] monsters who would destroy the entire world if given the chance. The Grey Wardens enlist anyone strong enough to battle the darkspawn, which can include street thugs, bandits, assassins and even [[Blood Magic|blood mages]]. They can also forcibly conscript anyone they want into the order, which may be how you were chosen as a candidate. When you ask Alistair if the Grey Wardens are heroes, he tells you that the Grey Wardens do whatever is necessary to end the Blight, which can mean some pretty extreme things. You can be a total bastard in this game, but you will still be fighting to save the world.
** Many of the quests in the game force you to make a [[Sadistic Choice]], such as {{spoiler|the ending of the Redcliffe castle quest. You have a choice between killing the Arl's son because he's possessed by a Demon or sacrificing the Arl's wife with [[Blood Magic]] (which is illegal) so you or another mage in your party can go into the Fade and destroy the Demon, leaving the child unharmed. And it's really not clear which of these options is ''worse''. You can't win, as the morally correct characters disapprove either way.}}
*** Or, you could [[Take a Third Option]] and get help from the Circle of Mages, allowing you to destroy the demon without needing to sacrifice someone. And while the third option indeed seems to be the "best" way to solve the problem, technically it does involve {{spoiler|leaving the Redcliffe villagers to fend for themselves at the mercy of the abomination that's been terrorizing them while you go off and solve the Circle's problems - a detail that seems to have been glossed over, especially since it's something that should have been available to justify your choice to Alistair, for example.}} {{spoiler|This is, of course, assuming you didn't [[Video Game Cruelty Punishment|slaughter the Circle.]] Then you're stuck.}}
* Like its predecessor, ''[[Dragon Age II]]'' also has very little "purely good" characters and choices. Which of the many sides of Kirkwall are Black and which are merely Gray is a bit up in the air, depending on one's interpretation--theinterpretation—the [[Knight Templar|Templars]] are on paper tasked with stopping mages who consort with demons from harming innocent people, in practice they believe that apparently any mage is only a moment's temptation away from throwing everything away and summoning demons to slaughter their neighbors and crack down ''harshly'' on any mage suspected of not toeing the line, hitting them with either death or [[Fate Worse Than Death|Tranquility]]. Meanwhile the mages are visibly cracking under the strain of dealing with the Templars, many of them resorting to [[Blood Magic]] out of either desperation or building resentment and hate towards the Templars. The Chantry (i.e. the Church) tries to mediate between the two, in addition to the standardly churchly things of charity of various sorts--butsorts—but this is undermined by the Templars being an actual branch of the Chantry, as well as the Chantry opposition to the Qunari living in Kirkwall. The Qunari, meanwhile, are terrifying fighters {{spoiler|who sack the city pretty thoroughly halfway through the game}}...after suffering repeated insults such as rampant racism, ill treatment by the ruling class, and high-ranking Chantry elements torturing and murdering innocent Qunari for no other reason than being Qunari and refusal of anyone in charge to do anything about it--youit—you know, things they cannot be reasonably expected to to take lying down. Then there's the elves, the rich/poor divide in the city--thecity—the short version is that in ''Dragon Age II'', '''no one''' comes out smelling like roses.
* In ''[[Shadow the Hedgehog]]'', certain missions allow you only to align yourself with the Black Arms (Black) as your villain option or Doctor Eggman (Grey) as your hero option. Then of course, you can go neutral, killing everyone.
* ''[[Total Annihilation]]'' is a galaxy spanning war-game about two factions that have ultimately desecrated and destroyed all of the principals they once fought for over an obsessive determination to totally annihilate their enemy.
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* ''[[Splinter Cell]]: Conviction'' seems to be headed this way.
* The ''[[Elder Scrolls]]'' series, particularly ''Daggerfall''. Daggerfall's king {{spoiler|[[Wild Mass Guessing|may have]] helped sell-out his own father to a power-hungry lord from Wayrest}}, Sentinel's king and queen {{spoiler|[[Complete Monster|killed their firstborn son (by burying him alive)]] because he A) was constantly ill, and B) preferred scholarly pursuits over swordcraft}}, and Wayrest...just Wayrest. Oh, yeah, there's a quest where {{spoiler|you kill a kid}} to cure yourself of Lycanthropy.
* In ''[[Risen]]'', after the prologue, you must align with one of two factions to progress further. One is a group of fanatical, fascist [[Knight Templar|Knight Templars]]s, and the other is a clan of brutal, unscrupulous bandits.
