Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Tropes (General): Difference between revisions

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== General Tropes A-G ==
== A ==
* [[Abandoned Warehouse]]
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Though Sunnydale's [[Justified Trope|were deliberately built to be demon accessible]] by the Mayor.
* [[Abusive Parents]]: This is Sunnydale, and good parent-child relationships will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
** Almost every character on the show has at least one parent who is abusive or neglectful. For instance, Tara's father, who convinced her that she was a demon.
** Also Buffy's father, who does not show up when {{spoiler|Buffy's mom dies}}, forcing Buffy to take care of her underage sister; Xander's father, who is an alcoholic; Spike's mother, who tried to [[Parental Incest|come onto him]] after being turned into a vampire; and Principal Wood's mother, who prioritized her Slayer duties over him. The latter is witnessed from six-year-old Wood's point of view, which is somewhat biased.
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Though Sunnydale's [[Justified Trope|were deliberately built to be demon accessible]] by the Mayor.
* [[Abusive Precursors]]: The Old Ones.
* [[Academy of Adventure]]: Sunnydale High School. Not for nothing does Buffy eventually blow it up. (Itit gets better).)
* [[Accidental Murder]]: The launching event for both Faith's & Willow's [[Face Heel Turn|face heel turn.]]
* [[Action Series]]
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* [[Adults Are Useless]]: Xander's parents are drunks, Buffy's father is rarely around, Willow's mother shows up once, getting in her way, and Willow's father is mentioned in reference, with Willow worrying what "Ira Rosenberg will think of his only daughter nailing a crucifix to her wall." The only parent who ''isn't'' completely useless is Joyce, and that's because she's too busy being [[Team Mom]].
** The Watcher's Council plays into this as well, as does Wesley. Averted big-time by Giles, though.
** Played up in Season 3's "Band Candy,", where a certain brand of chocolate makes adults who eat it revert to teenage maturity levels.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Mayor Wilkins, Harmony, Clem, Spike (after his encounter with The Initiative) pretty much all the demons who showed up to Anya and Xander's wedding, Holden Webster from "Conversations With Dead People,", and occasional random vamps. And Ethan Rayne.
* [[Age Without Youth]]: At some point, vampires lose the ability to assume human form, and are stuck in their [[Game Face]], which grows increasingly aged and inhuman over time. Exactly what they'll look like (or ''become'') in the end is unknown, but one particularly old vamp named Kakistos eventually developed ''cloven hooves''.
* [[Aliens and Monsters]]: Sorta. A grand total of ''one'' (supremely scary) alien appears in the entire run of the series, and it's origin is supernatural anyway.
* [[All Abusers Are Male]]: Under the helm of Marti Noxon, the show tended to drift in this direction.
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: initiallyInitially.
* [[All Myths Are True]]: [[My Friends and Zoidberg|Except leprechauns.]]
* [[All Witches Have Cats]]: Tara suggests she and Willow get a cat. Willow thinks she means a [[Familiar]] but no, she just wants a pet. And so [[Formally-Named Pet|Miss Kitty Fantastico]] guest-stars [[What Happened to the Mouse?|for a few episodes]] before its [[Bus Crash|unfortunate demise]] in an [[Noodle Incident|off-screen]] [[Shur Fine Guns|accidental crossbow discharge]].
* [[All Women Love Shoes]]: At least Buffy and Cordelia have one thing in common.
* [[Alternate Universe]]: Plenty of em, 3 mentioned or seen: The Wishverse, the One with No Shrimp and the One That Is All Shrimp.
* [[Amazon Admirer]]:
* [[Exclusively Evil]]: Vampires and, initially, demons.
** [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] often. Most of the guys interested in her do like that she can kick ass while looking hot, but they run on a spectrum from the well-meaning adrenaline junkie to supernatural dude that keeps switching sides. In between are those like Riley, who struggle with inadequacy about the number of exes that Buffy has.
** Xander had the hots for Buffy all through season one, until he reluctantly accepted that she had feelings for Angel. He started dating Cordelia after she [[Took A Level In Badass]] and actually became useful with her car in the second part of "What's My Line". It's treated as one of Xander and Willow's low points when they're caught cheating on their partners in Season 3 by kissing each other, namely Cordelia and Oz respectively. After Cordelia gets her groove back in Season Three when saving Buffy and Willwo during "Gingerbread," she and Xander at least start to patch things up as friends and part civilly.
** Angel had an unhealthy relationship with Buffy, owing to the whole "stalking her for a year" when she was fifteen and the age difference. He did admire how tough she was, and in an alternate timeline died so that she could stop the Master. Part of his [[Character Development]] in his spinoff show was acknowledging that Buffy was not a paragon or the hero for him, and certainly not someone he could treat with condescending worship.
** Robin Wood's infatuation with Buffy is partly influenced by the fact that his mother Nikki was a previous Slayer, one that {{spoiler|Spike killed before he got his soul restored}} and because of her dedication to stop the First. Later, he {{spoiler|sleeps with Faith after voting for her to lead the potentials}}.
* [[Ancient Conspiracy]]: The Watcher's Council.
* [[Ancient Grome]]: Justified, seeing as all the various gods seem to exist.
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{{quote|Spike: Oh please! If every vampire who ''said'' he was at the Crucifixion was actually there, it would've been like [[Woodstock]].}}
** Which Spike actually attended. Never try feeding off a [[hippie]].
** In his first scene, Willy demurs that he's staying away from that whole vampire scene and "living right." ("What's My Line, Pt. 1").
{{quote|'''Angel''': Sure you are, Willy. And I'm taking up sunbathing.}}
** Willow trying to masquerade as her vampire counterpart. Anya smells a rat. "If she's a vampire, then I'm the [[Creature from the Black Lagoon]]."
* [[Ankle Drag]]: One of the Hellmouth's tentacles slithers up Willow's ankle. ("[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S1/E12 Prophecy Girl|Prophecy Girl]]").
** Buffy, wracked with guilt over her role in the death of Deputy Mayor Finch, has a nightmare of Finch's corpse dragging her underwater. ("[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3/E15 Consequences|Consequences]]").
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Willow, after Glory does her sanity-sucking thing to Tara. YMMV on killing Warren. Spike's also an anti-hero, as is Giles by the end of the show
* [[Anyone Can Die]]: {{spoiler|Ms. Calendar, Joyce, Tara, Anya and Spike.}}. After they make the switch to ''[[Angel]]'', {{spoiler|Cordelia and Wesley, though Spike gets better}}. You [[Joss Whedon|have to expect this]].
* [[Apocalypse How]]: Several times, at varying levels. See the trope page for details.
* [[Arc Villain]]: [[Trope Codifier]] for live action television.
* [[Ask a Stupid Question]]: In the pilot, Joyce asks if Buffy's going out to a nightclub.
{{quote|'''Joyce:''' Oh. Will there be boys there?
'''Buffy:''' No, Mom. It's a nun club. }}
** In "The Harvest", Harmony asks Cordelia if they're going to the Bronze tonight. "No,", Cordy snorts, "we're going to the other cool place in Sunnydale." Harmony seems to [[Dumb Blonde|struggle with that conundrum]].
** In "[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S2/E01 When She Was Bad|When She Was Bad]]", Xander's announcing that Cibo Matto will be gracing their presence at the Bronze. Willow asks if they're playing.
{{quote|'''Xander:''' No, Will, they're going to be clog dancing.
'''Willow:''' ''(amazed)'' Cibo Matto '''can clog dance'''?! ''([[Beat]])'' ...[[Does Not Understand Sarcasm|oh, sarcasm, right]]. }}
** Buffy disfusingdiffusing a school shooting in "[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3/E19 Earshot|Earshot]]":
{{quote|'''Jonathan''': You think I just want attention?
'''Buffy''': No, I think you're up in the clock tower with a high-powered rifle because you wanna blend in. }}
** In "[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3/E09 The Wish|The Wish]]", Cordelia, oblivious to the fact that Xander's a vampire in this reality, tells him that they need to find Buffy pronto.
{{quote|'''Wishverse Xander:''' ''(warily)'' ...Buffy. The Slayer?
'''Cordelia:''' No! Buffy the dog-faced girl! }}
** Wishverse Buffy and Angel are present at the factory's unveiling, observing from the back. "What's the plan?", Angel asks. Without looking at him, Buffy holds up a stake: "Don't fall on this."
* [[The Atoner]]: They're everywhere. Giles, Faith, Angel, Spike, Willow and Andrew. Amazingly, only one of them has suffered [[Redemption Equals Death]]. {{spoiler|It was Giles.}}.
* [[Attack of the Killer Whatever]]: Subverted.
* [[Ax Crazy]]: Drusilla, Faith, Caleb, Warren Mears.
== B ==
* [[Baddie Flattery]]: In her nightmare encounter with the Master, he comments that Buffy is prettier than the last Slayer. He compliments her aim in "Prophecy Girl", after casually [[Arrow Catch|catching her crossbow bolt]].
** The Mayor concurs with that assessment ("Choices"). "She's pretty, Angel! [[Expecting Someone Taller|A little skinny]]."
** Friend-turned-enemy Billy Fordham sadly tells Buffy he's missed her, which is tantamount to admitting that her analysis of him (that he's a scared kid hiding behind elusions of villainy) is spot-on ("[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S2/E07 Lie to Me|Lie to Me]]").
* [[Bad Guy Bar]]: Willy's.
** [[Played for Laughs]] with the Sunset Club, a mecca for dorks.
* [[Bad Guys Play Pool]]: Willy's Bar.
** The billard table at The Bronze is usually an indicator that someone's up to no good. Xander is angrily playing a game by himself when Faith approaches him with a plan to dust Angel. ("Revelations").
** Percy, the basketball jock who exploits Willow to pass his tests, is cockily shooting pool when Vampire Willow (from the Wishverse) strolls in. ("Doppelgangland").
** In "Fool for Love", Spike shoots pool while relating his past to Buffy.
* [[Baddie Flattery]]: In her nightmare encounter with the Master, he comments that Buffy is prettier than the last Slayer. He compliments her aim in "Prophecy Girl", after casually [[Arrow Catch|catching her crossbow bolt]].
** The Mayor concurs with that assessment. ("Choices") "She's pretty, Angel! [[Expecting Someone Taller|A little skinny]]."
** Friend-turned-enemy Billy Fordham sadly tells Buffy he's missed her, which is tantamount to admitting that her analysis of him (that he's a scared kid hiding behind elusions of villainy) is spot-on. ("[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S2/E07 Lie to Me|Lie to Me]]")
* [[Basement Dweller]]: Xander, The Trio, Spike.
* [[Battle Trophy]]: Spike's duster.
* [[Batman Cold Open]]: Occasionally doubles as a [[Couch Gag]]; for instance, "Halloween" starts with Buffy fighting a vampire in a pumpkin patch.
* [[Batter Up]]: A popular weapon amongst the Scoobies. Anya doesn't know how to hold one properly.
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** As punishment for {{spoiler|murdering Ms. Calender}}, Giles pays a visit to Angelus and greets him with a kerosene-soaked flaming bat to the head.
{{quote|'''Angelus:''' Jeez, whatever happened to [[Good Old Ways|wooden stakes?]]}}
** For attempting to strangle Xander in her bed, Faith is treated to a baseball bat to the teeth (courtesy of Johnny-on-the-spot Angel).
* [[Battle Couple]]: Each of Buffy's boyfriends (Angel, Riley, Spike) are combat-ready.
* [[Battle Trophy]]: Spike's duster.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Happens frequently, as you might expect from living on a Hellmouth. Here are just a few examples.
** Xander stepping up to the plate and taking his best shot with Buffy. "I want to dance with you"." He gets his wish in the very next episode, when a shell-shocked Buffy bumps and grinds against him to enrage Willow and Angel.
** The M.O. of vengeance demons.
** Quoted by Halloween costume fashionista Ethan Rayne. "Don't wish to blow my own trumpet, but it's genius. The very embodiment of 'be careful what you wish for'."
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** A scorned Xander performing a [[Love Potion|love spell]] on Cordelia. Needless to say, it backfires.
{{quote|'''Giles:''' I cannot believe that you are [[Who Would Be Stupid Enough...?|fool enough to do something like this!]]<br />
'''Xander''': Oh, no, I'm ''twice'' the fool it takes to do something like this. }}
** Ken's [[Hannibal Lecture]] in "Anne". He ridiculing her for running away from Sunnydale and her old identity -- trying to disappear. "Congratulations. [[Trapped in Another World|You got your wish.]]"
** The Trio wanted to be taken seriously as super villains. Willow skinned Warren and Jonathan & Andrew fled the country.
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** Billy Idol stole his look from Spike
** Martha Stewart is a witch.
* [[Betty, Veronica and Archie Switcheroo]]:
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: Willow breaks the supernatural {{spoiler|"One Slayer" rule}} set down by the Council. This was solid internal logic for the bulk of the series until then..
