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* ''The [[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'': During the storyline in which invulnerable, untouchable hero The Shield temporarily lost his power to surround himself with an impenetrable force field, he freaked out and ended up temporarily institutionalized because of his pure, unadulterated fear of being hurt.
* ''[[The Monster Girl Encyclopedia]]'' has a [[Cute Monster Girl]] version of a doppelganger. A girl in a black dress, she can read the mind of a man who was rejected by the woman he loved, and use her shapeshifting ability to become the ideal version of said woman. When she approaches him, the man can't help but love her as well. However, should the man see the doppelganger in her true form, and love her as she is, then she will lose the shapeshifting ability. Not that she needs it anymore though.
* [ from the discussion] on [[Image Boards|/tg/]] of takes on [[Powered Armor]] via ([[Organic Technology|Bio]]-)[[Magitek]] on [[Image Boards|/tg/]]:
{{quote|'''Gropey_the_clown''': Actually, the major threat was the regeneration causing total rejection of a long-term pilot.
'''Gropey_the_clown''': Think of the psychological implications of spending YEARS as the gestalt being who's physical entirety feels like a demigod in both strength and stature. You tear the wings off of unspeakable creatures like flies, Jump twenty meters at a light sprint, and can shrug off cannonballs.
: Actually, the major threat was the regeneration causing total rejection of a long-term pilot.
'''Gropey_the_clown''': And then, you're rejected. Not torn away, but pushed out like an invading splinter. You're not separated from you body, but your body dosn't want you.
: Think of the psychological implications of spending YEARS as the gestalt being who's physical entirety feels like a demigod in both strength and stature. You tear the wings off of unspeakable creatures like flies, Jump twenty meters at a light sprint, and can shrug off cannonballs.
'''Gropey_the_clown''': That is real horror.}}
: And then, you're rejected. Not torn away, but pushed out like an invading splinter. You're not separated from you body, but your body dosn't want you.
'''Anonymous''': Wow. Just... Wow. Im seeing a decorated hero banging his hands bloody against the armor of his orgemail sobbing and begging to know what he did wrong. I just depressed myself.
: That is real horror.}}
'''Gropey_the_clown''': We DID have an antagonist that was a rejected, epic level fighter. Even outside of his ogremaille, he was a terror to behold. 4 decades of military service, 30 as an ogre, and then one day, he's rejected. No rhyme. No reason. The Ogremaille that was his, and his father's before him just no longer recognized him as part of the organism.
'''Gropey_the_clown''': He snapped. He would stalk and attempt to tear pilots out of their suits, but would be rejected every time.
'''Gropey_the_clown''': My party managed to beat him, and instead of some fierce enemy, in the end, there was only a broken man torn away from the one thing he was raised and trained for.
'''Gropey_the_clown''': To this day, I don't know if it was kindness or cruelty to let him live.
== Western Animation ==