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{{quote|"The point is, if we can store music on a compact disc, why can't we store a man's intelligence and personality on one? So, I have the engineers figuring that one out now. "|'''[[Portal 2|Cave Johnson]]'''}}
|'''[[Portal 2|Cave Johnson]]'''}}
Artificial intelligence is hard. Why reinvent the wheel, when you've got plenty of humans walking around? Who will miss one, right?
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{{examples|...Although that won't stop us from adding our own}}
== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Galaxy Express 999]]'' has a couple of instances of a gigantic supercomputer being used to simulate the brain of a deceased human. Whether the series' main antagonists, the "Machine-Humans", also qualify or are simply disembodied human brains inhabiting robotic shells is not made clear.
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** In one of the ''Stand Alone Complex'' episodes this golden rule gets oddly broken, when a disappointed indie movie director makes a perfect movie inside his [[Brain In a Jar|disembodied cyberbrain]], which caused people who connected themselves to it to lose themselves in the movie and become comatose in reality. Just how this could be possible when a brain should only be able to host one Ghost, and it's impossible for a Ghost to leave its original "data-storage" without highly specialized equipment as described above, is never explained. It's more likely that they're not entering that brain, rather just viewing particular data and encountering something not unlike the Individual Eleven meme.
** The second feature film, ''Innocence'', features a multitude of ghost-dubbed dolls manipulated for the purpose of freeing the enslaved children used to dub them. It raises the question of whether, being imparted with some aspect of human consciousness, the dubbed dolls cannot be considered alive, and thus victims themselves in the film's violent plot.
* ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'s'' EVA units and the MAGI supercomputer are borderline examples. More like "[[Soul Jar|Soul Uploading]]" tho'.
* In ''[[Gundam SEED Astray]]'', Lowe gains possession of a strange module from a [[God Guise|worshipper of George Glenn]], the so-called "First Coordinator". This black box just happens to contain ''Glenn's [[Brain In a Jar|actual brain]]'', and eventually Lowe's [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]] teammate Professor hooks it up to a holographic projector, allowing George to captain the Junk Guild's battleship.
* In the manga ''GUNNM'' (''[[Battle Angel Alita]]'') {{spoiler|this is used as important final plot twist in the last episodes, when the mad doctor Desty Nova reveals that his organic brain was abducted and replaced with a biochip with his personal memories implanted. He found it years ago and became literally mad}}. In ''Last Order'' this practice appears to be diffused in some contexts (i.e. Zekka had practised it on himself {{spoiler|but also the main character "herself" becomes an unknowning example of this case; new revelations are follwed by "''[[What Measure Is A Man]]''" stuff}}). However, the sequel is stuffed with many other examples of futuristical or bizarre [[Weird Science]]. We have also the {{spoiler|[[Cloning Blues]] of Desty Nova}}.
* In one ''[[Detective Conan]]'' [[Non-Serial Movie]] ''Phantom of Baker Street'', the [[Child Prodigy]] coded an artificial intelligence that is practically himself, {{spoiler|and then killed himself. This artificial intelligence then haunted an [[Deep-Immersion Gaming]] event and...}} Nobody in the movie [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|even tried to distinguish between said artificial intelligence and its creator, and neither did fans.]]
* A variation on this is Yuzuki from ''[[Chobits]]'', who was created to be a [[Replacement Goldfish]] for Kokubunji's dead sister. He can't upload her mind directly, so he just programs as much information about his sister as he can, and for much of the series she attempts to emulate her. Then, after an accident wipes out all that data, Kokobunji declines to replace it, saying she should just [[Be Yourself|be herself]].
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** [[Big Bad|Crux Dogatie]] does something similar in the original ''Crossbone Gundam'' story: {{spoiler|knowing he's at the end of his life, he creates multiple biological computers and uploads his consciousness into one. Then he copies it into the rest. The result is ten Crux Dogaties running around in machine bodies, all working toward the same goal.}}
** ''Steel Seven'' has Shadow of Callisto transferring his consciousness into a bio-computer after his defeat on Earth, using his telepathic brother's mind as a medium. This bio-computer is then loaded into the Digitus so that he can fight alongside his still-living twin in the final battle.
* In ''[[Professor Layton and The Eternal Diva]]'', {{spoiler|Melina's memories were uploaded into a device her father constructed and disguised as a musical instrument, so he could find a body that matches hers and create a [[Replacement Goldfish]] [[What the Hell, Hero?|by erasing the conciousness of an innocent girl]]. Once he actually did it, Melina [[What Have I Become?|did not agree.]]}}
== Comic Books ==
* In the British comic ''Rogue Trooper'' (a 2000AD stablemate to [[Judge Dredd]]), three of the protagonist's squadmates were uploaded to chips on their death and integrated into his equipment. (These personality-saving "biochips" are actually an integral feature of ''all'' Genetic Infantrymen; they're meant to be recovered in case of death and installed in newly-cloned bodies.)
