Breaking Bad/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[Magnificent Bastard]]: ''Gus.'' The owner of Los Pollos Hermanos chain of chicken restaurants, and now the biggest Meth dealer of them all. Uses his chain as a cover, never been caught, and organizes anti-drug fun runs that means he associates with DEA agents that tell him all about their work. The Cartels respect him enough that he's able to call off a hit with but a single text message to two killers seeking personal vengeance. The only reason Walt is still alive is Gus can use him. Walt even figures out Gus is using him to break free of the Cartels to the point he's planning everything for his own advantages including Hank and the Cousins.
** Walt himself has his moments of this, namely in the latter two seasons. He fully becomes one in the series finale.
** Jesse displays some measure of this when he screws his parents over to get his aunt's house back. (How much of this was magnificent and how much of it was bastardly probably depends on what you thought of his parents' earlier actions.) Overall he gives off the impression of someone who ''could'' be a Magnificent Bastard if he cared enough to apply himself, but he tends to be a victim of his impulsive nature more often than not.
** You could make a great case for Saul Goodman as well. He's charming, sly as a fox, and has enough knowledge of the law and business matters to keep Walt's empire afloat through the worst of times.
* [[Memetic Badass]]: Once ''[[Better Call Saul]]'' reached the end of its run, [[4chan|/tv/]] users came to view Walter White as less of a man, and more of a force of karmic justice sweeping down onto ABQ and purging it of its criminal element as well as avenging the lives of its victims.
* [[Misaimed Fandom]]:
** All the supporters of Walt [[Draco in Leather Pants|who find his crimes justified, are rooting for him to come out well-off from having committed them, and think of him as a sort of cool, inspirational figure or even role model]]...''very clearly'', the entire point of the story and Walt's character went over their heads.