Boardwalk Empire/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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** Perennial bed-wetter Michael Pitt as certified hard-ass Jimmy Darmody.
** Jim True-Frost as the most famous no-nonsense cop in history Eliot Ness is hilarious to anyone who remembers him as the perpetual screw-up Roland Pryzbylewski on ''[[The Wire]]''.
* [[Throw It In]]: Jack Huston came up with Harrow's guttural voice himself, using [[Marlon Brando]]'s cotton-in-the-mouth trick from ''[[The Godfather]]''.
* [[What Could Have Been]]:
** The first casting calls for Season 1 called for the introduction in the season finale of "Declan", Margaret's long estranged brother who was now linked to the [[The Troubles|IRA]]. Instead, Season 2 divided this character and introduced separately Margaret's brother Eamonn, a Brooklyn subway-digger with no interest in politics, and Owen, an IRA enforcer completely unrelated to Margaret.