* In ''[[The Avengers (Comic Book)|The Avengers]]'':
** For a while, the Vision, a member of the Avengers, has the downloaded personality of Wonder Man to make him more "human". However, this is later undone and a new personality is substituted in.
** Ultron, psycho [[Killer Robot]] and Avengers enemy, attempts to upload the entire mind of his 'mother', the Wasp, into a female bot that he's created (aptly named Jocasta) for companionship, having brainwashed his "father"/her - the Wasp's husband, Hank Pym - into helping him do it. While the Avengers rescue her before the process could finish (and kill her), Jocasta ends up with enough of Janet's personality to later turn on him and join the Avengers.
** Ultron himself is [[Ret Connedretcon]]ned as having originated with a botched download byof mentally-unstable Henry Pym's all-too-flawed engrams.
* In the Marvel/Epic comic ''Dreadstar'', one of the themes is that the main heroes fight against a tyrannical government, only to {{spoiler|find out [[Meet the New Boss|the new government isn't much better]]}}. Willow, one of the main characters, {{spoiler|uploads herself to take over the new government's main computer}}.
* In the original ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mirage]]'' series, this accidentally occurs to Professor Honeycutt; while testing out his Menta-wave helmet (which granted its user psychic and telekinetic abilities) a bolt of lightning caused his consciousness to be transferred to the body of his robot SAL. In the [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003|cartoon based on the book]], this later on allows him to copy his consciousness between computers, allowing him to [[Disney Death|survive his own heroic sacrifice]].
* In ''[[Transmetropolitan]]'', people can destructively vacate their bodies, using their chemical energy to bootstrap a cloud of [[Nanomachines]] that then houses their consciousness. This being ''Transmet'', they've formed their own weird subculture.
* Adam Warren's version of the ''[[Dirty Pair]]'' had this as a common technology, which played a role in several of the plots—such as when a rogue agent uses an emergency backup of Yuri's mind and DNA to grow his own [[Evil Twin]] to send at the originals.
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** Tony Stark being the tech geek he is, he couldn't resist the temptation to make a back-up of his brain on a portable hard drive. Came in handy after he ended up wiping his mind at the end of the ''Worlds Most Wanted'' arc.
** The stand-alone comic book ''Hypervelocity'' is entirely about Tony Stark 2.0, a digital version of himself that occupies his suit. As the comic progresses, he slowly gets corrupted by a rogue virus girl program.
* The [[Ultimate Universe]] [[Continuity Reboot]] of [[Paperinik New Adventures]] had this trope when {{spoiler|Lyonard [[Punny Name|D'Aq]] uploaded his brain as a side result of him exploring a virtual world}}. Then this trope became a [[Chekhov's Gun]] when {{spoiler|after Lyonard got [[Killed Off for Real]] (or, more precisely, got [[One-Winged Angel|devolved into the monstrous Lyozard]] ''and then'' got killed off) [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|and Uno downloaded the data version of his brain into a (superpowered, of course) bionic body]].}}
* This happened to Cliff Steele (Robotman) in [[Grant Morrison]]'s ''[[Doom Patrol]]'' after the Candlemaker crushed his brain. Fortunately, he was hooked up to the Chief's computer at the time, and his intelligence was downloaded on a disk. Once he figured out what happened, he was able to return to his body, though he was pretty freaked out by the entire process.
* The ''Battlestar Galactica'' comic ''The Final Five'' has this as the origin of the Thirteenth Tribe. Originally, they were members of the other 12twelve tribes but after uploading their consciousnesses into new cybernetic bodies were treated as a new group. This includes the idea that the Thirteenth Tribe have committed some kind of '"sin'", apparently borne out by the intervention of supernatural/sufficiently advanced beings.
* ''[[Savage Dragon]]'' featured a number of characters with [[Power Armor]] who had previously downloaded their brainwaves into the suit, allowing them to continue fighting long after death.
== Fan Works ==
* In ''[[Heir to the Empire]]'', a ''[[Ranma ½]]/[[Sailor Moon]]'' crossover fic by "Ozzallos", Queen Beryl uploaded a copy of her mind into a magical AI which then becomes the object of worship and a cultural guide for the Chinese Amazons.
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* [[Epileptic Trees|Possibly]] Jarvis in the ''[[Iron Man (film)|Iron Man]]'' movie.