** Buffy was the Archie between Angel, her love interest in seasons one and two, and Xander briefly. Thing is that while Xander would normally be the Betty, his jealousy for Angel led to him being a [[Jerkass]] on several occasions and even considering his childhood friend Willow as a consolation prize. Willow called him out for this in the season one finale, that she is no one's second choice.
** Willow and Xander both gain significant others in season two: musician Oz and [[Alpha Bitch]] Cordelia respectively. They also realize they are attracted to each other in season three, and both would be considered the Bettys for each other. Thing is that Oz and Cordelia truly loved their partners, and are devastated when seeing the two kiss. The rest of the season turns Cordelia into [[The Woobie]] as she undergoes a [[Humiliation Conga]], and it takes Oz a long time to forgive Willow.
* [[Beyond the Impossible]]: Willow breaks the supernatural {{spoiler|"One Slayer" rule}} set down by the Council. This was solid internal logic for the bulk of the series until then..
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Spike to Dawn.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Spells are almost always done in another language, often a dead one like Latin.
* [[Bit Character]]: Deputy Mayor Finch's death marks the third murder investigation involving Buffy in less than two years: she is previously suspected in the deaths of fellow Slayer Kendra and her would-be stepfather, Ted. Each investigation is headed by the same Detective (played by James MacDonald).
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]
* [[Bit Part Badguys]]: Vampires starting around Season 3 or so.
** [[Team Rocket Wins]]: Run of the mill, common vampires, under no leadership but their own -- have bested Buffy on a couple of occasions and are among the most common sources of Slayer overall deaths in the series.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: Very common. Seasons 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 all have them. Episodes also have them often, including the musical episode.
{{quote|'''Everyone''': "The battle's done and we kinda won, so we sound our victory cheer, but where do we go from here?"}}
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* [[Blonde, Brunette, Redhead]]: Buffy (blonde) Willow (redhead) but it's a toss up amongst Cordelia, Anya or Dawn when it comes to the brunette.
** Even though he's a guy Xander could probably be considered the brunette since Buffy, Willow and Xander are practically a trio of their own.
** These hair colourcolor stereotypes are heavily inverted. Buffy is hardly a [[Dumb Blonde]], Willow is easily the quietest of the trio and not [[Fiery Redhead|fiery]] normally. And if there's one thing Xander isn't, it's [[Brainy Brunette|brainy]].
* [[Bloodless Carnage]]: ''Lots'' of death, lots of vampires sucking blood out of people, a few plain old slit throats, very little red.
* [[Blood Magic]]: In the Master's first attempt at an early parole, his [[The Dragon|Dragon]] Luke volunteers to become the Master's "Vessel", supplying him with power by feeding on human blood.
** It's Buffy's blood which ultimately allows the Master to break free. ("Prophecy Girl").
** In the Season Two premiere, the Master's acolytes attempt a ritual to bring him back to life. This involves [[Slashed Throat|slitting the necks]] of his adversaries (iei.e. the Scoobies) and wetting his skeleton with their blood.
** Angelus' blood is the key to de-petrifying the demon Acathla and opening a portal that would suck the world into hell. Unluckily for him, it's a two-way street; Buffy {{spoiler|runs Angelus through with a sword}} whilst standing in front of Acathla, {{spoiler|sending Angelus to hell}} and sealing the portal shut.
** Likewise, the blood of "The Key" is necessary to open and close the wall separating Glory's universe from ours. Her zealots succeed in using Dawn as the Key by spilling her blood; however, Buffy takes advantage of a loophole by {{spoiler|using her own blood (which is identical to Dawn's)}} to close the vortex.
** In Season Seven, the Seal of Danzalthar opens only when a large quantity of blood is spilled on it.
* [[Bloodless Carnage]]: ''Lots'' of death, lots of vampires sucking blood out of people, a few plain old slit throats, very little red.
* [[Bond One-Liner]]: Subverted more than once.
** "That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, bingo!"
** "Hey Ken, wanna see my impression of Gandhi?" ('''[[Carry a Big Stick|SPLAT]]''')
{{quote|'''Lily:''' Gandhi?
'''Buffy:''' [beat] Well, you know, [[Dissimile|if he was really pissed off]]. }}
* [[Book Ends]]: At the end of the pilot, Giles [[Schiff One-Liner|signs off]] with, "[[This Is Gonna Suck|The world is doomed]]." He amends this in the series finale. ("''definitely'' doomed.").
** Season 2 began with Buffy arriving from LA and ended with Buffy leaving for LA.
** At the start of Season 2, Joyce says she hopes Buffy can make it through the school year [[Tempting Fate|without getting kicked out]]. At the end of the season Buffy does get kicked out.
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** In "Lie to Me", Ford arranging a "surprise" date with Buffy is eerily reminiscent of the scene between Angel and Drusilla at the beginning of the episode, and conveys the same sense of battle lines being drawn.
** In the same episode, Buffy says she's done with being lied to by her friends, but Angel tells her that some lies are necessary -- which is a nice setup for the [[Title Drop]] at the end of the episode.
** When Buffy reawakens in the hospital in the Season Three finale, she approaches Faith's bed and returns the forehead kiss that Faith had given her in "Enemies.".
** Principal Snyder is killed by being eaten. This after Snyder made such a big deal back in his first appearance ("The Puppet Show") about how former Principal Flutie got devoured by hyenas because he was too soft on kids.
** Willow suggested to Buffy in "The Harvest" that one way she could get out of school would be to "blow something up." Can do!
** Buffy began and ended Season 6 at the cemetery (though it should be noted that every season except the first ''begins'' in a cemetery).
*** The real Book End of Season 6 is the fact that both the premiere and the finale feature Buffy climbing out of the ground and showing the stark differences in the circumstances. In the premiere she's clawing her way out of a coffin, terrified and desperate and she emerges to darkness and what she thinks is Hell. In the finale she climbs out with her sister and emerges into the sun, looking hopeful and peaceful.
** Season 7 premiere. "It's about power."
* [[Brainless Beauty]]: Harmony, some minor characters, arguably Glory. Cordelia seemed to be one, but had [[Hidden Depths]].
* [[Bread, Eggs, Breaded Eggs]]: In "Once More With Feeling":
{{quote|'''Xander:''' It's a nightmare. It's a plague. It's like a nightmare ''about'' a plague.}}
* [[Break the Cutie]]: Willow, Dawn, Buffy herself, Anya from "Hell's Bells" on, arguably Riley and even Faith. Blame [[Joss Whedon]].
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]] / [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]]
* [[Break the Cutie]]: Willow, Dawn, Buffy herself, Anya from "Hell's Bells" on, arguably Riley and even Faith. Blame [[Joss Whedon]].
* [[Brick Joke]]: "Passions" has a throwaway line about the Orb of Thesulah being sold to dumb New Agers as paperweights. In the Season Finale, Giles mentions he has been using one as a paperweight.
** Buffy remarks that she could use a snack after killing The Master. In her debut episode, Faith, another Slayer, says that slaying always makes her "[[Inappropriate Hunger|hungry and horny]]."
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* [[Bully Hunter]]: Our hero, in the first few seasons. Buffy jumps to the aid of those being picked on at least half a dozen times.
* [[Bury Your Gays]]: Surprisingly enough, this trope is played straight more often than not.
** We have {{spoiler|Larry}}, the only ''confirmed'' gay man ever on the show, {{spoiler|who was killed in the battle against The Mayor in "Graduation Day"}}.
** And {{spoiler|Tara, Willow's long time girlfriend, was shot and killed by Warren Mears}}.
** And then there's {{spoiler|Kennedy, Willow's second girlfriend, who was killed between the end of Season 7, and the beginning of Season 8}}. She was subsequently revived by Willow.
* [[But Not Too Gay]]: Willow and Tara were a couple for about eighteen episodes before they so much as kissed on-screen, probably partly for this and partly to avoid claims of sensationalism.
** Although, this is most likely also done so Joss could do it without the Executives advertising it, by placing their first on-screen kiss in The Body.
== C ==
* [[Calling Your Orgasms]]
* [[Can't You Read the Sign?]]
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: Glory, The Trio, Caleb, vampires in general.
* [[Casual Danger Dialog]]
* [[Casual Kink]]: Several times, most notable in "The I in Team.".
* [[Character Development]]: Plenty for all, but it's worth noting that ones who get the most of it are the ones who end up on ''[[Angel]]'': [[Defrosting Ice Queen|Cordelia]], [[Took a Level In Badass|Wesley]], and [[Heel Face Turn|Spike]], all of whom end their time in the Buffyverse ''very'' different from when they first appeared.
* [[Character-Magnetic Team]]
* [[Character Development]]: Plenty for all, but it's worth noting that ones who get the most of it are the ones who end up on ''[[Angel]]'': [[Defrosting Ice Queen|Cordelia]], [[Took a Level in Badass|Wesley]], and [[Heel Face Turn|Spike]], all of whom end their time in the Buffyverse ''very'' different from when they first appeared.
* [[Character Overlap]]: See "Character Development."
* [[Characterization Marches On]]: '''Wow.''' In the first episode of ''Buffy'', Buffy herself was a perky cheerleader, Darla was somewhat whiny, and Angel was aloof, mysterious, and kind of chipper. Fast forward to the episode ''Angel'', and they've developed more into the personalities that they're known for.
** With Darla, it's somewhat hard to tell, considering that she gets dusted so soon, but she does come back on ''[[Angel]]'', and it's a lot more apparent.
* [[Character Overlap]]: See [[Character Development]] above.
* [[Chekhov's Skill]]: Willow's magic in Season 3, Xander's construction job in Season 5. Giles' skill with black magic in Season 8.
* [[Chop Sockey]]
* [[Chosen Family]]: The Scoobies have become this, to the point where two of them become a [[Parental Substitute]] duo to Dawn, who is the only minor left in the group by season six. While Buffy started hanging with Willow and Xander after they learned about vampires and decided to do what they could to help, Cordelia joined the group under protest after supernatural forces killed one of her boyfriends and started targeting her on a regular basis.
* [[Cigarette of Anxiety]]: Happens a few times. In the episode "Spiral" Spike tries it. Problem is, his hands are screwed up from the fight they were just in, so Xander ends up lighting it for him. Reversed in the episode, ''Get It Done''. Spike, who has been various flavors of [[The Woobie]] throughout the first half of the season, and who has just gotten [[Curb Stomp Battle|curb stomped]] by a demon that he needs to kill to help Buffy, goes back to an old hideout of his to retrieve [[Iconic Item|his duster]], before going out to fight the demon again. After he dispatches the demon, he lights up a smoke to show that [[He's Back]] to his old [[Badass]] self.
* [[Cigarette of Anxiety]]: Happens a few times. In the episode "Spiral", Spike tries it. Problem is, his hands are screwed up from the fight they were just in, so Xander ends up lighting it for him. Reversed in the episode "Get It Done". Spike, who has been various flavors of [[The Woobie]] throughout the first half of the season, and who has just gotten [[Curb Stomp Battle|curb stomped]] by a demon that he needs to kill to help Buffy, goes back to an old hideout of his to retrieve [[Iconic Item|his duster]], before going out to fight the demon again. After he dispatches the demon, he lights up a smoke to show that [[He's Back]] to his old [[Badass]] self.
** When Faith returns to help save the world with people who hate her she sneaks down into the basement when she gets sick of the potentials to smoke. In the comics she returns to being very cynical and uses smoking to cope, and when tricked to kill a slayer who is targeting Buffy she needs a lot of cigarettes to cope, then seemingly quits after getting with Giles then Angel.
* [[City of Weirdos]]: Sunnydale.
* [[Clock Tower]]: Sunnydale High's steeple, showcased in "Earshot.".
* [[Collectible Card Game]]
* [[Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are]]: Buffy vs. Angel in his eponymous episode.
** Buffy and the Master in "Prophecy Girl.".
** Spike hollering at the drop ceiling panels in "School Hard.".
** In "Ted", Buffy goes hunting for something to take out her frustrations on, but she's too depressed to make an effort; we see her sitting on a playground swing saying "Vampires? Heeeere vampires..."
* [[Coming Out Story]]: Willow.
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* [[Crapsack World]]: The high school paper has an obituary section. 'Nuff said.
** It's really just Sunnydale, though. And [[Running Gag|Cleveland]]. But this trope DEFINITELY applies to Sunnydale in "The Wish"; if you thought regular Sunnydale was bad...
* [[Creator Cameo]]: "Parking Ticket Lady" (Marti Noxon) and "Mustard Guy" (David Fury) in the musical episode, "Once More With Feeling.".
** In "Lie to Me", the [[Vampire Vannabe|fake vampire]] lying in a coffin who greets Willow enters a club ("Hi" Vampire in the credits) is played by Todd [[Mc Intosh]], the show's makeup supervisor.
