Breakdown (video game): Difference between revisions

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* [[Action Girl]]: Alex Hendrickson.
* [[Alien Invasion]]: First humans went after the T'lan. Then the T'lan came after the humans.
* [[Determinator]]: Solus.
* [[Defeating the Undefeatable]]: A major part of the story is to find a way to stop Solus. If one can take him to his word, nothing has ever managed to so much as ''push him back'' before.
{{quote|'''Solus:''' A first. Solus, knocked to ground.}}
* [[Determinator]]: Solus.
* [[Duel Boss]]: The {{spoiler|true}} final encounter with Solus has the two of you being just about equal in power. {{spoiler|The first final encounter seems to be this, but it's unwinnable.}}
* [[Dying Like Animals]]: In the opening level, the scientists at the facility are all clearly graduates of the Black Mesa school of NPC behavior.
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** Grenades, building-demolishing C4 explosions, high-speed automobile crashes, and even ''nuclear weapons'' are all apparently completely and equally ineffective against T'lan shields. Apparently the only weapons of any effectiveness at all are the Anti-T'lan lasers Gianni deLucca's men carry. {{spoiler|Even the laser does almost nothing against Solus.}}
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: {{spoiler|Derrick is the lone survivor of the Alpha Project, which makes him half-T’lan. Sort of.}}
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Wendee Lee, Beau Billingslea, Steve Staley, Jessica Strauss, Crispin Freeman...
* [[Hopeless Boss Fight]]: Solus, particularly notable in that he is the only example in the entire game. All other enemies, including helicopters can be taken down (or, in one case, can be taken down as soon as you get a certain power-up), but all meetings with Solus ends with you either running away, or being defeated. {{spoiler|Even the apparent [[Final Battle]] is this, as Solus' victory is a [[Foregone Conclusion]]. Only after awakening in the future and going back to the past can you actually face him evenly.}}
* [[Hive Mind]]: It is suggested the T'lan are a collective, with only one being the 'head', for Nexus to act through.