* ''[[Film/The Sixth Day|The Sixth Day]]'' features a way of making copies of a person mind that can be uploaded into clone bodies. Unfortunately as uploading is often done after death you get memories of dying.
* ''[[Star Trek: The Motion Picture|Star Trek the Motion Picture]]''. After V'Ger scans and destroys Ilia, it sends a robot replica of her to the Enterprise with her memories and personality stored in it. Eventually the crew manages to re-awaken her mind in the machine.
* In ''[[The Creator (2023 film)|The Creator]]'', there are machines that can be used to scan a person's brain and make copies that can be uploaded into robot bodies. If the target has been dead for too long, though, the copied mind will be unstable.
== Literature ==
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* ''Fool's War'' by Sarah Zettel ''appears'' to have brain uploading technology. {{spoiler|1=In actuality, it just has AIs who've figured out how to ''download'' themselves into human bodies -- the uploading process doesn't work on anyone who started their life as human.}}
* In the strange society depicted in [[Iain Banks|Iain M. Banks']] book ''Feersum Endjinn'', when a person dies their mind is automatically uploaded by organic systems in their brain (not implants; they grow there naturally implying they are germ-line genetic engineering). They then get downloaded into physical bodies again the first 7 deaths, then spend their next 8 rebirths solely in a virtual reality. Then they die for good. Nondestructive uploads can also be made, and experienced reintegrated at a later date. This allows for the possibility of people uploading copies of themselves to have a passionate affair in a suitably private virtuality, and then redownload the experiences into their minds and fully appreciate them later without interfering with work or family life.
* In ''Destination: Void"'' by Frank Herbert, the entire purpose of the apparently impossible, deliberately crippled interstellar colonization mission is determined by the crew to be to force them to create (because they are doomed to die if they don't), beyond the reach of the disaster that would likely ensue, an artificial intelligence beyond the capacity of a human brain. This is done by first building a physical analog of a human brain, but with several times the complexity, then once it has displayed the necessary capabilities, uploading the mind of one of the creators into it, and parts of the personalities of the others. {{spoiler|This results in the creation of a god, like in all Frank Herbert books.}}
* This is the entire plot of ''Circuit of Heaven'' by Dennis Danvers. 99% or so of humanity has uploaded their consciousness into "The Bin", a giant computer storage that lets them all live virtual lives. Those who chose to remain behind live in a [[Crapsack World]] where everything's been abandoned. They are allowed to temporarily visit their relatives within The Bin, doing a temporary brain uploading.
* ''Mindscan'' by Robert Sawyer has this technology being commercialized. Rich people get what's essentially a super MI that creates a perfect duplicate of the brain at the time and it gets uploaded in to an android body. The real people then retire to a lunar colony that's extra-legal and the droids will claim to be the humans and designed to look like them at their peak of life. The book then revolves over [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?]] as the android version has to fight over its personhood.
* This is common in ''[[Down and Out Inin Thethe Magic Kingdom]]'' by [[Cory Doctorow]]; anyone with enough Whuffie can backup themselves at will, a restore is made using a clone body. Since the process is so easy and basically free, it's common for people to swap their body for a clone-and-restore for things like the common cold.
* In the [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]]:
** There is an alien species that likes uploading the minds of prisoners and putting them through some kind of programming to make them [[A Is]] for small fightercraft and various systems in their ships. We're never shown or told what this does to the minds, but Luke thinks they're all suicidal.
** A later book had the dying Jedi boyfriend of a character willingly going through this with that same technology, though without the reprogramming, and being put into a [[Ridiculously Human Robot|Ridiculously Human Droid]]. The result was basically a human-looking droid who answered to the same name and had the right memories and personality, but couldn't touch the Force and didn't feel any angst when captured and given a restraining bolt. General consensus was that doing this had been a mistake. There was also a Jedi character who'd uploaded herself into a spaceship somehow; the end of the book had droidboy getting destroyed and his girlfriend committing suicide while leaving her body intact so that spaceship girl could inhabit it. Droidboy and his girlfriend are mentioned by no other authors.
* ''[[The Culture]]'' has brain uploading as a matter of course; human mindstates get scanned and transmitted out of danger.
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* A destructive variation happens to the main character of ''Loop'', by Koji Suzuki, where he volunteers to messily get himself uploaded to a virtual reality to [[It Makes Sense in Context|save the world from super-cancer]]
* The [[Strugatsky Brothers]]' ''[[Noon: 22nd Century|Noon Twenty Second Century]]'' includes a short story, in which the brain uploading technology is first attempted on a dying genius's brain. This procedure involves shutting down an area for miles lest any EM emissions interfere with the process. For the same reason, perpetual rain clouds are induced in the area to block solar radiation. The containers for the mind are large buildings full of gel. This makes one character to wonder if everyone will take up as much space after an upload. The other character thinks that anyone else's mind will probably fit into a suitcase. Unfortunately, the subject dies with only 98% of the process complete, making this a partial success.