* [[Credits Gag]]: "[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCLPHSVtvmU Grr. Argh]."
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** Subverted with the first one. Buffy doesn't even get the dignity of falling on her back when she dies: she is dumped face-first into a shallow pool of water while unconscious and drowns.
* [[Cryptic Background Reference]]
* [[Cutesy Name Town]]: Welcome to ''"Sunnydale,"'', the most evil and horrible place on the planet, next to [[Running Gag|Cleveland]].
== D ==
* [[Damned By Faint Praise]]: Willow's excited to hear that since Angel came to our fair shores about eighty years ago, there are no reports of him hunting ("Angel"). She reads this as proof that he is a ''good'' vampire. "I mean, [[On a Scale From One To Ten|on a scale of one to ten]], 10 being someone who's killing and maiming every night, and 1 being someone who's... not."
** In "Prophecy Girl", Xander takes the plunge and asks out Buffy. She's at a loss for words. "Well, you're not laughing, so that's a good start."
** In "School Hard", Joyce wonders what Buffy's teachers will have to say about her scholastic performance. "Well,", Buffy declares, "I think they'll all agree that [[Half Truth|I always bring a pen to class]], ready to absorb the knowledge."
** Willow congratulates Buffy from moving on from Angel ...then makes the mistake asking the Scoobies if they approve of the new guy, Scott. "He didn't try to slit our throats or anything," quips Cordelia. "It's progress." ("Faith, Hope, and Trick")
** Buffy concedes that she's not popular. But she's not exactly '''un'''popular! ("[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3/E05 Homecoming|Homecoming]]")
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' A ''lot'' of people came to my Welcome Home party.
'''Willow:''' But they were eaten by zombies. }}
** In "[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3/E19 Earshot|Earshot]]", Hogan feigns excitement at Percy's improved verbal skills. "I actually heard him complete a sentence," he tells Willow. "It had a clause and everything."
** At a pep rally in the same episode, Oz muses that the cheerleaders' spelling has improved.
** In "[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3/E22 Graduation Day Part 2|Graduation Day pt. 2]]", Snyder congratulates the Class of '99, saying that they were "more or less adequate."
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: Cordelia in seasons one and two, Willow fairly often, and, in a frequent subversion, Xander. Also, Dawn in seasons five and six and the potentials in season seven. Actually, most every character was a Distressed Damsel sooner or later.
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Dawn's in trouble. [[Medium Awareness|Must be Tuesday.]]}}
* [[Dangerous Workplace]]: The Magic Box's storekeeper keeps getting killed over the seasons. In "Real Me", Giles decides to buy the shop and run it with the Scooby Gang there to hangout and protect ''him''.
** On a creepy note, ''none'' of the magic store's owners have lived. This includes {{spoiler|Anya}} (killed by a Bringer) and {{spoiler|Giles}} (killed in Season Eight).
* [[The Danza]]: Larry Bagby III as Larry Blaisdell.
* [[Dark Is Evil]]: Vampires, Bringers and a few other things.
** [[Dark Is Not Evil]]: Post-[[Heel Face Turn]] Spike still wears his leather duster and Angel's entire wardrobe seems to be black.
* [[A Date with Rosie Palms]]: Numerous times.
* [[Defiant to the End]]: In Angelus's torture chamber, Giles is barely conscious and bound to his chair. Angelus circles him like a buzzard, telling him he can make the pain stop. Giles finally cracks; he'll tell Angelus what he wants to know. He speaks in a hoarse whisper so Angelus has to put his face very near Giles's and listen very carefully:
{{quote|'''Giles:''' In order...to be worthy... you must perform the ritual... '''in a tutu'''!}}
** As Faith holds Willow at knife point, Willow tries to reason with her. Faith senses [[Kirk Summation|another speech]] coming on, and invites Willow to tell her it's all right, there's still good in Faith, it's not too late to change, et cetera. Willow furrows her brows and says it's ''way'' too late.
{{quote|"You know, it didn't have to be this way. But you made your choice. I know you had a tough life; I know that some people think you had a lot of bad breaks. Well, boo hoo! Poor you. You know, you had a lot more in your life than some people. I mean, you had friends like Buffy. Now you have no one. You were a Slayer, and now you're nothing."}}
** Spike's [[Adopt the Dog|willingness to face torture and death]] to protect Dawn.
* [[Dawson Casting]]: Some actors were a full decade older than their characters.
** Averted by Dawn, whose actress is the same age as her.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Oz, Spike, Buffy, Xander.
** Giles also has his moments.
* [[Decoy Damsel]]: In the Pilot, Xander's best friend Jesse is nabbed by the Master's goons. By the time they free him in the sewers, he's already been vamped.
** The Annointed One tries this on Buffy in "Prophecy Girl", standing on the school lawn and wahing for help. Buffy sees right through him.
** A whimpering brunette vampire who impersonates Cordelia in "When She Was bad.".
** Inverted with Faith's introductory scene, when the Scoobies rush in to 'rescue' her from a disco vampire.
* [[Defiant to the End]]: In Angelus's torture chamber, Giles is barely conscious and bound to his chair. Angelus circles him like a buzzard, telling him he can make the pain stop. Giles finally cracks; he'll tell Angelus what he wants to know. He speaks in a hoarse whisper so Angelus has to put his face very near Giles's and listen very carefully:
{{quote|'''Giles:''' In order...to be worthy... you must perform the ritual... '''in a tutu'''!}}
** As Faith holds Willow at knife point, Willow tries to reason with her. Faith senses [[Kirk Summation|another speech]] coming on, and invites Willow to tell her it's all right, there's still good in Faith, it's not too late to change, etc. Willow furrows her brows and says it's ''way'' too late.
{{quote|"You know, it didn't have to be this way. But you made your choice. I know you had a tough life; I know that some people think you had a lot of bad breaks. Well, boo hoo! Poor you. You know, you had a lot more in your life than some people. I mean, you had friends like Buffy. Now you have no one. You were a Slayer, and now you're nothing."}}
** Spike's [[Adopt the Dog|willingness to face torture and death]] to protect Dawn.
* [[Devil's Advocate]]: The Devil's Advocate ball gets passed around the cast of characters, but tends to land in Xander's lap as often as not. The opposing viewpoint is commonly prefaced with "Not to be the bad guy here, but..." or some form of "I don't want to be ''that'' guy, but..."
* [[Did Mom Just Have Tea with Cthulhu?]]: Angelus and Joyce. Spike and Joyce, for laughs.
Line 224 ⟶ 238:
** The first time Xander sees Buffy (while skateboarding), he careens into a guardrail.
** In "Prophecy Girl", Willow sits enraptured while Xander tries his pick-up lines on her. When he asks for Buffy, Willow points out she's gone, and pathetically offers to let him practice on her some more.
** Xander losing his train of thought as Willow's leg [[Footsie Under the Table|creeps up his shin]]. ("Band Candy").
{{quote|'''Xander:''' The band. Yeah. They're great. [[Shaped Like Itself|They march.]]<br />
'''Willow:''' Like an army. ...[[Dissimile|Except with music instead of bullets, and...usually no one dies]]. }}
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: LOTS AND LOTS.
* [[Damsel in Distress]]: Cordelia in seasons one and two, Willow fairly often, and, in a frequent subversion, Xander. Also, Dawn in seasons five and six and the potentials in season seven. Actually, most every character was a Distressed Damsel sooner or later.
** Magic = Drugs and sex, lesbian sex in particular, hence some [[Unfortunate Implications]]. Lampshaded in "Same Time, Same Place", when Anya initially is reluctant to do a spell with Willow because "it might get sexy", and it did.
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Dawn's in trouble. [[Medium Awareness|Must be Tuesday.]]}}
** Vampire attacks = sex.
* [[Dude in Distress]]: Pretty much all the guys on this show at one point or another. It's been lampshaded that Xander frequently gets involved with demonic women who try and kill him, Angel gets tied up and tortured a few times, Spike spend a good deal of season 7 in custody of the First Evil tied up and bled as a sacrifice. Even the stoic Oz ends up captured by the US military at one point.
*** And when Spike has his chip, inability to commit vampire attack = impotence.
** Dawn believing she's a Potential = pregnancy.
** Buffy revealing she's as a slayer to her mother = coming out of the closet. The initial incident aside, Joyce later refers to a figurative "Slayer [[Pride Parade]]"...
** Witchcraft = also homosexuality.
** Dawn finding out she's The Key = adoption.
** Riley letting vampires feed on him = prostitution.
** A big one is Buffy releasing Angelus when they make love = your boyfriend will turn into a jerk/monster after you sleep with him.
* [[Do Not Taunt Cthulhu]]: Xander, when he sees the fear demon. It's not [[Tempting Fate]], it's just ''tacky.''
** And in "Something Blue", Buffy taunts Spike:
{{quote|'''Buffy''': Oh, look at my poor neck. All bare and tender and exposed. All that blood just pumping away.
'''Spike''': Giles, make her stop. }}
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: LOTS AND LOTS.
** Magic = Drugs and sex, lesbian sex in particular, hence some [[Unfortunate Implications]]. Lampshaded in "Same Time, Same Place" when Anya initially is reluctant to do a spell with Willow because "it might get sexy", and it did.
** Vampire attacks = sex
*** And when Spike has his chip, inability to commit vampire attack = impotence
** Dawn believing she's a Potential = pregnancy
** Buffy revealing she's as a slayer to her mother = coming out of the closet. The initial incident aside, Joyce later refers to a figurative "Slayer [[Pride Parade]]"...
** Witchcraft = also homosexuality
** Dawn finding out she's The Key = adoption
** Riley letting vampires feed on him = prostitution
** A big one is Buffy releasing Angelus when they make love = your boyfriend will turn into a jerk/monster after you sleep with him
* [[Don't Sneak Up On Me Like That]]: Buffy tends to do this; for example, it's how she first meets Oz.
* [[Doppelganger]]: The three core scoobies have had at least one each: the Buffybot, Vamp Willow, and, arguably, the time Xander's personality was split into two physical bodies.
{{quote|'''Xander''': Hey wait 'til you have an evil twin. See how you handle it. ''(leaves)''
'''Willow''': ''(muttering)'' I handled it fine. }}
* [[Double Entendre]]: Used plenty of times.
* [[The Dragon]]: The Master has [[Co-Dragons]] in Luke and Darla.
** The Annointed One becomes a [[Dragon Ascendant]] following the Master's death. The vampire preacher Absalom could be considered the A.O.'s Dragon.
** Spike is [[Demoted to Dragon]] after making the mistake of letting Angelus crash at his place.
** Mr. Trick begrudgingly serves as a [[Dragon-in-Chief]] to Kakistos before getting fed up and [[Rule of Two|leaving him to the Slayers]]. He later finds himself employed by Mayor Wilkins, but meets his end during a scuffle with Faith, who goes on to [[Klingon Promotion|take his job]].
* [[Drama-Preserving Handicap]]
* [[Dreaming of Things to Come]]: Slayers occasionally have prophetic dreams.
Line 254 ⟶ 269:
* [[Dresses the Same]]: In the episode "Angel", Cordelia spots a girl wearing a dress identical to her own, and accuses her of wearing a cheap knockoff of her designer original. The girl scurries off with Cordelia in hot pursuit, haranguing her. "This is exactly what happens when you sign these free trade agreements!"
** At the Sunset Club, Angel rails on about how these kids don't know anything about vampires. "What they are, how they live, how they dress..." At that moment, a dude dressed in exactly the same outfit as Angel appears next to him, checks him out, and walks away. "...[[Ahem]]."
* [[The Dragon]]: The Master has [[Co-Dragons]] in Luke and Darla.
** The Annointed One becomes a [[Dragon Ascendant]] following the Master's death. The vampire preacher Absalom could be considered the A.O.'s Dragon.
** Spike is [[Demoted to Dragon]] after making the mistake of letting Angelus crash at his place.
** Mr. Trick begrudgingly serves as a [[Dragon-in-Chief]] to Kakistos before getting fed up and [[Rule of Two|leaving him to the Slayers]]. He later finds himself employed by Mayor Wilkins, but meets his end during a scuffle with Faith, who goes on to [[Klingon Promotion|take his job]].
* [[Drugs Are Bad]]: Steroids will turn you into fish monsters.
** The villain's [[Psycho Serum]] in "Beauty and the Beasts" was also a pretty obvious steroids analogue.
** Magic = drugs, complete with dealers.
*** And don't lets forget Riley's blood-addiction thing (which is also played with in Angel, to an even further degree)
* [[Dude in Distress]]: Pretty much all the guys on this show at one point or another. It's been lampshaded that Xander frequently gets involved with demonic women who try and kill him, Angel gets tied up and tortured a few times, Spike spend a good deal of Season 7 in custody of the First Evil tied up and bled as a sacrifice. Even the stoic Oz ends up captured by the US military at one point.
