Boomerang Bigot: Difference between revisions

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If done poorly, this trope can lead to [[Unfortunate Implications]], such as that being bigoted is okay as long as it's self-loathing bigotry or that a person must be prejudiced in the "right" way - otherwise they'll be a [[Category Traitor]].
A supertrope of [[Misanthrope Supreme]]. Also see [[Noble Bigot]], [[Pretend Prejudice]], [[Cultural Cringe]], [[Hunter of His Own Kind]], [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]], [[Some of My Best Friends Are X]], [[Fox News Liberal]], [[Cultural Cringe]], [[Internalized Categorism]], [[N-Word Privileges]], and [[Female Misogynist]]. [[Gayngst]] and [[Armoured Closet Gay]] are related tropes for self-hating gays and lesbians, and [[Effeminate Misogynistic Guy]] for a less direct form of boomerang-bigotry. See also [[Self-Deprecation]].
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* Legendary chess player Bobby Fischer was very anti-Semitic, even though his mother was Jewish, and thus was Jewish under Jewish law.
* Anyone [[Cultural Cringe|cynical enough about their own country]] (countrymen, specifically) will probably start becoming this. c.f. page quote.
** For that matter, [[Misanthrope Supreme|anyone]] who believes [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]].
* In sociology and psychology, this is called "[[Internalized Categorism|internalized oppression]]" - where a member of a group comes to believe stereotypes about their own group. They may believe themselves to be an exception to the stereotypes, or they may hate their own group as a result.
** There's also "degreeism," where people of an oppressed group rank themselves by how closely they approach the oppressor group. For example, a masculine [[Invisible to Gaydar]] might hold consider himself above a more obvious [[Drag Queen]] or [[Leather Man]], or a highly Europeanized member of a colonized society might consider himself more "civilized" than his more traditional neighbors, etc.