* This becomes the plot point in the ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]'' [[Expanded Universe]] ''Dark Templar Trilogy'', where a Protoss female named Zamara copies her consciousness into the brain of Jake Ramsey, a human archaeologist. While she is able to communicate with him and grant him some of her [[Psychic Powers]], the process will ultimately kill Jake. They travel to a Dark Templar world where priests record memories of still-living Protoss onto [[Green Rocks|Khaydarin crystals]]. This is different from what is done by the Khala-worshiping Protoss, who have specialized individuals known as Preservers, who store entire consciousnesses (not just memories) in their heads, "uploaded" through the [[Hive Mind]] at the moment of death. Zamara is the last Preserver. The goal is to put Zamara's consciousness onto one such crystal. Unfortunately, Zamara realizes that the Dark Templar only copy ''memories'', not entire individuals. However, the unusually large crystal they use not only manages to contain the entire consciousness of a Preserver but also that of a [[Eldritch Abomination|Dark Archon]] who threatens to destroy everything.
* In the ''[[Animorphs]]'' series, there is one book in which a species of intelligent birds on the Hork-Bajir homeworld have the technology to create computer-backups of a person's mind, which can be inserted into someone else's brain after the original's death, to temporarily share their body. {{spoiler|The Andalite female Aldrea}} was stored in this way. In the Ellimist Chronicles {{spoiler|the ellimist is captured by a creature the size of a moon, who can absorb memories of any being it entangled. He eventually breaks free by downloading all the memories into himself. The trope appears again later when he starts making copies of himself, until he has become an entire starfleet. The copies never branch off to become separate people, however, as their minds are always in contact with each other via ship-to-ship communication.}}
* In [[Robert A. Heinlein]]'s Future History series, specifically ''[[Time Enough for Love]]'' and its sequels, this capability is identified as part of the [[Fountain of Youth|medical rejuvenation technology]] used in cases of extreme physical deterioration, wherein a human being's brain is scanned and uploaded to a computer while a new one is cloned; said clone then has the saved brain downloaded back into it. The same technology is used in reverse when the computer Minerva decides to [[Pinocchio Syndrome|become human]]—she creates a [[Mix-and-Match Man|composite]] [[Wetware Body|clone body]] and downloads herself into it once it's mature.
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== Live-Action TV ==
* The entire concept of ''[[Dollhouse]]'' is based on this trope.
* In the ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|Star Trek the Original Series]]'' episode "The Ultimate Computer", Dr. Richard Daystrom turned the M-5 computer into an AI by impressing his own engrams (mental patterns) on its circuits.
* In ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'':
** In the episode "The Schizoid Man", Dr. Ira Graves uploads his brain into Data, essentially possessing him; at the end he {{spoiler|moves into the ''Enterprise'''s computer, where his knowledge exists but he has no conscious awareness}}. [[And I Must Scream|We hope]].
** There's also something of a debate (albeit one with -arguably- a life on the line) in the episode "Measure of a Man" wherein Commander Maddox proposes an experiment that basically involves taking Data apart to see what makes him tick. His only reassurance that Data himself will be preserved by this is the fact that he is able to download all of Data's memories and experiences into a computer and reupload them when his body is reassembled (that's assuming he CAN actually reassemble him.) Data argues that only the events and recollections themselves will be preserved and the "essence" of the events and situations will be lost, therefore so will he; because ''[[Star Trek]]'' wants to have its materialism and eat its dualism too, it's never made entirely clear whether this is because [[Our Souls Are Different|Data's soul wouldn't survive the transfer]], or just because Maddox isn't competent to do it properly. Still, theoretically uploading might be possible. They never got to take him apart to find out for sure.
* In the ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Star Trek Voyager]]'' episode "Lifesigns", the Doctor discovers that his dying patient has some sort of electrical implant in her brain that enables him to transfer her mind into the ship's computer and let her live as a hologram while he works on the disease in her actual body. Unfortunately, the circuitry containing her mind has only a limited time before it will degrade, thus causing her death unless she's transferred back to her body in time.
* In ''[[Doctor Who]]'':
** In the new-series two-parter "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead", the computer at the heart of the titular library is an uploaded version of a young girl who had a terminal illness. She's also capable of storing and running the personalities of anyone else who tries to teleport while in the library, as well as anyone who dies in the library while wearing neural relay.
** In the original series, the Time Lord Matrix was a supercomputer that contained the recorded ''memories'' of all the past presidents of Gallifrey, but apparently not their complete personalities.