* [[Dynamic Entry]]: In "[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S1/E02 The Harvest|The Harvest]]", Luke is about to chow down on Cordelia when Buffy kicks one of his mooks over a railing and onto the stage below. Luke watches him land with a thud.
** In the episode "Angel", Thingsthings aren't going so well between Buffy and her fan club. As the leader of the Three is going for the kill, Angel suddenly yanks his hair from behind and punches him in the face.
{{quote|'''Angel''': Good dogs don't... [socks vampire] '''[[Punctuated Pounding|bite!]]'''}}
** In the Season Two premerepremiere, Xander grapples with a vampire in a losing effort until a hand yanks the vamp away. We then see the vamp get pummeled by someone in a shiny micro-mini.
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' [[Aside Glance|Miss me?]]}}
** Buffy actually manages this in 'Halloween' in a scene where she was physically present the entire time, when the spell that was keeping her helplessly afraid and unaware of who she was ends in the middle of Spike's attack on her:
** While Angelus is busy with her Watcher, Buffy swoops out of nowhere and judo kicks him in the back. ("Passion")
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' (flips herself upright) Hi honey. I'm ''home''. (ass kicking)}}
** While Angelus is busy with her Watcher, Buffy swoops out of nowhere and judo kicks him in the back ("Passion").
{{quote|'''Angelus''': ''(to Giles)'' All right, you've had your fun, but you know what it's time for now?
'''Buffy: [[Walk in Chime In|My fun.]]''' }}
** Perhaps the most famous example in the [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S2/E22 Becoming, Part 2|Season 2 finale]]. A Sunnydale cop, so nonexistent in previous weeks and so very prevalent in this one, jumps out and tells Buffy to hold it right there. Suddenly, the gun gets kicked out his hands. Spike pops out of nowhere, slaps around the cop and kicks him into the hood of his car, knocking him out.
{{quote|"[[Villainous Rescue|Hello, cutie]]."}}
** In the same episode, Angelus readies himself to free Acathla as his acolytes look on. Buffy enters quietly behind one of the henchvamps and cleanly decapitates him. O hai!
** In "[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3/E15 Consequences|Consequences]]", Faith is straddling Xander in her bed and [[Go Out With a Bang|about to strangle him]]. She hears a sound and looks over to see Angel swinging a baseball bat before [[Smash to Black|the screen goes black]]. Ow.
== E ==
* [[Embarrassing Cover Up]]
* [[Emergency Impersonation]]: Willow impersonates the captured alternate universe Willow to get her mooks to go outside.
Line 288 ⟶ 304:
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Spike explains that while vampires may love to talk about destroying the world amongst themselves ("It's just tough-guy talk."), he prefers the world as it is. Where he draws the line, however, is sucking the world into Hell.
{{quote|"The truth is I like this world. You've got... [beat] dog racing. [[British Footy Teams|Manchester United]]. And you've got people. Billions of people walking around like Happy Meals with legs. It's all right here. But then someone comes along with a vision. With a real passion for destruction. Angel could pull it off. [[Waxing Lyrical|Goodbye, Piccadilly. Farewell, Leicester Bloody Square]], y'know what I'm saying?"}}
** Mayor Wilkins says that he married his wife in '03 and that he was with her to the end, which was "not a pretty picture.". He suggests that the immortal Angel and the mortal Buffy will have the same problem. Wilkins gets in Angel's face, saying that he's selfish for keeping Buffy from the life she should have. "Is that what you came back from hell for? Is that your greater purpose?" Receiving a blank stare for an answer, Wilkins disgustedly turns his back on him.
* [[Everybody Has Lots of Sex]] : Averted. In the seven-year series, Buffy only has four sexual partners (Angel, Parker, Riley and Spike), Willow has three (Oz, Tara and Kennedy) and Xander has two (Faith and Anya, not counting demonic seductions with intentions on his life). With the exception of Parker and Faith, two one-night-stands who promptly abandoned the cast regulars after the event, all these relationships evolved into sexual contact after prolonged friendship and/or dating.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Giles in particular racked up a high count, if only because anyone with a vaguely [[Evil Mentor|mentor-like]] personality or [[Evil Brit|British accent]] will qualify. Giles had an evil counterpart on ''Angel'', too, despite never even appearing on that show!
Line 294 ⟶ 310:
** Oz has an evil counterpart in Veruca.
** Willow's archenemy (still at large by the time of Season Eight) is Amy Madison.
** Riley = Forrest.
** Dawn = Glory.
** Anya = Halfrek.
* [[Evil Gloating]]: A few of the villains do this. Ethan Rayne acknowledges that it's generally a bad idea, but he can't seem to help himself.
* [[Evil Only Has to Win Once]]: The stakes to losing to any of the [[Big Bad]]'s.
* [[Evil Sorcerer]]: Ethan, The Mayor and, in his past, Giles. It's been hinted that Giles was much, much worse than Ethan.
* [[Exclusively Evil]]: Vampires and, initially, demons.
* [[Expecting Someone Taller]]
* [[Exposition of Immortality]]: It's a TV show with vampires and demons and werewolves, oh my! There was going to have to be some of this going on at some point. Being television means a lot of it comes through flashbacks; mainly provided for Angel as Angellus, Angel being cursed by the gypsies, Angellus being evil with Spike and Dru, etc.
* [[Expressive Hair]]: When Buffy's hair is all curly, she is normally not herself or crazy. This goes [[Older Than They Think|all the way back]] to Xander's daydream in the fourth episode of the series.
* [[Expy]]: Der Kindestod, of [[A Nightmare on Elm Street|Freddy]].
** Ted, and [[The Stepfather]].
** For another example, look at Gnarl from "Same Time, Same Place" and tell us he doesn't remind you of [[The Lord of the Rings|Gollum.]] They even have the same habit of referring to themselves in the third person.
* [[Exposition of Immortality]]: It's a TV show with vampires and demons and werewolves, oh my! There was going to have to be some of this going on at some point. Being television means a lot of it comes through flashbacks; mainly provided for Angel as Angellus, Angel being cursed by the gypsies, Angellus being evil with Spike and Dru etc.
== F ==
* [[Failed Attempt At Drama]]: The Trio do this a few times.
** And Willow in "Doppelgangland", when she meekly explains that she's storming off now. "It doesn't really work if you come with me."
** When the earthquake stops, and the Master, in mid-rant, asides, "Whaddaya think? 5.1?"
** "Prophecy Girl:": When he wakes up, tell him...I dunno. Think of [[Facing the Bullets One-Liner|something cool]]. Tell him I said it.
** Oz insists on a moment of silence after the school blows up. Everyone gets annoyed and leaves. "..And we're done."
** Ethan Rayne in "A New Man" tried to do an "I'm back to raise Hell" monologue when he thought he was alone but Giles heard him.
** Spike falls into an open grave in "Out Of My Mind".
* [[Fallen Princess]]: Buffy, later Cordelia and Anya.
* [[Fantastic Religious Weirdness]]: Willow nailing crosses to her bedroom as well as more general cosmology.
Line 319 ⟶ 339:
* [[Feminist Fantasy]]
* [[Flashback Nightmare]]: Part of the Slayer package is flashbacks to battles of other Slayers in the form of nightmares. [[Angel]] Season 5 shows what happens when a crazy person gets them.
* [[For Halloween I Am Going as Myself]]: For vaguely defined reasons, apparently because they think it is just corny, Vampires and demons do not cause problems on Halloween, and instead stay in their respective lairs and wait for the night to end. Spike is [[Even Evil Has Standards|disgusted]] when a couple of teenaged Vampires try to cause trouble and explains that there are ''rules'' for this sort of thing, and explains that ''he'' is a rebel, whereas they are just idiots.
* [[Expressive Hair]]: When Buffy's hair is all curly she is normally not herself or crazy. This goes [[Older Than They Think|all the way back]] to Xander's daydream in the fourth episode of the series.
* [[Fluffy the Terrible]]: Darla, Glory, and (arguably) Buffy herself.
* [[For Halloween I Am Going as Myself]]: For vaguely defined reasons, apparently because they think it is just corny, Vampires and demons do not cause problems on Halloween, and instead stay in their respective lairs and wait for the night to end. Spike is [[Even Evil Has Standards|disgusted]] when a couple of teenaged Vampires try to cause trouble and explains that there are ''rules'' for this sort of thing, and explains that ''he'' is a rebel, whereas they are just idiots.
* [[Freudian Slip]]: Xander helping to gather Buffy's books in the pilot. "Can I have you --Uh, can I ''help'' you?"
** Later outshined by, "We're your bosom friends! The friends of your bosom!"
Line 327 ⟶ 346:
** Wesley's introduction to comely Cordelia ("Consequences"). "In fact, I am... here to watch... girls."
** Buffy getting the results of her SATs back ("Lover's Walk"). When Buffy shares her scores, Cordy smiles hugely because they enable Buffy to "[[Get Out!|leave and never come back!]]"
* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampires]]: butBut not very many.
* [[Frozen Fashion Sense]]: According to Buffy, this is the dead giveaway. Another one is hilariously outdated dance moves.
== G ==
* [[Gayngst]]: Despite having four (possibly [[Ambiguously Gay|five]]) homosexual characters, there is very little gayngst on the show. Larry suffers a little before coming out of the closet but by the time it's mentioned again, he's out and quite happy about it. Spike manages to bring out a little gayngst in Willow during "The Yoko Factor" but that too fades rather quickly.
* [[Girl-On-Girl Is Hot]]: Xander certainly thinks so.
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]: Buffy sports pigtails while working incognito at a [[Greasy Spoon]].
** Buffy during Giles's dream sequence in the episode "Restless." Buffy's attitude in the scene is that of a much younger child, and Giles is essentially her father.
* [[Godwin's Law]]: Nazis have been referenced a few times in Buffy. In "The Witch", Buffy says Amy's mother is, "Nazi-like".
** In "Becoming Pt. 1", Cordelia says of Principal Snyder, "How about because you’re a tiny impotent Nazi with a bug up his butt the size of an emu?"
** In "Gingerbread", Xander is dismayed at all the parents rallying against the occult. "Aw, man it’s Nazi Germany and I’ve got Playboys in my locker!"
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: The leader of the Three has a scar over his eye ("Angel"), as does Kakistos ("Faith, Hope, and Trick"). The latter's scar is a memento from Faith, whose Watcher was slain b Kakistos.
** Wishverse Buffy from the alternate universe ("The Wish") wears green camo and has a prominent scar across her mouth.
* [[Graying Morality]]: Gradually, over the course of all seasons, the gaps between the clear white and black of the first season fade. Never hits [[Grey and Gray Morality]], though.
* [[Green Eyes]]: You'd think the casting call explicitly asked for them. Willow, Giles, Riley, Joyce, and Buffy all have 'em.
** Yet the girl who's natural form is a big, green ball of energy doesn't.
* [[Gondor Calls for Aid]]
* [[The Good, the Bad, and The Evil]]
* [[Go Through Me]]: The whole gang does this to protect Tara from her abusive family. Except Spike.
Line 344 ⟶ 365:
'''Spike''': "Except me."
'''Xander''': "Except Spike."
'''Spike''': "I don't care what happens." }}
** Though, he does purposely hurt himself just to help her. There is nothing for him to gain from this, making it help cement his [[Heel Face Turn]].
** Xander tried this several times, and gets his ass handed to him every time.
*** Notably, not that time he kept watch over Buffy in the hospital.
*** Or the time with Jack O'Toole in the school basement with the bomb.
* [[Graying Morality]]: Gradually, over the course of all seasons, the gaps between the clear white and black of the first season fade. Never hits [[Grey and Gray Morality]], though.
* [[Godwin's Law]]: Nazis have been referenced a few times in Buffy. In "The Witch", Buffy says Amy's mother is, "Nazi-like".
* [[Green Eyes]]: You'd think the casting call explicitly asked for them. Willow, Giles, Riley, Joyce, and Buffy all have 'em.
** In "Becoming Pt. 1", Cordelia says of Principal Snyder, "How about because you’re a tiny impotent Nazi with a bug up his butt the size of an emu?"
** Yet the girl who's natural form is a big, green ball of energy doesn't.
** In "Gingerbread", Xander is dismayed at all the parents rallying against the occult. "Aw, man it’s Nazi Germany and I’ve got Playboys in my locker!"
* [[Groin Attack]]: Buffy does this to Angelus in "Innocence". She also kills Caleb by vertically bisecting him, from the groin upwards.
** The scythe version was also attempted by Buffy on Twilight in Season 8 during their first fight. {{spoiler|Twilight's reaction is kinda [[Foreshadowing|foreshadow]]-[[Buffy-Speak|y]].}}
* [[Guarding the Portal]]: A major part of the series premise.
