Black and Gray Morality: Difference between revisions

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* The [[Homeworld]] series plays into this somewhat. By the time the player is controlling them, the Kushan seem to be the [[The Woobie|punching bag]] of the galaxy. As the backstory is revealed, however, it's shown the Hiigarans {{spoiler|broke several treaties, attempted to conquer everything, attacked plenty unprovoked, and misused the Hyperspace Drive to attack large swaths of the galaxy}}. They could well have been a Big Bad in a prequel game. It's no real wonder they were smacked down like they were.
** There's also one portion in the game where a captured enemy captain died under interrogation. This is no Starfleet Command we're working with.
*** In their defense, the enemy captain had just destroyed their home planet and killed 99.9999+% of their entire race. That is a set of circumstances that has demonstrably driven ''Vulcans'' to attempt cold-blooded murder.
* Lampshaded in ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'' by Solid Snake saying ''"I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer hired to do some wetwork."'' The truth is, he's one of the [[Reluctant Warrior|least gung-ho heroes]]. Compared to him most action heroes are [[Blood Knight|reckless bastards]], but he actually feels guilty for all the mooks he killed and does not want other people to admire him for that.
* The Renegade playthrough of ''[[Mass Effect]]'' seems to take this light. While that's not to say there isn't a decent amount of [[Grey and Grey Morality|grey]] in the Paragon playthrough, Shepard and his/her crew are, for the most part, pretty clear-cut good guys. In the Renegade playthrough on the other hand, Shepard is portrayed as a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] [[The Unfettered|who will go to any lengths]] to stop Saren and, later, {{spoiler|Sovereign.}} Though this can be justified by Saren being a [[Complete Monster]], and {{spoiler|Sovereign being an [[Omnicidal Maniac]]}}.