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*** And then they themselves were brought down by Chernobyl and the impossibility of covering it up (although they tried).
*** Not exactly, the [[wikipedia:Chernobyl|collapse of the Soviet Union]] wasn't from Chernobyl alone, it was a multi-faceted situation involving many different elements. Economic collapse looms largest amongst these causes, as they took Reagan's bait and engaged in a major arms race while fighting a major war in Afghanistan, something their economy couldn't afford. Meanwhile, Gorbachev's attempt to liberalize their political system (Glasnost and Peristroika) led to increasing unrest and ethnic disputes that they simply did not have the military manpower available to shut down with force as they'd done for forty years, nor the desire as it was antithetical to the whole notion of Glasnost and Peristroika to begin with. The increasing unrest and apparent failure of Glasnost and Peristroika led to an attempted military coup, which failed. However, it paved the way for the various outlying republics to lose confidence in the central government, particularly given that the central government was resorting to heavy taxation of these provinces to pay for everything in the economic downturn. They began declaring their indepencence, and suddenly, the USSR was no more. Chernobyl, though a tremendous disaster, was not the largest element precipitating the crisis, merely [[Goddamned Bats|one of many]].
* People with certain kinds of psychological disorders and conditions, like autism. Some of these are usually considered amoral, or lack of a recognition of morality; however there are people like this who hate things that are absolutely normal, accept things that most people disdain, judge other people by things that are usually not associated with morality, and - even for the high-functioning ones who can brute-force through rote memorisation their way into faking normality - simply cannot understand the connotations, insinuations, hidden meanings and unwritten rules that neurotypicals operate under and find obvious.
* This argument is occasionally used to justify (although not necessarily ''defend'') questionable business practices—why should a corporation operate based on ethics similar to interpersonal relationships when it only exists to make money as efficiently as possible?
* The codes of conduct held by various established organised crime - as opposed to [[Obviously Evil]] street thug gangs - and esoteric groups can often be incomprehensible to "outsiders".