* [[Guilty Pleasures]]: In-universe example. Spike, Giles and Joyce all watch ''[[Passions]]''. Spike also watches ''[[Dawson's Creek]]''.
Line 359 ⟶ 380:
** Except that one time, when they were. To kill a smurf.
== H ==
== General Tropes H-N ==
* [[Hair-Raising Hare]]: To Anya, anyway.
* [[Halloween Episode]]: Three of them. In seasonSeason 2, "Halloween". In seasonSeason 4, "Fear Itself". In seasonSeason 6, "All the Way".
* [[Hard Work Montage]]: Referenced, of course,
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' I thought it was gonna be like in the movies. You know, inspirational music ... a montage, me sharpening my pencils, me reading, writing, falling asleep on a big pile of books with my glasses all crooked ('cause in my montage I have glasses)...}}
** Then in "Once More With Feeling".
{{quote|'''Buffy''': I'm worried our training's gonna turn into a montage from an '80s movie.
'''Giles''': If we start to hear inspirational power chords, we'll just lie down until it goes away. }}
* [[Headbutt of Love]]: Willow and Tara do this a few times.
* [[He Knows Too Much]]: Angelus is very thoughrough is dispoising of everyone who knows how to restore his soul.
* [[He Knows Too Much]]: Angelus is very thorough is disposing of everyone who knows how to restore his soul.
** Faith murders a Volanologist in his office, seemingly at random. We later learn that the doctor excavated the fossilized remains of an Old One, which puts Buffy on the trail of the Mayor's weakness.
** Xander walks in on the lunch lady pouring what appears to be rat poison into the jell-o.
* [[Headbutt of Love]]: Willow and Tara do this a few times.
* [[Hell-Bent for Leather]]: Spike, Faith, and ''especially'' Vampire Willow.
* [[Hell Gate]]: The Hellmouth.
* [[Hey, It's That Place!]]: The external (and some internal) shots of Sunnydale High School are of Torrance High, the same school used for the ''[[Beverly Hills, 90210]]''
** The exterior of Angel's mansion is of Frank Lloyd Wright's Ennis House, a popular shooting location.
** Buffy's old school, Hemery High, is the clock tower made famous in ''[[Back to The Future]]''.
** The battle between the Slayers and Kakistos *("Faith, Hope, and Trick") takes place inside L.A. Firestation 23, also used as HQ for the ''[[Ghostbusters]].''
* [[Hidden Supplies]]: Giles stashes his weapons in the library's book cage. He has a another cache hidden in his apartment ("These are his ''good'' weapons).
** Buffy keeps her gear hidden in a false-bottom chest under her bed.
Line 386 ⟶ 402:
** Xander is a massive example. Continuously blows down on Spike at any chance he gets for his past crimes. Yet it's never mentioned that Anya, who is far older than Spike, spent 1000 torturing and killing men, not to mention being a misanthropic man hater. And to make matters worse, Anya has never been sorry for doing what Vengeance Demons do, and caught nowhere near the amount of criticism Xander gave to Spike, or even Angel.
* [[Hypothetical Casting]]: The tabletop RPG made a lot of hay out of the televised nature of its inspiration; the GM position is called 'The Director', and individual adventures are called 'Episodes' and meant to be part of a larger 'Season'. To top it all off, the rulebook encouraged players to identify the actor who would play their character if the game they were in was actually a TV show.
* [[I Call It Vera|I Call It Mr. Pointy]]
== I ==
* [[I Call It "Vera"|I Call It "Mr. Pointy"]]{{context}}
* [[I Don't Like the Sound of That Place]]: Sunnydale's original name, before the Mayor renamed it.
* [[I Just Want to Be Special]]: Xander and Dawn.
** Bites her in the ass in Season 8. She gets turned into a giant (which is problematic for her, though she does fight a giant Mecha-Dawn), a [[Running Gag|Centuarette]] and a Doll (which gets her captured by an insane doll collector). Xander at this point had gotten over this, basically running the Slayer Organization and Dawn is quite happy to be normal again and is actually comforted by Xander throughout the whole ordeal while everyone else basically ignores her. {{spoiler|They get together.}}.
** Xander gets a big one in "The Zeppo" as well.
* [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight]]
Line 396 ⟶ 414:
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: Buffy makes them quite regularly, but probably the worst one is Xander's:
{{quote|'''Giles:''' I've never actually heard of anyone attacked by a lone baseball bat before.
'''Xander:''' Maybe it's a vampire bat. }}
** That one Buffy made about her Valentine's Day staking being "heart-felt" was even more cringe-worthy.
* [[Informed Attribute]]: Vampires are quite often described as being very pale. The make-up artists apparently gave up on this early on, because with the exception of the first couple seasons most vampires sport a rather healthy complexion.
Line 405 ⟶ 423:
** Buffy glancing up from her career aptitude test to inquire, "Do I like shrubs?"
{{quote|'''Xander''': That's between you and your God.}}
** In "Killed by Death", Willow mentions that she and Xander used to [[Playing Doctor|play doctor]] (Withwith medical textbooks and things).
** In "Earshot", Buffy, discussing her "Touch of the Demon", is obliged to mention that it was "A ''good'' touch. Not a bad touch."
** Cordelia in her cheerleader uniform. "I still have knee marks on my back."
Line 412 ⟶ 430:
** In "Lover's Walk", Spike sobs that he's "nothing" without Dru, a sentiment which Buffy is inclined to agree with. "You're not even a loser anymore. You're a shell of a loser."
** In "Consequences", Angel's sermon to Faith doesn't appear to be sinking in. In the privacy of his garden, he grumbles to Buffy that it's like talking to a wall. "Only you get more from a wall."
* [[Internal Affairs]]: The Watcher's Council keeps its Slayers on a tight leash. In fact, they have an entire wetworkswet-works team dedicated to taking down rogue Slayers. The Watchers themselves (poor Giles) are also under close scrutiny.
* [[Interplay of Sex and Violence]]: As far as vamps are concerned, there is no separating wall.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: A whole lot, though Dawn, in between Seasons 7 and 8 takes the cake by dating a demon thing with tentacles.
* [[Inverse Dialogue Death Rule]]
* [[Inverted Trope]]: Y'know all those classic horror movies where some blonde bimbo cheerleader is the victim of the film's monster? Well here that idea is gleefully turned upside down, where vampires and demons check the wardrobe for Buffy before going to bed.
* [[Ironic Name]]: You'd think that characters with names like Angel, Faith, Harmony, and Glory would be heroic characters, but they're all villains. While Angel does pull a [[Heel Face Turn]] eventually, he's still a vampire and becomes more of an [[Anti-Hero]] than a shining example of heroism. Faith similarly pulls a [[Heel Face Turn]], although she's even more of an [[Anti-Hero]] after it. Harmony is really only [[Affably Evil]] and a [[Card-Carrying Villain]], but unlike the other two she stays a villain. Of the four, Glory is the only really purely evil one (and she's at least [[Faux Affably Evil]]).
** It should be noted that Angel specifically picked his name to be ironic (his real name is Liam): he is the "vampire with the angelic face." His evil side, when it resurfaces, is referred to with the much more intimidating name of "Angelus.".
* [[It's Not You, It's My Enemies]]: Tried with Riley. Sadly, it fails.
* [[It's Probably Nothing]]
* [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique]]: In the season 2 premiere, Buffy tortures a vamp by making her swallow her silver necklace.
== J ==
* [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique]]: In the Season 2 premiere, Buffy tortures a vamp by making her swallow her silver necklace.
** If Band Candy is anything to go by, Ripper, even years before he was at his worst, was a huge fan of this.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Larry for Xander, and Percy for Willow.
== K ==
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Andrew, Drusilla, Willow, Anya, Harmony.
** In the seasonSeason 2 finale, Willow asks Xander to tell Buffy to buy some time while fighting Angelus, so that Willow can do the spell to return Angel's soul. Instead, when Xander catches up to Buffy, he says Willow's message is: "Kick his [Angelus's] ass." Buffy ends up having to [[Staking the Loved One|kill a re-ensouled Angel]] to save the world, which leads to a major [[Heroic BSOD]]. Xander's actions are only brought up once, years later, and even then he never suffers any consequences.
*** Subverted in that it may have been the right thing to do at the time. Giles was missing, the world was in danger of ending and Willow had just come out of a coma. Buffy, although her reluctance was understandable, had allowed Angelus to go unchecked for months before she had gathered the nerve to stake him (or found any hope of a re-ensouling spell). By the time Willow did the spell, she had only a few spells under her belt and had just woken up from a coma. Considering that Willow would be performing the spell in her hospital bed, it's no wonder that Xander might not want to give Buffy false hope.
*** Also, even though Xander couldn't have known it at the time, Angel doesn't get resouledre-souled until after he releases the demon...killing him was the only thing she could do. Not saying it's a justification for what Xander said, but it is a pretty solid reason why no one would have brought it up since.
** "Once More With Feeling" has Xander (more through foolishness than malice) summon a demon that danced several people to death and caused several unwanted confessions.
** Willow tried to end the world and all she got was a summer getaway to England.
*** Not really true; Willow underwent what was essentially a combination of intense therapy and magical training. In fact, it is specifically noted that she returned home before her time in England was scheduled to be complete. Although she is welcomed back by her friends, the events of S6Season 6 aren't forgotten; when flayed bodies start showing up she is one of the first suspects. Furthermore, she doesn't reintegrate into her old role in the group for a long time. As there are definite and long-lasting consequences for her actions, both for the character and those around her, I'd be hesitant to call Willow a Karma Houdini. She pays for what she did, a bit at least.
** Anya even lampshades this when complaining about Buffy's treatment of her in a seasonSeason 7 episode, pointing out that Buffy's entire team was evil at one time.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Dru and Angelus even take it to [[Squick]] levels.
* [[Killed Off for Real]]: {{spoiler|Miss Calender}}, {{spoiler|Tara}}, and several Potencial Slayers over the course of Season Seven. The Series Finale also saw the abrupt death of {{spoiler|Anya}}.
* [[Kind Restraints]]:
** [[Our Werewolves Are Different|Oz]] is confined on full moons. At first in a cage locked with a key, later however in a cage locked with a combination keypad which he can supposedly only operate when he is human.
** When Buffy starts rooming with a new girl her own age, then starts to get annoyed about those kinds of little things that roomies do to annoy each other... then she starts to get delusional and claiming that the girl is 'evil', and that she's going to have to 'slay' her, which prompts the rest of the Scoobies to tie her up to stop her while trying to find out why she's suddenly gone crazy. {{spoiler|Turns out the girl actually IS a demon in disguise, and she's been performing nightly rituals to drain Buffy's soul, which is why she's acting erratic. Also, the restraints are less than effective at holding her.}}.
** Buffy chains Angel up to keep him from hurting himself or attacking others after his return from hell, when he's still feral and wild.
* [[Kiss Me I Am Virtual]]: April, the Buffybot.
Line 442 ⟶ 464:
* [[Knight Templar]]: The Knights of Byzantium.
** The Watcher's Council.
== L ==
* [[Lame Comeback]]:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Let's be realistic Willow, your basic spells are usually only about 50/50.
'''Willow:''' Oh yeah? Well... so's your face! }}
** A deleted scene (though still viewable in the first pilot) had Xander shouting after Cordelia, "Check back tomorrow! I'll have that devestatingdevastating comeback ready!"
** Also, when Cordelia is campaigning to be May Queen:
{{quote|'''Cordelia:''' Here's a chocolate... ''(snatches chocolate away from Buffy)'' Oh. I don't think I need the loony-fringe vote. ''(walks off)''
'''Buffy:''' Well, I-I don't even ''like'' chocolates! ''(beat)'' [[Lampshade Hanging|Okay, that was the lamest comeback of our time]]. }}
* [[Lampshade Hanging]]: Whedon appears to have bought up an entire IKEA worth of lampshades, here and in his other work.
* [[Late Arrival Spoiler]]: The fact that Angel is a vampire was originally a huge, shocking revelation mid-way through season one. Nowadays, it's common knowledge.
Line 456 ⟶ 480:
** Kendra first sees Buffy when she's tonguing with Angel, who's still in game face, and naturally assumes she's his vampire honey.
{{quote|'''Kendra''': Did I not see you kissing a vampire?
'''Willow''': ''(stands up in her defense)'' Buffy would never do that! --Oh. Except for that... [[Hypocrisy Nod|sometimes you do that]]. ''(sits)'' }}
** In "Revelations", rogue Watcher Gwendoyln Post exploits the rift between Faith & Buffy to conceal her own hunt for a mystical glove. When Angel gets in her way, Gwen sic Faith onto him, also.
* [[Life Drinker]]: Not the vampires, actually, but rather Ampata from "Inca Mummy Girl". She was an Andean mummy who sucked living humans' life forces dry to stay alive herself.