* In the ''Overlord'' series of games, you play a [[Card-Carrying Villain|stereotypical]] [[Evil Overlord]] in a world where you face foes who are arguably worse due to their extreme cruelty and corruption while maintaining that they're the good ones. In ''[[Overlord II]]'', you embark on a campaign to conquer a corrupt Romanesque empire which advertises itself as a beacon of civilization, yet is run by fat morally bankrupt beaurocrats who practice slavery , execute all dissenters, and enjoy ethnic cleansing against any magical creature or suspected magic user. It's even worse when you discover that {{spoiler|the emperor founded the empire with the support of the common folk by promising to destroy all magic (and following through on that promise) after he himself secretly caused a magical cataclysm which caused all the suffering of the common folk in the first place.}} Compared to that, everything you do in the game is positively heroic, even the destruction/enslavement of the all the "innocent" people, all of whom are nasty, selfish, racist and morally repugnant anyway. In fact as the Overlord, you are the only one who displays any virtue of goodness; at least you're honest about your intentions compared to everyone you end up facing.
* In the abandonware game ''Hidden Agenda'', if you side with the right-wing professional army, they will run death squads and engage in massive brutality. If you side with the left-wing ex-gurellias, all they do is "merely" beat people up and harrass opponents.
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* Very present in the German RPG-Maker Game [[Vampires Dawn]]. The fact that you're playing a vampire should already give you a hint. While it is perfectly possible to play a noble kind of vampire who doesn't feed on humans or does worse to them, the technical leader of our [[Power Trio]] is not [[The Hero]], but the [[Token Evil Teammate]], who revels in being a vampire. Therefore, you will still be doing some morally questionable things, like killing the nation's King or sucking up souls for extra strength. In the second game, our heroes are engaged in a three-way battle with the [[Complete Monster]] Elras Mages and the heroic, but flawed Warrior Clan, and slaughter both indiscriminately.
* The protagonists in the ''[[Assassin's Creed]]'' series are members of an ancient [[Murder, Inc.|Assassin Order]] that routinely works with [[Private Military Contractors|mercenaries]], [[Thieves' Guild|thieves]] and [[The Oldest Profession|courtesans]] to kill their targets. Said targets are usually members or associates of the [[Knight Templar|Templars]], a shadowy group that counts nearly every prominent historical figure (from [[The Bible|Cain]] to [[The Borgias|Pope Alexander VI]] to [[Adolf Hitler]] to ''[[Mahatma Gandhi]]'') as members that have been secretly guiding humanity since the dawn of civilisation, with the ultimate goal of controlling the entire human race via the removal of [[The Evils of Free Will|free will.]] With only a handful of [[John F. Kennedy|notable aversions]], they're all [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters.]]
*** Then again, some of Abstergo files in Assassin's Creed Revelations seem to suggest the Templars took a bad turn [[Even Evil Has Standards|even for their regular standards]] during Renaissance, as the Borgias and their allies were more interested in personal ambition and profit than creating a better world, and most of them were part of [[Corrupt Church|corrupt cleric]] and [[Aristocrats Are Evil|greedy aristocrats]]. The Templars from the Crusades were all, except for [[Complete Monster|Majd Addin]], interested in actually stopping the crusades and bringing peace to the Holy Land. Most of their amoral actions are based on the idea that there is no God or Afterlife, {{spoiler|as the Pieces of Eden were instruments from an ancient civilization to create and manipulate mankind as a slave race}}, which they use as justification to [[Utopia Justifies the Means|create a better world, no matter how cruel they must be]]. Abstergo seems to follow this same line of thought, along with a hinted goal of {{spoiler|evolving humanity to a stage similar to Those Who Came Before.}} It's safer to say they think they're [[Necessarily Evil]] and have good intentions, with just some of their members actually being [[Complete Monster|Complete Monsters]]s, since they don't hold many hiring moral standards.
* ''[[Alpha Protocol]]''. You work for a shady, accountability-free government agency that 'recruit' you by kidnapping you {{spoiler|and are secretly collaborating with the [[Big Bad]] to escalate global politics for money}}. Your enemies include a [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]], a [[Captain Ersatz]] of Osama Bin Laden, a psychopathic torturing gangster, and an ex-rogue agent who takes hostages and blows up museums because it's his job to do so. It speaks volumes that the only person who doesn't openly mislead, lie to or manipulate you is the game's [[Heroic Sociopath]], who's only in it to hurt people you point him at.
* ''[[X (video game)|X3 Albion Prelude]]'' takes a dive towards this. One side is the technologically superior Terrans (Earth system) who are isolationist, paranoid, and deathly afraid of artificially intelligent ships, and the other side is the Argon Federation, the [[Lost Colony]] of Earth, who have no trouble with AI ships. Because the Terrans were moving their fleet around to investigate rumors of AI development, the Argon blow up the ''massive'' defense station / shipyard / factory / civilian station that is wrapped around Earth, killing tens of millions in an instant (and [[Colony Drop|then the wreckage falls to Earth]]), then launching millions of AI ships in a quest to wipe out the entire Terran military.
* ''[[Evil Islands]]'', Zak falls into the [[Anti-Hero]] trope, and while the Khadaganian empire is undoubtedly evil, the Canian empire is not much better.