* This is what makes the Cylons of ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]](2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica'' functionally immortal. Their memories and consciousness are stored upon their death and then downloaded to identical bodies, {{spoiler|until the Resurrection Hub is destroyed.}} It's also their origin, by way of [[Replacement Goldfish]]. {{spoiler|Maybe. It seems a bit more complicated than that.}}
* Turns up in, of all places, ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' as the technology behind hologrammatic characters—every crew member has their personality and memories uploaded and stored so they are available come back as a [[Virtual Ghost]] after they die. Whether it is possible to activate a hologram while the crew member is still alive has never been raised. We do know it's possible to activate a single hologram multiple times - as shown with Rimmer times two.
* ''[[Overdrawn at the Memory Bank]]'' called it a "dopple" (as in doppelganger). Once your brain was uploaded to a [[When Things Spin, Science Happens|spinning cube]] you could take a vacation and experience life as an animal. Aaron Fingle's dopple was botched when the technicians lost his body and were forced to upload his consciousness to a mainframe as an interim solution. The film indicated he had a limited amount of time before his consciousness degraded to the point of non-functionality. It wasn't really made clear if this was a function of the transfer, the inability of his body to continue function without the mind or some other factor, but then again it was a made for TV movie aired on PBS. It was also lampooned on [[Mystery Science Theater 3000]].
* A similar plot happens in an episode of ''Amazing Stories'' called "The Eternal Mind".
* How the titular character of ''[[Max Headroom]]'' came to be. The same process is brought up in one episode as a way to save the life of a terminally ill millionaire. Though Max and his "original" coexist and interact regularly, the implications of having multiple copies of the same personality around are discussed very little.
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* In a ''[[John Doe]]'' episode, a scientist experimenting in this field is killed. It turns out it was his colleague who turned out to be a religious fanatic and claimed humans aren't meant to live forever. The twist happens at the end, when it is revealed that the scientist encoded his mind onto ''bar codes'' of several ordinary-looking items.
* This is basically how the Asgard survive, which is convenient since the main ones keep dying all the time. {{spoiler|Unfortunately, the cloning process is impossible to maintain indefinitely so they all opt for mass suicide instead of slow death.}}
* The supposed AI created by a former [[Warehouse 13]] agent, which takes over the warehouse in one episode, is actually an artifact-assisted upload of his right-brain, leaving the living agent with all his creativity, but none of the logic that enabled him to harness it.
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* The "ghosts" in the ''[[GURPS]]'' setting ''[[Transhuman Space]]''.
* "Nybor's Psychic Imprint" spell in ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' (at least, 3rd ed).
* ''[[Cyberpunk 2020(role-playing game)|Cyberpunk]]'' has the "Soulkiller" program, which would copy the victim's personality. Early versions ontoneeded a sufficiently powerful mainframe and would then kill the victim's physical body. Alt Cunningham, the program's creator, became its first victim when she had finished writing Soulkiller for evil [[Mega Corp]] Arasaka and they decided they didn't need to have her running around anymore. Overlaps with [[And I Must Scream]]. It's not perfect, though, as if the target has been dead long enough, the engram will be limited like a chatbot rather than a fully-aware person; see {{spoiler|Jackie}}. Also, certain kinds of full 'Borgs, especially combat models, can be used with brain canisters that store a person's memories/soul which can be swapped between the combat cyborg body and a "normal" one.
** Overlaps with [[And I Must Scream]].
** Also, certain kinds of full 'Borgs, especially combat models, can be used with brain canisters that store a person's memories/soul which can be swapped between the combat cyborg body and a "normal" one.
* ''[[Car Wars]]''. Autoduelists store their memories on a machine and have clone bodies made. If they die in the arena, their memories are "played back" into their clone and they live again (well, sort of).
* Extremely common in ''[[Eclipse Phase]]''. Most of the surviving population of the solar system escaped the devastation of Earth by uploading their minds off-world, and backups are ubiquitous. Unfortunately, there's also a severe shortage of bodies, and millions of info-refugees desperate to own one.
** Also, almost every biological body (since you can inhabit artificial ones too) comes equipped with a Cortical Stack, and as in the ''Takeshi Covacs novels'', they are nearly indestructible barring a deliberate attempt to destroy them. One might wonder if ''Altered Carbon'' inspired the authors of ''[[Eclipse Phase]]'' in some way. (Then one notices the blatant [[Shout-Out]] in the opening fiction and knows it ''definitely'' did.)