* [[Love Floats]]: Tara and Willow do this a few times.
* [[Luck Manipulation Mechanic]]: In the ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' RPG, Drama Points can be used to increase the chance of success for Heroic Feats.
== M ==
* [[Mad Scientist]]: Professor Walsh, Warren Mears, Ted.
* [[Magic Floppy Disk]]: Ms. Calendar's spell, Maggie Walsh's data.
* [[Magnetic Plot Device]]: The only reason the Hellmouth existed was as a perpetual handwavehand-wave to explain the large numbers of supernatural beings that come to Sunnydale, only a few villains are directly connected to it.
* [[Malaproper]]: Buffy does this all the time.
* [[Make-Out Point]]: Oz goes when he's a werewolf; Dawn goes with two vampires.
* [[Malaproper]]: Buffy does this all the time.
* [[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane]]: Done at least twice, first with the episode that leaves us unsure if Buffy is actually in a mental institution and the whole show has been dreamed up by her, and also with the blizzard that prevents Angel from killing himself.
** A blizzard in Southern California on Christmas day? [[Word of God]] is that it's a miracle.
Line 476 ⟶ 502:
** Buffy accidentally dumping a pile of textbooks over Riley's head.
** Willow being shushed by her Wicca group for perpetuating "[[Political Correctness Gone Mad|stereotypes]]". A shy girl in the back raises her hand to support Willow's opinion. Oh hi, Tara.
* [[Mercy Lead]]: Angelus toys with Ms. Calender for a bit, letting her scramble out of her classroom. "Oh, good. I need to work up an appetite first." ("Passion").
** A video recording of Mr. Trick welcoming Buffy and Cordelia to Slayerfest '98. He explains that they have "exactly 30 seconds—'(checks his watch)'' no, that's 17 now—to run for [their] lives." ("Homecoming").
** In "The Wish", Vamp Xander and Vamp Willow snuggle a bit, prompting Cordy to screech that she can't win, since Xander and Willow are an item even in the Wishverse. Xander agrees with the "can't win" sentiment, and vamps out. "But I'll give you a head start."
* [[Minored in Asskicking]]: Giles and Dawn.
Line 484 ⟶ 510:
* [[The Mole]]: Shows up a few times.
** After Buffy joins the Initiative, she considers herself still to be investigating them and not really a member.
** Spike is a mole inside {{spoiler|the Scoobies, for Adam}}.
* [[Moment Killer]]
* [[Monster of the Week]]: Most of the first season is this.
Line 495 ⟶ 521:
* [[My Hovercraft Is Full of Eels]]: "The cow should touch me from Thursday."
* [[My Species Doth Protest Too Much]]
== N ==
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]] : '''The First Evil'''.
** Um...the '''''Slayer?'''''
** As a young rebel Giles was known as ''Ripper.''.
** Vampires really love this. Angelus is [[Ominous Latin Chanting]] in name form, The Master has a name that screams evil and Spike, well, if a name makes you think of sharp things, it's not likely to be a nice person. Kakistos also just sounds evil (it means worst of the worst in Greek, so yeah, evil). Averted with Darla
*** Spike's original nickname is a subversion: William The Bloody. Before he was a vampire, he earned that nickname for his bloody awful poetry. His current nickname, however, comes from his habit of sticking railroad spikes into his (still-living) victims.
Line 509 ⟶ 537:
** [[Alternate Universe|Thanks so much for wishing hell on earth where everybody dies Cordelia.]] [[Sarcasm Mode|Really appreciate it.]]
** Nice job bringing Buffy back to life, and allowing The First to enact his evil plan.
** While we're at it, nice work imitating Twilight, becoming possessed and {{spoiler|killing Giles,}}, Angel.
** Nice job having Faith arrested just as Angel was getting through to her, Wesley.
* [[No Bisexuals]]: Willow, from Season 4 onwards. In some episodes suggest she still has feelings for Oz (and a continuing attraction to Xander and Giles, among other male characters), whereas in some she'll chirp "gay now!" at the very idea that she could be attracted to a boy, or react to a Love Potion-induced crush by trying to turn her target into a girl (though she only did so when someone else claimed that she couldn't be attracted to him if she's gay). This could be the character's own assumption that she's gay rather than bisexual, as one of Willow's defining traits is jumping headlong into her current role (of which magic and lesbianism are both big parts) in an effort to overcome her original Shrinking Violet background.
* [[No Communities Were Harmed]]: When characters consult a Sunnydale map, there are really examining Santa Babara.
** Also, a lot of those instances were when she was with her first girlfriend, who for a lot of that time was very insecure. This may have started as having to constantly reassuring Tara about her sexuality (as well as feelings) and become a habit.
* [[No Body Left Behind]]: Vampires immediately turn to dust and dissolve when staked, along with their clothes. And guess what? Dusting a vamp using computer graphics ''still'' cost $5,000 per vampire.
* [[No Communities Were Harmed]]: When characters consult a Sunnydale map, there are really examining Santa Babara.
* [[No Dress Code]]: Had a lot of this during the high school years. The skirts were way too short and the tops didn't cover enough.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: Buffy burning down the gym at her previous school. This is a reference to Joss' original script for the movie, before [[Executive Meddling]] kicked in.
** In "Angel", Darla reminiscences with Angel about their fling in Budapest.
** "Zeppo" is one big lampooning of this trope. The Scoobies face the deadliest threat ever, and we never see it.
** In their debut episode, Dru complains to Spike that she's hungry, and that she misses Prague. Spike points out that [[Noodle Incident|she nearly died]] in Prague; "[[Torches and Pitchforks|Idiot mob]]." This was [[All There in the Manual|expanded on]] in the comics, where a flashback shows Drusilla being captured by an "Inquisitor" and thrown into a Prague jail. Spike didn't fare much better, as he got tossed into a lake by an angry mob.
* [[No Periods, Period]]: Flat-out averted in the movie, as Buffy gets menstrual cramps whenever a vampire is around. This is explained as her body's reaction to something perceived as unnatural (it also underscores the connection between slayer-ness and femininity).
** Xander going through Buffy's purse in search of a stake and being horrified to discover a tampon.
Line 520 ⟶ 554:
** [[Lampshaded Trope|Lampshaded]] in Season 7:
{{quote|'''Andrew:''' [Being the Slayer] is like... well, it's almost like this metaphor for womanhood, isn't it? The sort of [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|flowering that happens when a girl realizes that she's part of a fertile heritage]] stretching back to Eve, and--<br />
'''Xander:''' I will ''pay'' you to talk about ''[[Star Wars]]'' again. }}
* [[No Smoking]]: The show has a clear bias against smoking, as every character in the show who has smoked has been either evil (Spike and the evil Angel) or doomed (Laura in Nightmares; the prostitute who was Angel’s first kill after re-losing his soul; and Sheila in School Hard). Subverted with Faith, she starts smoking after her [[Heel Face Turn]].
* [[No Bisexuals]]: Willow, from Season 4 onwards. In some episodes suggest she still has feelings for Oz (and a continuing attraction to Xander and Giles, among other male characters), whereas in some she'll chirp "gay now!" at the very idea that she could be attracted to a boy, or react to a Love Potion-induced crush by trying to turn her target into a girl (though she only did so when someone else claimed that she couldn't be attracted to him if she's gay). This could be the character's own assumption that she's gay rather than bisexual, as one of Willow's defining traits is jumping headlong into her current role (of which magic and lesbianism are both big parts) in an effort to overcome her original Shrinking Violet background.
** Also, a lot of those instances were when she was with her first girlfriend, who for a lot of that time was very insecure. This may have started as having to constantly reassuring Tara about her sexuality (as well as feelings) and become a habit.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: Buffy burning down the gym at her previous school. This is a reference to Joss' original script for the movie, before [[Executive Meddling]] kicked in.
** In "Angel", Darla reminiscences with Angel about their fling in Budapest.
** "Zeppo" is one big lampooning of this trope. The Scoobies face the deadliest threat ever, and we never see it.
** In their debut episode, Dru complains to Spike that she's hungry, and that she misses Prague. Spike points out that [[Noodle Incident|she nearly died]] in Prague; "[[Torches and Pitchforks|Idiot mob]]." This was [[All There in the Manual|expanded on]] in the comics, where a flashback shows Drusilla being captured by an "Inquisitor" and thrown into a Prague jail. Spike didn't fare much better, as he got tossed into a lake by an angry mob.
* [[Not So Dire]]: Very common gag.
* [[Not-So-Omniscient Council of Bickering]]: The Watcher's Council. By the time of ''Angel'', even Wesley shrugs off their violent demise without much grief.
** In ''"Fray''", whatever remnants of the Council that survived to the 23rd century have reduced into a few insane zealots.
* [[Not So Dire]]: Very common gag.
== O ==
* [[Offscreen Afterlife]]: Twice -- Buffy in Heaven and Angel in Hell.
== General Tropes O-Z ==
* [[Off to See the Wizard]]: Buffy refers to the hyena-possessed bullies in "The Pack" as the "winged monkeys".
** In "Flooded", Andrew boasts that he trained flying demon monkeys to disrupt a school play.
Line 541 ⟶ 569:
** In "Grave", Willow gleefully says, "Fly my pretty, fly!" when she sends her ball of fire to seek Andrew and Jonathan.
** The episode "No Place Like Home" takes it's name from the movie, obviously. A similar reference is made in the ''Angel'' episodes "Over the Rainbow" and "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb." In that former, Cordelia clicks her heels three times (as Dorothy does in the film) and grumbles, "Worth a shot."
* [[Offscreen Afterlife]]: Twice -- Buffy in Heaven and Angel in Hell.
* [[Ominous Latin Chanting]]: Most of the spoken magic in the series. Gaelic is a rare variation
* [[Only I Can Kill Him]]: Followed in the first few seasons, averted in Seasons 5, 6 and 7.
Line 549 ⟶ 576:
** James Marsters was very good with his accent (as far as most Americans could tell), with only slight wobbles. Later in the series, according to some, he's finally mastered a lower-class overlay on top of an upper-class accent, allowing Marsters to play with his presentation of Spike, using his history to drive his voice to motivate certain scenes.
** In-universe: Once Spike had to try and fake an American accent and it was hilariously awful.
*** This gets [[Mind Screw|brain bending]] when you realize that this is an americanAmerican man (James Marsters) pretending to be an upper-class englishmanEnglishman (Spike's actual origin) pretending to be a lower-class englishmanEnglishman (Spike trying to sound tougher) pretending to be an americanAmerican (to fool Riley).
** Alexis Denisof's accent for Wesley was normally impeccable, to such a degree that his natural accent sounds disturbingly false on other shows, but even he slipped once or twice.
** The she-mantis in seasonSeason oneOne. The actress is from South Africa and her American accent is far from perfect. However, since she's a giant, man-eating bug, this could be [[Acceptable Breaks From Reality|acceptable]] or [[Justified Trope|justified]].
* [[Opening Narration]]: Only there for the first season and occasionally the second, thankfully. First spoken by Giles then a generic narrator.
{{quote|In every generation there is a Chosen One, one girl in all the world. She alone will stand against the vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness. She is The Slayer.}}
Line 557 ⟶ 584:
* [[Opposites Attract Revenge]]
* [[Orcus on His Throne]]: Glory and the First Evil, both of whom spend long stretches of time not doing very much of anything.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: One comes out of the Key Portal during "The Gift".
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Nikki Wood, the second slayer Spike, is played by a stuntwoman in "Fool For Love." When The First assumes her shape in Season 7, she was recast as a more vulnerable-looking actress.
** Buffy's old mentor Merrick looks different in a season 2 flashback.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: One comes out of the Key Portal during ''The Gift''.
* [[Our Gods Are Greater|Our Gods Are Very Various and Very Numerous]]
* [[Our Monsters Are Weird]]
Line 566 ⟶ 591:
** One point that causes a small degree of confusion in-series is the rule about vampires needing an invitation to enter a home: once they're invited the first time, they're ''always'' "welcome". And welcome signs count.
** It plays with this trope in the Dracula episode. Dracula fits all the tropes you would expect him to in contrast to the usual vampires on the show. He can shape-shift, turn people into obedient minions, and he's more focused on romance than just finding food.
* [[Our Werewolves Are Different]]:
** Wait, they change into wolves under the full moon. How are they different?
*** They don't look the least bit wolflikewolf-like (after their initial appearance)? And they don't change under the full moon, they change the night of the full moon, the night before, and the night after.
* [[Our Zombies Are Different]]: Season 3 gives us Type V zombies, Season 8 gives us Type O, popped into existence by an angry witch.
* [[Outlaw Couple]]: Most notably Spike and Drusilla, but also Angel & Darla, Evil Willow & Xander and Spike & Harmony.