* ''[[Skyrim]]'' is filled with [[Black and Grey Morality]], along with [[Gray and Grey Morality]] and sometimes outright [[Evil Versus Evil]]. The [[Big Bad]] of the game is a [[Your Soul Is Mine|soul-eating]] [[Omnicidal Maniac]], and the [[Player Character|Dragonborn]] can be a ''real'' bastard too; you can {{spoiler|steal other people's things, rebuild the [[Psycho for Hire|Dark Brotherhood]] to it's former glory, murder the Emperor, trap people's souls to power your weapons, and torture people}}, and your mentor Paarthurnax {{spoiler|[[Alternate Character Interpretation|may or may not]] be a patient [[The Starscream|Starscream]] with a [[Meaningful Name]]}}. There's also the Civil War sidequest. One side is an iron-fisted but [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|well-intentioned]] [[Vestigial Empire]] that goes around executing innocent people because there may be a ''slight possibility'' that they are members of a rebel group that fights them (read: your first encounter with this faction ends up with you almost getting a [[Off with His Head|discount haircut]], even though you're ''proven to be nothing more than an innocent bystander who was in the wrong place at the wrong time'', the commander in charge '''''[[Kick the Dog|orders you to be killed anyway]]'''''), and may or may not be happy to [[Stupid Surrender|cozy up]] to a faction made up entirely of [[Complete Monster|genocidal fascists]]. The other is a group of bull-headed [[Fantastic Racism|racist]] rebels who are led by a guy who's either a revolutionary war hero, a [[Stupid Good]] freedom-fighter who [[Unwitting Pawn|doesn't fully grasp the consequences of his actions]], or a power-hungry tyrant who seized power due to a [[Klingon Promotion]]. Their mutual opposition? A faction of [[Guilt-Free Extermination War|genocidal]] [[A Nazi by Any Other Name|Nazi]] [[Can't Argue with Elves|High Elf supremacists]] who are plotting to [[Kill All Humans]] and destroy the world. [[Crapsack World|Things have]] '''really''' [[Darker and Edgier|gone to shit since]] [[Oblivion]].
* ''[[No More Heroes]]''. The name says it all. The game series is severely lacking in any truly moral characters, with the main character Travis being a [[A Loser Is You|loser]] and [[Anti-Hero]] who mostly kills simply under the the promise of getting sex with the beautiful young lady who arranges the fights and to get enough money to pay of his rent. And while he does have some morals keeping him at a rather light shade of grey, the other assassins he has to face range from [[Tragic Villain|Tragic Villains]]s forced into the line of work due to circumstances, to [[Axe Crazy|complete psychopaths]]. {{spoiler|Subverted at the end of the second game, though, when Travis vows to destroy the UAA after seeing how many lives it has destroyed}}.
* Despite the series having a huge amount of humor [[Kid Icarus: Uprising]] ends up falling in this category. You have the Underworld army that is clearly evil and then you have the forces of nature that want to destroy humanity for destroying nature, the auron army that take planets and make a civilization from them, and space pirates that are just looting treasure. They're all in the grey zone as they all have good reasons for causing harm. Angel Land and humans are also not immune as [[Troll|Palutena]] is shown to not be the [[Good Is Not Nice|nicest Goddess]] alive as Pit makes her out to be and [[Humans Are Bastards]] in this game. Pit is the only character in the entire game that is shown to be the morally good person (white) of the series with his [[Evil Twin]] {{spoiler|(and even that is subverted near the end when he becomes almost as good as Pit)}} Dark Pit being the second given Pit's status as the [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]] made him neutral at worse.
* The main plot of ''[[Book of Mages the Dark Times]]'' consists of a struggle between the White Robes and Black Robes. The [[Praetorian Guard|Black Robes]] are exactly what you would expect; the best of them are either [[Punch Clock Villain|Punch Clock Villains]]s or fitted with an [[Explosive Leash]], while the willing members are tyrannical villains. {{spoiler|The Great Mage is actually an [[Anti-Villain]] who wants to become a [[Retired Monster]], but he's also guaranteed to die before the end game.}} The [[La Résistance|White Robes]], however, are willing to commit some questionable deeds to accomplish their goals, including attempting to rig a mage tournament to prevent a Black Robe from taking the top spot, and while most of their members are fairly light grey, {{spoiler|Flamier}} is only in it for personal power, and the White Robe PC can {{spoiler|cause a [[Full-Circle Revolution]] and oppress the other mages every bit as thoroughly as the Black Robes' Great Mage did.}} Meanwhile, neutral mages generally don't care about morality one way or the other; they only care that the Great Mage is elected [[Asskicking Equals Authority|according to the rules]], and whether the Great Mage is good or evil is irrelevant to them.