== Videogames ==
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* ''[[Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri]]'' implies this to be part of the process behind the Clinical Immortality secret project. And that's just the beginning: the [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]] Victory is done by first uploading all the knowledge created by Mankind into Planet's [[Genius Loci|global mind]], then by uploading all your people's minds in the same global mind.
* ''[[Portal (series)|Portal]]'':
** GLaDOS claims to have a backup of Chell on file, which she later claims to delete. Of course, {{spoiler|she is a [[Unreliable Narrator|lying liar who tends to lie]].}}
** Cave Johnson really ''did'' back himself up, as revealed in his casting call, as well as the ARG leading up to ''[[Portal 2]]'''s announcement.
** In ''[[Portal 2]]'', it turns out {{spoiler|Johnson was never uploaded, but on his request his secretary Caroline was uploaded into the A.I. network that became [[G La DOSGLaDOS]], against her will.}}
*** In the PeTI DLC, it turns out that in an [[Alternate Universe]] Cave {{spoiler|succeeded in uploading himself. He quickly goes insane from boredom, and decides he needs to kill everyone so he can ascend to Olympus like Hercules}}. When Cave Prime hears this, he decides to cancel research into Brain Uploading, strongly suggesting "Earth 1" is not the same universe the main story takes place in.
* In the ''[[Black Market (video game)|Black Market]]'' universe, people can be downloaded into Soul Jars, while machine minds are relegated to Turing Jars. Pirates use this method to endlessly reincarnate; one of the main characters is a "Ghost" in this fashion.
* ''[[Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere]]'' had this with "sublimation", the act of uploading your mind inside a computer. Among other things, Ouroboros is a secret faction hell-bent on sublimating all the people in the world, and Fiona is unable to forgive her sister Cinthia after she tells Fiona she wants to sublimate her mind. (Don't panic if you don't know that: all that stuff is exclusive from the Japanese original; the American release had [[Macekre|this engaging storyline replaced]] with a generic [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot]] plot).
* The Doctor, a [[Playful Hacker]] of ''[[City of Heroes]]'' is revealed to be one of these, and created an easily produced process to upload personalities. Oddly enough for the genre, it didn't destroy her original mind or body; [[Mega Corp|Crey]] took care of that some time after she had already gone on the net. She's treated as a [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|human]], although she does recognize that she's not one any longer. ''[[City of Heroes]]'' also features this trope's inversion : Paragon Protectors are revealed to run on home-built personalities downloaded into clone bodies, using the same underlying technology and copied on a massive scale. [[Cloning Blues|They're fairly expendable]], in a world where normal clones or uploaded personalities are treated fairly well, but [[Mega Corp|Crey]] does tend to harvest the original copies for those personalities from the rotting corpses of dead heroes and rip out whatever higher brain functionality is left before slapping the Paragon Protector together.
* Occurs at the end of ''[[Space Quest]] 4'', when [[Big Bad]] former-"human" AI Vohaul not only uploads Roger's son's mind to a disk (1.44mb! Who knew the mind was so... compressable?), but then uploads his own mind to Roger's son. Roger then has to defeat Vohaul by putting his son's mind back in place, and transferring Vohaul's mind to the computer just seconds before a system format.
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* In ''[[Defense Grid the Awakening]]'', the general who won the war against the aliens 1000 years ago had his brain uploaded in case they came back, which they have. He usually plays the part of the [[Exposition Fairy]], but he can't seem to get raspberries off his mind.
* In ''[[Total Annihilation]]'', this is what sparks the game's galaxy-wide [[Apocalypse How|class 4 apocalypse]].
* In ''[[Starsiege]]'', this is how the Immortal Brotherhood came to be; individuals who were part of the Lazarus Project team, or who were exceptionally loyal to Emperor-to-be Solomon Petresun, were transferred into biomechanoid brains which could then be transplanted from body to body. Since the brains have their own power supply and were extremely durable, the immortal could be killed without actually dying... however, the nature of the brain/body interface could cause severe personality shifts from one 'lifetime' to the next. [[Big Bad|Prometheus]], the [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|Cybrid]] who invented the technique, later used it to create infiltration units as weapons against its creators.
* In ''[[Perfect Dark]]'', Dr. Carroll uploads his personality into a "sapient" (floating laptop-looking thing) before his death.
* A real [[Tear Jerker]] example in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' which has David Archer, whose mind was uploaded so he could control an army of [[Mecha-Mooks|Geth]]. Unfortunately, his mind is unable to take the strain of being in charge of a highly advanced computer network, and he goes insane.
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** {{spoiler|Dave does this after his [[Mad Scientist]] awakening.}}
** Also in the mini comic ''[ Edie in Orbit]'', which has only seen the light of day as a ''[[Narbonic]]'' Sunday special feature, Edie's robot buddy is a human mind scanned into a floating robot head.