== P ==
* [[Parrot Expowhat]]: Both Buffy and Willow do this a fair amount.
{{quote|'''Anya:''' Buffy's got some kind of job there helping junior deviants, Spike's insane in the basement, Xander's there doing construction on the new gym —
'''Willow:''' Wait, Spike's ''what'' in the ''what''-ment?
'''Anya:''' Insane, base. }}
* [[Pick on Someone Your Own Size]]: Buffy gets this a lot, from both male and female villains.
* [[Planet of Steves]]: The writers of ''Buffy'' seem to love the name William and all its derivatives. Here’s a list of all the William variants used on the show: William the Bloody (Spike’s human name and original title), Liam (Angel’s human name), Billy Fordham ("Lie to Me"), Billy Palmer ("Nightmares"), Billy Crandal ("I Only Have Eyes For You"), Billy Blim (the eponymous ''Angel'' episode), Willy the Snitch, and Willow's name being shortened to Wil (yeah, this one is a bit of a stretch).
Line 582 ⟶ 609:
* [[Polyglot]]: As part of her [[Character Development]] to [[The Smart Guy]], Dawn has learned at least Turkish and Sumerian between Seasons 6 and 7. Giles can read five languages, including German and Sumerian.
* [[Present Company Excluded]]: Xander says this to Buffy, when lamenting his poor taste in women.
* [["Previously On..."]]: Season 6.
** The season 5 finale had one that included clips from nearly all of the previous 99 episodes.
* [[Promotion to Opening Titles]]: David Boreanaz (as Angel), [[Seth Green]] (as Oz), Mark Blucas (as Riley), [[James Marsters]] (as Spike), Emma Caulfield (as Anya), Michelle Trachtenberg (as Dawn)
** Played with for {{spoiler|Amber Benson as Tara. After she and Willow get back together, she's finally in the opening credits for the first time in the next episode...the episode where she dies.}}
* [[Product Placement]]: Buffy's [[Apple Macintosh|iBook]] almost becomes a tertiary character in later years.
* [[Promotion to Opening Titles]]: David Boreanaz (as Angel), [[Seth Green]] (as Oz), Mark Blucas (as Riley), [[James Marsters]] (as Spike), Emma Caulfield (as Anya), Michelle Trachtenberg (as Dawn).
** Played with for {{spoiler|Amber Benson as Tara. After she and Willow get back together, she's finally in the opening credits for the first time in the next episode...the episode where she dies}}.
* [[Prophecy Twist]]: More than once.
* [[The Public Domain Channel]]: Faith watches it a lot in her hotel room.
* [[Punctuated Pounding]]
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Oz, Faith, Angel, and Cordy; of course, we know [[Angel|where the latter two went]] ([[Angel|Faith too, actually]].).
** Don't forget about Amy, who spent three years as a rat.
*** Everyone who survived in the final episode actually escaped town in a school bus.
** [[The Bus Came Back]]: Oz and Riley both get episodes like this.
* [[Put on a Bus to Hell]]: Oz and Riley.
== R ==
* [[Ready for Lovemaking]]
* [[Reality Ensues]]: Season 5 final -- Buffy approaches [[The Dragon]] atop a tower. He gears up for a fight, {{spoiler|and she just knocks him off the tower}}.
** In the Season 3 premiere, the [[Monster of the Week]] knocks [[The Chick]] down and does a speech about how his realm is inescapable. Then the girl gets up and pushes him off the edge.
* [[Rebellious Prisoner]]:
** Capturing a Slayer means you either have a death wish, a spell brainwashing you like the spell in "Gingerbread", ignorance about their true nature, or a ''lot'' of confidence that you can kill them. Slayers are not mortal, but they are tough. And pretty snarky.
*** Faith tends to think that people putting her in cuffs or ropes means they want to have fun with her, rather than trying to keep her from attacking them randomly. Angel had to convince her that he just wanted to talk, and the shackles were because she tried strangling and raping Xander for trying to reason with her. Her [[Character Development]] in ''Angel'' involves shedding this tendency, surrendering herself to the police for {{spoiler|killing the sheriff's deputy}}.
*** Buffy makes it clear that she does not break. Getting kidnapped by a fraternity that wanted to sacrifice her and Cordelia to a giant snake? She breaks free and kicks their asses, all the while snarking. Being impressed into a dimension where demons use human girls as servants and convinces them they are nothing with physical abuse? She says when asked who she is, "I'm Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, and you are?" When the demon attempts to beat her into submission, she turns the tables on him as well as the other captors.
** The mayor's retinue with a [[Face Heel Turn]] Faith manage to kidnap Willow during the Scoobies' attempt to interfere with a deal for a box he needs for his Ascension. Willow uses a pencil and telekinesis to stake a vampire, smuggles some notes about the ritual into her boots to give to her friends later, and straight-up tells Faith that she threw away her chances of redemption with her choices and is nothing now. She takes Faith punching her in the face with grace, snarking that Faith must have lacked a witty comeback.
* [[Rebuilt Set]]: Sunnydale High 2.0.
** The Bronze underwent a major renovation following the rampage of Olaf the Troll, including a new sign.
** Giles renovates The Magic Box to accomodateaccommodate the gang's exploits, including a gym in the back room.
* [[Ready for Lovemaking]]
* [[Reality Ensues]]: Season 5 final -- Buffy approaches [[The Dragon]] atop a tower. He gears up for a fight, {{spoiler|and she just knocks him off the tower.}}
** In the season 3 premiere, the [[Monster of the Week]] knocks [[The Chick]] down and does a speech about how his realm is inescapable. Then the girl gets up and pushes him off the edge.
* [[Recycled: the Series]]: Although not so much recycled as "remade properly" according to [[Joss Whedon]]'s vision.
* [[The Renfield]]: Xander in "Buffy Vs. Dracula", Glory's minions.
* [[Resurrection Sickness]]: Angel, and later Buffy.
Line 609 ⟶ 642:
* [[Retired Monster]]: Spike, after he got the Chip in Series 4.
** And then when he got his Soul back in Series 7.
* [[Ritual Magic]]: Very popular in the Buffyverse, whether it be the gypsies who cursed Angel, or Willow doing incantations.
* [[Rhetorical Question Blunder]]: In "The Harvest", Angel tries to talk Buffy out of going into the sewers.
{{quote|'''Buffy''': I've got a friend down there. Or at least a potential friend. You ''do'' you know what it's like to have a friend? ''(Angel bows his head)'' ...That wasn't supposed to be a stumper.}}
** Mr Whitmore lecturing his Teen Health class. ("Bad Eggs").
{{quote|"The sex drive in the human animal is intense. How many of us have lost countless productive hours plagued by unwanted sexual thoughts and feelings? ''(Xander puts his hand up)'' That was a rhetorical question, Mr. Harris. Not a poll."}}
** Cordy bitching at Xander for dragging her out of bed for a ride. "What am I, mass transportation?" ("What's My Line, Pt.1").
{{quote|'''Xander''': "That's what a lot of the guys say, but it's just locker-room talk."}}
** After Wesley is fired, Cordelia barges into the library and demands to know what happened to him. Xander responds, "Inbreeding?"
* [[Ritual Magic]]: Very popular in the Buffyverse, whether it be the gypsies who cursed Angel, or Willow doing incantations.
* [[Rubber Forehead Aliens|Rubber Forehead Demons]]: A lot of demons are pretty much indistinguishable from humans apart from skin tone and horns or some other head feature. There are also a fair number of non-humanoid ones.
== S ==
* [[Sacrificial Lamb]]: Jesse.
* [[Saving the World]]: The Watcher's Council seems way too uncaring about the amount of apocalypses in Sunnydale.
* [[SchrodingerSchrödinger's Butterfly]]
* [[Sealed Evil in a Can]]: The Master, Acathla, the Seal of Danzalthar, among others..
* [[Secret Circle of Secrets]]: Several.
* [[Secret Relationship]]: Xander and Cordelia in the second season, Willow and Tara in the fourth, and Buffy and Spike in the sixth.
* [[Series Fauxnale]]: "Prophecy Girl", "Graduation Day", ''and'' "The Gift". Also "Chosen", if you want to count the seasonSeason 8 comics. This happened a lot.
* [[Seventh-Episode Twist]]: the revelation that Angel is a) a vampire and b) a vampire with a soul. Hits on exactly episode 7
** Season 2: Angel reveals his connection to Drusilla.
** Season 3: Faith loses her trust in people.
** Season 4: Riley works for the Initiative. Spike becomes a series regular.
** Season 5: "Every Slayer has a death wish"."
** Season 6: Buffy and Spike kiss.
** Season 7: The [[Big Bad]] confronts the Scoobies. Spike has been feeding again.
Line 638 ⟶ 673:
** After being inducted into the Scooby Gang ("The Harvest"), Xander and Willow are left sweating over their new knowledge while the rest of the school parades around innocently. "It's like we got this big secret!"
{{quote|'''Willow:''' [beat] We do. That's what a secret is, when you know something other guys don't.}}
** Jenny Calender had a similar reaction to Giles demanding to know details of their "secret" date. ("Lie to Me"). Unluckily for him, it was {{spoiler|a monster truck rally}}.
** To Willow's question about when the Reconstruction began, Buffy tries to focus and replies, " Um, Reconstruction...uh, Reconstruction began after the...[[Book Dumb|construction, which was shoddy so they had to reconstruct.]]" ("Angel").
** In the same episode, Giles sits at Joyce's sickbed and chats about Buffy. Giles confesses that Buffy is having trouble in history class because she "lives very much in the ''now''. And, um... history, of course, is very much about the, uh... the ''then''."
** In "School Hard", Buffy and Willow scurry around trying to keep Joyce and Snyder from exchanging words. Buffy, seeing Snyder coming, babbles that Joyce hasn't seen the boiler room yet.
{{quote|"The boiler room is really interesting! What with [[Shaped Like Itself|the boiler being in the room and all]]."}}
** Oz complimenting Cordy's Halloween costume, which consists of a black unitard with cat ears and drawn-on whiskers. "You're like a big cat."
** Ms. Calender apoligizingapologizing to Giles for spying on him for over a year. ("Passion").
{{quote|'''Jenny''': I know you feel betrayed.
'''Giles''': Yes, well, that's one of the unpleasant side effects of ''betrayal''. }}
** In "Anne", Cordelia seems to have a feeble grasp on what being "[[The Bait]]" entails.
{{quote|'''Cordelia:''' What's the plan?
'''Xander:''' The vampire attacks you.
'''Cordelia:''' And then what?
'''Xander:''' [[Ask a Stupid Question|The vampire kills you]]. [[And There Was Much Rejoicing|We watch. We rejoice]]. }}
** In "Earshot", One of the headlines in Freddy's school newspaper reads, "<small>APATHY ON THE RISE -- NO-ONE CARES</small>."
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: A bunch of them. Dawn is a Willow/Tara shipper, as is most of the cast, Buffy is a Anya/Xander shipper, Xander's a Riley/Buffy shipper, Willow is a Buffy/Angel shipper, Buffy was an Oz/Willow shipper and more. And the First, who is, on some level, the people he turns into (he has their memories and stuff), was a Buffy/Faith shipper which means the Mayor likely was as well and the Mayor knew Faith better than anyone...
Line 657 ⟶ 692:
* [[Shoot the Dog]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: The Master’s sunken lair is reminiscent of the 1987 vampire classic ''[[The Lost Boys]]'', one of Whedon’s inspirations for ''Buffy''.
** ''Buffy'' gives a shout out to ''Charmed'': in the series finale, Willow, {{spoiler|after performing the spell that awakens all the Slayers on earth}}, exclaims, "Oh my goddess!" This is the title of the fifth season finale of ''Charmed''. [https://web.archive.org/web/20090429090512/http://www.tv.com/charmed/oh-my-goddess-1/episode/236597/trivia.html Apparently] Joss Whedon saw the title of the episode, thought it was awesome, and threw it into the finale.
** Buffy's last name might be a shout out to [[wikipedia:Montague Summers|Montague Summers]]. Quotith [[The Other Wiki]]: "He was responsible for the first English translation, published in 1928, of the notorious 15th-century witch hunter's manual, the Malleus Maleficarum." He also believed in vampires, witches and other things.
*** Joss has stated that Buffy's last name is a [[Shout-Out]] to Cyclops (IE Scott Summers).
** Dawn wolfing down two bowls of "[[Calvin and Hobbes|Sugar Bombs]].".
** On the eve of the final battle, when Xander, Giles, Amanda, and Andrew are playing ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'', they encounter [[Homestar Runner|Trogdor the Burninator]].
** During "No Future For You", Giles mentions the great [[Alan Moore|bearded wizard of Northampton.]].
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: Willow and Tara. Also, Marcie Ross from the first season is this trope taken [[Up to Eleven]]: She was so shy that she eventually began to feel invisible, a feeling that was made worse by the fact that no one in school really noticed her. The power of the Hellmouth made that feeling into reality and Marcie could no longer be seen by anyone.
