Breathless Non-Sequitur: Difference between revisions

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== Advertisements ==
* [[Vince Offer]], of the Shamwow and Slap-Chop ads, uses this a fair bit.
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* [[The Man Your Man Could Smell Like|"Anything is possible when your man smells like Old Spice and not a lady. I'm on a horse."]]
** Turned [[Up to Eleven]] with his [ "response to anonymous"].
* A recent{{when}} series of commercials for the Orbitz travel website seem to be taking after the Old Spice commercials. [ "With Orbitz, I know what to expect from my vacation. Bless you; cannonball."]
** Though some of the things are things that [[Idiot Ball|he should logically avert if he expects]], like "Embarrassingly transparent."
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== Films ==
* One of the signatures of the Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker style of parody, its seen throughout ''[[Airplane!]], [[The Naked Gun]]'', and the Abrahams series ''[[Hot Shots]]''. Sometimes, the other participant follows them down this road a bit and then they swerve it back into the main conversation with no net effect.
{{quote|'''Topper:''' [[Casablanca|Out of all the jungles in all the countries in the world, you had to come into mine.]]
'''Ramada:''' I didn't want to, Topper, but I had to, it was a sequel.
'''Topper:''' [[Sequelitis|Do you have any idea what the critics will say? The same warmed -over characters?]]
'''Ramada:''' Oh Topper, you're just using this whole casting thing to distract from what's really bothering you. }}
* Woody Allen's ''[[Sleeper]]'':
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{{quote|'''Duke:''' I was a relatively respectable citizen — a multiple felon, perhaps, but certainly not dangerous. And when the Great Scorer came to write against my name, that would surely make a difference.}}
* Julia Roberts delivers a beaut in ''[[Notting Hill]]''.
{{quote|'''Anna''': I'm sure you meant no harm, and I'm sure it was all just friendly banter and I'm sure you all have dicks the size of peanuts. Enjoy your meal, the tuna's really good.}}
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{{quote|'''Jim:''' Now come on, Heather, what's in the brownies?
'''Heather:''' Sugar, eggs, chocolate, marijuana, flour, and walnuts.
'''<s> Tom Hanks</s>'''Gordon:''' ''[[Completely Missing the Point|You've been feeding us walnuts?!]]'' }}
* In Season 3 of ''[[24]]'', Tony is interrogating {{spoiler|Nina Myers}}. After he finishes demanding the information they need on Marcus Alvers, {{spoiler|whom it became obvious that she knew quite well despite her claims, s}}he replies, "Your neck is bleeding".
* The ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' character Mr. Subliminal (played by [[Kevin Nealon]]) hinged on rapid firing of these into a normal monologue.
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== Music ==
* [[They Might Be Giants]]' ''They'll Need A Crane'':
{{quote|''Don't call me at work again no no the boss still hates me
''I'm just tired and I don't love you anymore
''And there's a restaurant we should check out where
''The other nightmare people like to go
''[[Distracting Disambiguation|I mean nice people, baby wait,]]
''[[Distracting Disambiguation|I didn't mean to say nightmare]] ''}}
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** For example, in describing a particular series of overly-chatty droid, one of the commentators in ''[[Star Wars]] Saga Edition'''s ''Scavenger's Guide to Droids'', the supervisor droid who has worked with a wide variety of model, casually notes that she had to rip out its vocoder to get it to shut up. She also comments on how a particular droid of another model that failed its master would have been turned inside out by her. This is explained if you paid attention to the text and saw that she was an EV-series droid, a supervisor droid model detailed in the book, described as having a number of units accidentally getting a torture droid's motivator installed. (The head of Jabba's droid retinue in ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'' was an EV-series droid.)
** The West End Games' ''Imperial Sourcebook'' has a bit in the fluff describing the myriad problems that occurred in getting the first Star Destroyers built. "The Navy loved it, of course, and through a combination of bribes, political pressure, and a rash of mysteriously-crushed tracheas, it slowly brought others into line."
** The ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' 3.5 ''Dungeons MastersMaster's guideGuide'' has this one from a table of '"100 random traits'": "No sense of humor, see #24". Of course, the list only contains 99 items. Guess which one is missing.
** The ''Dungeons and Dragons'' 3.5 ''Expanded Psionics Handbook'' contains a very long list of powers. One of these powers, called "Deja Vu,", is listed once in its proper placement alphabetically, and again a couple of pages later (still in the D's, so it is quite possible, while skimming through, to think neither is out of place).