* In ''[[Girl Genius]]'':
** Tarvek uploads his sister's mind into a [[Ridiculously Human Robot|Ridiculously Human Clank]] almost by accident: he builds it to serve as her prosthesis after she's injured, and it doesn't notice when she dies. Later, the same clank ends up housing the mind of [[Big Bad|The Other]].
** This [ was] one of the things in which lady Lucrezia's used to ''specialityspecialize''. According to Drusus Beausoleil, he served Simon Voltaire in hope to learn this from the former apprentice of Van Rijn, as the latter mastered such techniques as well (if so, it raises an obvious suspicion about the Muses).
** Unsurprisingly, some mad scientists provide this service to pay for the equipment. One of the presumably happy customers is [ Madame Desmana]. There are some known issues, however - including "[[Transhuman Treachery|post-vital personality drift]]".
** Albia (presumably following the [[God-Emperor|Ancient God-Queens]] who taught her) has an external storage for her memories — an unmodified human brain doesn't have capacity for millennia long life, but losing memories is not a good idea either. Of course, swapping out "unimportant" memory fragments also means some potentially important details are unavailable for comparison with the new observations, thus while she retains her current personality and relatively recent affairs, she can be blindsided by something she would still know if expected it to be relevant. On-screen, she let a guest query her old memories on an old mystery as a little friendly favour and was leisurely monitoring this when suddenly recognized a top level threat about two decades after seeing it again.
* A Major [[McGuffin]] of the Hob arc in ''[[Dresden Codak]]''.
* In ''[[Unity]]'', the main character's neural patterns had been uploaded into a powerful computer. {{spoiler|This simulation eventually (and accidentally) takes over the ship - for the better.}}
* In ''[[Bob and George]]'', the Marverick virus is a digital copy of Dr. Wily's soul, corrupting and reprograming Reploids just as Wily did to robots.
* In ''[[Homestuck]]'', this is how Dirk created his auto-responder. It was apparently meant to [[Mundane Utility|respond to instant messages when Dirk himself wasn't at the computer]], though it's developed beyond that. It's treated as a character in its own right, superficially similar to Dirk but with its own quirks and eccentricities.
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' has this developed several times.
* ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' has this done a few millions of years ago, after Bradicor implementation of [[The Ageless|biological immortality]] combined with their brain architecture led to [ some messy problems]. Most chose the uploading as a solution. Their next war was implied to be something like ''[[Ubik]]'', but with access to weapons capable of destroying their mainframes. Thus when the smoke cleared, the only Bradicors left were those few who chose to retain their bodies and tweak their new brains into [[The Fog of Ages|semi-senility]] instead. Oh, and {{spoiler|one brainwashed [[Super Soldier]] in [[Sealed Evil in a Can|storage]]}}, but since he went [[Ax Crazy]] upon awakening, they subdued and transformed him in their likeness too.
** There's now a way to backup/restore (or run as AI, or edit) someone's brain using [[nanomachines]], created as a part of an immortality project. One of the lead researchers ran off and uploaded his mind into a medical suite (which means he had the system installed, thus finality of his apparent death might be greatly exaggerated). Later this method was used to [[Grand Theft Me|overwrite brains as a way to deliver infiltrators]]. When not all data is actually delivered, this may backfire, of course.
** It turns out that {{spoiler|the Schuul}} can do much the same with bodies of other species (such as humans), probably artificially grown, when they want to snoop around a little.
** ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' has this done aA few millions of years ago, after Bradicor implementation of [[The Ageless|biological immortality]] combined with their brain architecture led to [http some messy problems]. Most chose the uploading as a solution. Their next war was implied to be something like ''[[Ubik]]'', but with access to weapons capable of destroying their mainframes. Thus when the smoke cleared, the only Bradicors left were those few who chose to retain their bodies and tweak their new brains into [[The Fog of Ages|semi-senility]] instead. Oh, and {{spoiler|one brainwashed [[Super Soldier]] in [[Sealed Evil in a Can|storage]]}}, but since he went [[Ax Crazy]] upon awakening, they subdued and transformed him in their likeness too.
** The All-Star is an ancient artifact specifically built as a huge (it's a dedicated [[Dyson Sphere]]) network for uploaded sophonts. [[Hidden Elf Village|The place is secret]], thus they forcibly upload those who discover them to keep it this way, but otherwise are all for protecting the agency of sapience. At least after [ that one time].
{{quote|'''Putzho''' (a newcomer given the whole picture as a part of the orientation/interview): ''Hey''. You're only at 44% capacity. You could pull ''everybody else'' in the Galaxy in here and not tick past 45%.
