Boy Meets World: Difference between revisions

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[[File:boymeetsworld.jpg|frame| [[Ensemble Darkhorse|Oddly enough]] [[The Woobie|that's Shawn,]] not Cory, taking center stage.]]
This [[Sitcom]] on [[ABC]] followed the main character, Cory Matthews, from middle school, to [[High School]], to [[California University|University]], and to marriage. It includes a lot of [[Lampshade Hanging]] and [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|fourth-wall breaching]]. It lasted from September, 1993 to May, 2000. Afor a total of 158 episodes in seven seasons.
Cory Matthews is the middle child of a typical suburban family. His parents bicker, but are generally [[Happily Married]]. His older brother Eric is at best a [[Seinfeld|mimbo]] and at worst a raging idiot, while his sister Morgan is... well, hardly touched upon. But the show's not really about her, so that's fine. Cory's best friend, Shawn, lives in a trailer park and has eternal problems with his father. Living next door to the Matthews is Cory's teacher Mr. Feeny, always there to spout wisdom to Cory, Eric, his parents, or whoever else might need it. Rounding out the regular cast is Topanga. Originally a free-spirited [[Granola Girl]] in Cory's class, she develops into his nerdy love interest and eventual wife.
The show added several more characters to the main cast as it went along, including [[Cool Teacher]] Mr. Turner (who later [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome|disappeared]]), Shawn's [[Long-Lost Relative|long-lost half-brother]] Jack, who becomes [[Heterosexual Life Partners|Eric's best friend,]] Shawn's first long-term girlfriend Angela, and Eric and Jack's roommate Rachel.
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In 2014, the [[Disney Channel]] began broadcasting a sequel series, ''[[Girl Meets World (TV)|Girl Meets World]]'', which focuses on the adventures of Cory and Topanga's [[Spin Offspring|daughter Riley]].
= The show provides examples of =
== Tropes A-L ==
* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: Minkus for Topanga in season one.