Boardwalk Empire/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Absentee Actor]]: Notably, only Steve Buscemi has appeared in every episode of the series. Unsurprisingly for a show that spans so many locations and features so many regulars it is not uncommon for actors to not appear in some episodes:
** Chalky and Al Capone appear in about half the episodes in most seasons though Chalky, because of his popularity with the fans, gets a big boost in Season 4 where he is basically the second lead and appears in more episodes than anybody besides Nucky.
** Van Alden goes from appearing in all but one episode of Season 1 to appearing in a mere five episodes in Season 3.
** In Season 4, Margaret is entirely gone for the first 5 episodes and appears in a scant 4 episodes afterwards. Lucky Luciano also only appears in 4 episodes.
* [[Actor Allusion]]: Harry takes Nucky to golf in "Gimcrack & Bunkum" (Harry's actor Christopher McDonald played the bad guy in ''[[Happy Gilmore]]'').
* [[Cast the Expert]]: Margot Bingham (Daughter Maitland) is a Broadway singer in real life.