'''Ulaque''': We tried that once. As raptures go, it was unacceptably lossy. }}
** There's a difference for continuity of mind, however: a swarm of specialized [[nanobots]] can take and transmit the state of a living brain point by point, allowing to create a coherent backup, which is just a load of data that can be ''copied'' onto suitable wetware (normally, a clone of the original brain assembled by medical nanobots) or hardware (where "downlift" effectively becomes an AI with peculiar architecture and personal history) medium to run again; it doesn't have to be unique, and indeed "brain clones" (both vanilla and tweaked) of still living people are occasionally made. "Soul-gig" used by Oafa and All-Star is a variant teraport that ''moves'' someone's mind as a big wave packet into another medium.
* ''[[Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal]]'' explores the politics of this solution [ here].
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== Western Animation ==
* ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003 series)|2003 ''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'' animated series]]:
* In ''[[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2003|TMNT: Back to the Sewer]]'' it is revealed that the Utrom Shredder periodically uploaded a copy of his mind as a back-up; if he ever died, that copy was then re-downloaded into a clone body. Before that, Professor Honeycutt (aka "The Fugitoid") combined this with [[Lightning Can Do Anything]].
** Professor Honeycutt (aka "The Fugitoid") combined this with [[Lightning Can Do Anything]] in his origin story. After receiving a distress call from Sal, his robot assistant, Honeycutt tried to untangle Sal from the wires he was tangled in, but was struck by lightning and had his body disintegrated. Fortunately, Honeycutt had earlier created a device that allowed the user to mentally pick up objects - him to pick up objects allowed his mind to be transported or transferred into Sal's body. This event turned Honeycutt into the Fugitoid.this later lets him copy his consciousness between computers, allowing him to [[Disney Death|survive his own heroic sacrifice]].
* The title characters of ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'' had their minds uploaded by Doctor Venture because they're death-prone and he keeps a stock of clones ready to replace them. That... sounds really bad on paper
** It is revealed that the Utrom Shredder periodically uploaded a copy of his mind as a back-up; if he ever died, that copy would then re-downloaded into a clone body. However, this did not come to pass, and the program remained unnoticed in a Foot Clan data vault until the events of the 7th season ''Back to the Sewers''. Viral (a living computer virus) came across the vault and tried to access it, unknowingly triggering its defense measures when she tried to tap into its contents. The Shredder data then infected and reformatted her into a vessel for the new Cyber Shredder.
** Oh, it sounds really bad on the show, too, and that's not lost on those around Rusty.
* The title characters of ''[[The Venture Brothers]]'': had{{spoiler|Hank and Dean}} have their minds uploadedconstantly backed up and downloaded by Doctor Venture becauseeach time they're death-pronedie, and he even keeps a stock of clones ready to replace them. That...This soundsis reallytreated badwith onfar papermore gravitas than you'd expect.
== Real Life ==
* The [[wikipedia:Blue Brain Project|Blue Brain Project]]. They've claimed to have simulated a rat's neocortical column and [[Commitment Anxiety|expect]] to be able to simulate the entire human brain by sometime in 2020 ([[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|depending on which expert you ask]]).
* In all likelihood, while computer processing power will reach the point where it can emulate a human brain, this trope will probably be banned from ever occuring, due to the laundry list of moral, ethical, sociological, etc., problems with it, much like how human cloning is currently banned.
** It also gets into the idea of a [[Our Souls Are Different|soul]]. From a strictly biological definition, there does not appear to be a soul in human consciousness, and our minds could possibly never be truly emulated, relying heavily on the interactions of various chemicals and having involuntary subconscious changes, like mood fluctuations. Drawing a distinct delineation in the parts of the brain where aspects of the mind are solely housed too may prove impossible, as for instance personality, intelligence, and memory for instance are likewise impossible to completely separate.
** Of course, going by the strictly biological/physical approach, one would be able to create a copy simply by creating a computer simulation that takes into account every single cell and chemical reaction in the body itself, falling into the commonly accepted concept of a truly accurate simulation requiring a system at least as complex as the system being simulated. Of course, this does not get into the philosophical questions of what truly defines consciousness.
* It is now theoretically possible to upload someone's memories to a computer at this point in time. You would need, however, advanced programming and algorithms to tell the computer how to read said memories; it is likely that it would work like an emulation program, e.g. [[DOS BoxDOSBox]]. However, the only current way to ''get'' said memory data is to scan the brain with a special machine that builds a 3D computer image of whatever is scanned. Unfortunately, it can only scan objects that are as thin as paper. This and other complications means that the brain must be flash-frozen while still alive, cut out of your head, and sliced into paper-thin pieces.