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== Anime & MangaAdvertising ==
* An advertisement will often compare the advertiser's product to the "national leading brand" of a direct competitor. Unfortunately, brand-to-brand comparisons can backfire as setting the competitor's brand as standard of comparison is an implicit endorsement of that product. Eduard Shevardnadze (at 1993, at the opening of a Tbilisi Coca-Cola plant) announcing "It tastes just like Pepsi!" makes a great advert... for the competition. Hence the temptation to make the "leading brand" a Brand X.
* An advertisement may contain incidental items which complement the product being sold, but which are not manufactured by the advertiser. A telly, for instance, might be displayed in an advert with a football game on the display – in which team names and logos are conspicuously fake or absent on all of the jerseys. (The advertiser makes tellies, not soccer uniforms.) Likewise, an advert for a record player will likely show it playing a fictional band's discs from a fictional record label.
== Anime & Manga ==
* [[Wizard's Soul]] contains a TCG that is based heavily based off [[Magic the Gathering (Tabletop Game)|a real game with the initials M T G]]. A key difference being with Wizard Soul is how popular it is. In Wizard's Soul if you stopped a random person on the street and asked him/her what his/her favorite color combination was you'd probably get an answer other than a "huh?". There are some things that aren't in MTG that seem to be from other games. For example an [[Yu-Gi-Oh|ultimate creature that wins you the game if you have all five parts]].
** <s>Pro Points</s> Duel Points