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Looking for Group]]'' has elements of this. While [[The Empire|Legaria]] is definitely portrayed as villainous, the heroes aren't very nice people themselves. Especially [[Token Evil Teammate|Richard]].
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'', certainly. There aren't a lot of well-paying jobs the "heroes" won't take, and those are generally due to personal grudges rather than morals. That said, they never come off as [[Villain Protagonist|Villain Protagonists]]s; in nearly every storyline, following the money either puts them on the most sympathetic side surrounded by state-sponsored ideologues, or they managed to find a way to fulfill their contract without doing anything ''too'' bad. Or, sometimes, finding some way to get hired by someone else to take out their bad boss at the same time. They consider those the best days.
* The Baker Street Irregulars of ''[[Mayonaka Densha]]'', while not consisting of bad people per se, aren't above killing their enemies or breaking into peoples homes in the name of justice. And the villain, {{spoiler|[[Jack the Ripper]] for some odd reason seems averse to actually killing them}}. This is even lampshaded by Hatsune at one point.
{{quote|"You know, for the quote unqoute good guys we sure do...break into a lot of places"}}
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** Best demonstrated [ here], with what the Light Warriors planned to do once their mission was accomplished.
* The various groups in ''[[Cry Havoc]]'' are black and grey, the mercenaries kill for money with even the most moral of them shooting fallen enemies, while the deamons they battle are trying to escape their morality by slaying the mercenaries, the werewolves are also trying to survive, even if they destroy the human race in the process.
* Pretty much everyone in ''[[Ansem Retort]]'' is either completely evil, or somewhat good but has something keeping them from being completely white. Case in point: Namine, who tries to be the moral voice of authority, but is part of Zexion's administration (which has no less than five sex scandals, at least one Namine ''arranged'', and three murder scandals) and occasionally does drugs. She is also still dicking around with Sora's memory, further removing her from the moral high ground-- andground—and ensuring that ''his'' moral high ground stays happily in [[Cloudcuckoolander|Cloud Cuckoo Land]], where it can't affect anyone else and is effectively neutralized. Anyone that could be considered 'white' usually ends up killed. Or, like Sora, incapacitated.
* ''[[Girl Genius]]'' is an example, albeit not a perfect one as the core conflict that's driven the story so far, Agatha vs. Klaus, is [[Grey and Gray Morality]]. However, ''aside'' from Team Agatha, Team Klaus, and Othar, most of the factions that have gotten into the game are evil to a lesser or greater extent. And then there's [[Big Bad|the Other]].
* ''[[Suicide for Hire]]''. ''Nobody'' in this world is nice, and those that are die horribly. So, for that matter, do the ones that aren't.
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* The ''[[SCP Foundation]]'' is an organization that captures supernatural entities (terrible monsters and mere abnormal humans alike) and keeps them imprisoned, doing research on them. Also they use convicted felons (or innocents, in times of duress) to do the dangerous labours and conduct lethal experiments. The whole D-Class-Staff is killed and replaced every month or so. However, all this is just for security, to keep the unspeakable horrors they have captured inside their confinements.
* This is one of the primary themes of ''[[Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog]]'': The [[Villain Protagonist|protagonist is the villain]], who wants to [[Take Over the World]] so he can [[Well-Intentioned Extremist|put an end to all of its pain and misery]]; the [[Hero Antagonist|hero is the antagonist]], who uses his [[Smug Super|powers]] to [[Jerk Jock|bully]] everyone into conforming to his notion of what a True Hero should be like; and the only truly good character gets killed.
* The point-and-click RPG ''[ Echo Bazaar.]'' Whatever path you take, you'll eventually end up housebreaking, spying for mysterious and unpleasant foreign powers, bullying families for protection money, or sending pickpockets to the gallows.<ref>And that's if you're ''nice''.</ref>. This is, of course, [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|hugely entertaining]].
* In [[Strange Little Band]] the protagonists are thoroughly unpleasant people and almost seem like [[Villain Protagonist|Villain Protagonists]]s. Then you meet the Antagonists, and you realize who the "heroes" are.
* In ''[[The Insane Quest]]'', it quickly becomes apparent that the members of Smoosh are not so much heroes as they are bystanders caught in the middle of a petty fight between two selfish gods. While their enemy, Segami, destroys planets, harms innocents and causes mayhem to accomplish his goals, their leader, Nintendoki...[[Not So Different|destroys planets, harms innocents and causes mayhem to accomplish his goals.]] The only real thing that sets Smoosh apart from their enemies is the fact that they realize when Nintendoki is telling them to do something wrong.
* In the [[Alternate History]].Com timeline ''[[Reds!]]'', the UASR is presented in a more positive light than most of the other governments of the time, but it is far from perfect. Amongst its abuses include the setting up of kangaroo courts and the execution of potentially innocent civilians (though nowhere near on the scale of Stalinist Russia).