* [[Shrouded in Myth]]: Some demons, and to some vamps, Buffy or Slayers in general.
Line 668 ⟶ 703:
* [[Simple Score of Sadness]]: Buffy and Angel's love theme.
* [[Sinister Minister]]: Caleb: Taking, mass and kicking ass.
** The Annointed One's guardian, Abasalom. ("When She Was Bad").
** A Catholic Priest, Josephus du Lac, wrote a number of books containing dark rituals, resulting in du Lac being excommunicated. ("What's My Line?").
* [[Six-Student Clique]] -: The high school years: Buffy = The Head and The Wild One, Willow = The Smart one, Xander = The Quirk, Cordelia = The Pretty one, Oz = The Muscle. During college, Riley became the muscle and Tara became the pretty one.
* [[Slashers Prefer Blondes]]: The whole show could be considered a subversion of this trope.
** Darla is a villanous subversion. First introduced to us as a simpering 'victim,' she ends up luring two hapless males into her web.
Line 678 ⟶ 713:
** But not as much of an idiot as Andrew does, in his opening "Storyteller" fantasy, when he has his big Meerschaum pipe. (Which he ''still'' hasn't got the hang of, when he pops up in [[Angel]]...[[That Came Out Wrong|No, not like that!]])
** Subverted in "Nightmares". Smoking gets you beat up by a boogeyman
* [[So Happy Together]]
* [[Soft Glass]]: Averted, Subverted, and played straight.
* [[So Happy Together]]
* [[Sophisticated As Hell]]: Many demons are surprisingly this like D'Hoffryn and the Beljoxa's Eye.
* [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil]]: Subverted sometimes, but when in use it's Exponential. [[Big Bads]] in order
** Season 1: Vampire (The Master).
** Season 2: Vampire(s) (they also used demons to try and end the world).
** Season 3: The Mayor {{spoiler|and his desire to become a "True Demon"}}.
** Season 4: [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|Cyber-Demonoid]] and a Government agency.
** Season 5: A dethroned [[Physical God|God]].
** Season 6: The Trio (a bunch of nerds who spend most of the season as [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]), or simply themselves and their own failings {{spoiler|(and also Willow)}}.
** Season 7: {{spoiler|The First Evil}}, the embodiment of that concept in that universe.
** Season 8: {{spoiler|The Universe itself!}}
* [[Spell My Name with a "The"]]: The Three.
** The Judge.
** The First Evil.
Line 697 ⟶ 732:
* [[Staking the Loved One]]: Xander's stakes his best bud in the two-parter series premiere, albeit comedically.
** Season Two is a protracted inner struggle for Buffy, who can't bring herself to stake Angelus in their first encounter.
* [[Stealth Mook]]:
** The Gentleman are creepy precisely because they do not make a sound. They can glide into your room and rip out your heart long before you notice. To add to the horror, you can't even scream because they steal everyone's voices.
** "Once More With Feeling" has Sweet's mooks demonstrating this. Several kidnap Dawn without breaking a sweat or making a sound, despite her being in the Summers house.
* [[Stock Phrases]]
** From "The Harvest".
{{quote|'''Luke:''' Ladies and gentlemen, there is no cause for alarm. Actually, there is cause for alarm...it just won't do any good.}}
** From "Real Me".
{{quote|'''Harmony:''' So, Slayer. At last we meet.
'''Buffy:''' We're met, Harmony -- you half-wit! }}
** From "Once More With Feeling".
{{quote|'''Giles:''' Spike, if I want your opinion... ''(looks at him in contempt)'' I'll never want your opinion.}}
** In "As You Were", Riley insists on searching a shirtless Spike's crypt.
{{quote|'''Spike:''' Over my dead body.
'''Riley:''' I've seen enough of your dead body for one night, thanks. }}
* [[Stock Sound Effects]]: The occasional scream and a few others.
** Does Joss Whedon have only one chanting sound effect that shows up roughly every other episode?
Line 713 ⟶ 751:
* [[Superman Stays Out of Gotham]]: Buffy would be a ''big'' help in Los Angeles since, as Angel admits, she's stronger then even he. After appearing twice on ''Angel'' to read him the riot act (and wring Faith's neck), Angel tells her to [[Persona Non Grata|take her cowboy antics someplace else]].
** Fortunately for Angel, he has a spare Slayer stewing in jail.
** The opposite is in effect, too. Angel turns up again [[Back for the Finale|in the Series Finale]], ready to help fight the [[Big Bad]], but Buffy immediately sends him away so he can prepare "a second front" in Los Angeles in case she dies.
* [[Supernatural Angst]]
* [[Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious]]: Slayer blood is tastier than that of normal humans, to the point of possessing healing properties.
* [[Surveillance as the Plot Demands]]
* [[Supervillain Lair]]:
** Season One: The collapsed church beneath the Hellmouth. Doubles as a [[Tailor-Made Prison]], since the Master's really anxious to get out of there.
Line 725 ⟶ 762:
** Season Six: Warren's basement. Erm...
** Season Seven: The vineyard. And eventually the Hellmouth itself.
* [[Surveillance as the Plot Demands]]
* [[Suspiciously Specific Denial]]
* [[Swiss Cheese Security]]: Nobody in Sunnydale ''ever'' locks ''any'' doors.
Line 730 ⟶ 768:
{{quote|'''Angel:''' [[Captain Obvious|Little wide...]]}}
** Buffy nearly overpowers Angelus in their first encounter ("Innocence"), but can't bring herself to finish him. ..So she settles for a [[Groin Kick|kick to the groin]] instead.
* [[Tailor-Made Prison]]: Angelus, which he gets out of via perfect happiness brought on by screwing Buffy (she must be VERY good in the sack). The Ubervamps are in one (the Hellmouth) as well.
== T ==
* [[Tailor-Made Prison]]: Angelus, which he gets out of via perfect happiness brought on by screwing Buffy (she must be ''very'' good in the sack). The Ubervamps are in one (the Hellmouth) as well.
* [[Talking in Your Dreams]]: Buffy and Angel in "Amends", though there's no actual talking involved. The First Slayer also communicates with Buffy and the gang this way in "Restless".
* [[Tangled Family Tree]]: ''[[Angel]]'' has one, which gets even worse on his own show and in ''Buffy'' Season 7. The Master sired Darla, who sired Angel, who sired Drusilla who sired Spike. Angel killed Darla, who was later brought back from the dead on Angel, as a human. Dru then sired Darla, making her Darla's mother grandchild and Darla her own Great Grandchild. This makes Spike her brother and Great Grandchild and Angel her son and Grandfather. Angel and Darla then break the laws of reality, having a child. This child is Angel's brother, child and Great Grandchild. His Grandchild/Brother/Child then has Jasmine with Cordelia, making Jasmine his Grandchild, Great Great Grandchild and Niece. Meanwhile, Spike went on a siring rampage against his will. Some of those vamps can be assumed to have sired others, making them all clean, if numerous, branches on a very fucked up tree. I would imagine Spike and The Master would be looking on with horror as to what's going on behind/in front of them on the family tree.
* [[Tantrum Throwing]]: Xander bouncing a tennis ball at a chalkboard after Buffy rejects him. ("Prophecy Girl").
** The Master throws a few candelabra around his prison after Darla bites it. ("Angel").
** After Angelus' ritual goes awry, he grabs the nearest stone pot and smashes it.
{{quote|'''Spike:''' Someone wasn't worthy ♪}}
** When Willow is held random for an artifact, Wesley plays devil's advocate, saying the artifact must be destroyed. A shouting match ensues, which Oz [[Noisy Shut Up|wordlessly puts an end to]] by getting out of his chair and shoving an urn across the room, smashing it. ("Choices").
* [[Tap on the Head]]: Dear god, this happens alot. Giles should be brain damaged by now.
** Lampshaded numerous times, by Giles himself and other characters.
Line 744 ⟶ 784:
** Also Giles in his Ripper phase. Ethan counts until he removes his.
* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: Several instances.
* [[There Can Only Be One]]: Mostly averted with the Slayers. In theory, there is only supposed to be one slayer in each generation. (Atat least, as indicated by the page quote.). However, due to Buffy's {{spoiler|first death}}, a girl named Kendra became a Slayer. After {{spoiler|Buffy was resurrected}}, they both acted as Slayers. Then, a year later, {{spoiler|Kendra was killed by Drusilla}} and Faith became a Slayer, resulting in a similar situation.
** Of course, it's averted '''hard''' at the end of Season 7, when Willow {{spoiler|casts a spell to make all of the Potential Slayers into full fledged Slayers.}}.
** Oddly absent in Seasons 5 and 6, when Buffy dies a far more permanent ([[Unexplained Recovery|supposedly, anyway]]) death, but no new slayer appears, or is even mentioned.
*** [[Fridge Brilliance|Because as far as the rules were concerned, Buffy died already.]] Instead of calling a third Slayer, Buffy's death in seasonSeason 5 caused a disruption in the Slayer line that led to the events of seasonSeason 7. (To elaborate on that, the Slayer line runs through the most recently called Slayer. In other words, Faith was the rightful Slayer at the time. In order for a third Slayer to be called, she, not Buffy, would have to die. Buffy's continued existence after her {{spoiler|second death}} represents a weak point in the line, because Buffy herself doesn't belong.)
* [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch]]: Out. For. A. Walk. [[Beat|...]] Bitch.
* [[This Is Your Brain on Evil]]
Line 754 ⟶ 794:
* [[To Create a Playground For Evil]]: Quite a few villains have this as their goal.
* [[Too Happy to Live]]: This trope is Joss's best friend in life. Seriously, it happens to alot of people.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Xander, Willow, Giles, Dawn, Warren, Amy, Harmony, Oz, the entire 1999 Class of Sunnydale High, ALL of the Potentials and more. Giles' levels are more "Regained Levels In Badass" though.
* [[Town with a Dark Secret]]: There's an entrance into Hell under the high school, the Mayor wants to be a demon, vampires rise from the cemetery every night and there are buried (sometimes magical) treasures hidden in the right mausoleum. The secret government lab under the college is the least exciting secret there was.
* [[Tracking Device]]: Willow's oft-used "locator spells.".
* [[Trash the Set]]: Many times.
** Spike's factory is set aflame thanks to Angelus' recklessness. However, Spike did revisit the charred ruins.
Line 765 ⟶ 805:
** Lampshaded in Season 7:
{{quote|'''Buffy''': Every piece of furniture has been destroyed and replaced since you left, so actually, new house.}}
** LateLater in Season 7, Xander finally declares that he is tired of the picture window being [[Dynamic Entry|smashed in over and over again]], and refuses to repair it again. It remains [[Berserk Board Barricade|boarded up]] for the rest of the series.
* [[Trauma Swing]]
* [[Treacherous Advisor]]: Gwendolyn Post, Doc.
* [[Triple Shifter]]: Dealt with by a minor Slayer power being able to get by with very little sleep.
* [[Trouble Follows You Home]]
* [[Truce Zone]]: Willy's Bar. Later subverted in {{spoiler|"The Zeppo" when it gets trashed and Willy is beaten to a pulp by a bunch of demons.}}.
* [[Two Girls and a Guy]]: (withWith Buffy, Willow, and Xander.)
* [[Two Words: Obvious Trope]]: Out. For. A. Walk... Bitch.
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: It's amazing how they just walked around Sunnydale High throwing words around like "Vampire", "Slayer", "Witch", "Demon", "Disembowelment", "Innards" in full view of others with no one paying attention.
== U ==
* [[Unusually Uninteresting Sight]]: It's amazing how they just walked around Sunnydale High throwing words around like "Vampire", "Slayer", "Witch", "Demon", "Disembowelment", and "Innards" in full view of others with no one paying attention.
** It was implied that most of the town either knew or was in such deep denial that you could dust a vamp in front of them and they wouldn't change their views. Hell, it happened a bunch of times.
* [[Unrequited Love Switcheroo]]: In the seasonSeason eightEight continuation, {{spoiler|Buffy and Xander}}.
* [[Urban Fantasy]]
== V ==
* [[Vampire Hunter]]: [[Captain Obvious|No shit.]]
* [[Vampire Invitation]]: You need one if you're a vampire. There exist loopholes though; a hotel is a public accommodation, for instance. For some reason, vampires are never savvy enough to just burn down the house from the outside.
Line 782 ⟶ 826:
* [[Van Helsing Hate Crimes]]
* [[Victoria's Secret Compartment]]
* [[Villain-Beating Artifact]]: Too many examples of artifacts, like:
** The Troll God's Hammer that's used in Season 5 to cut down Glory.
** An ancient scythe that can defeat/kill [[The Dragon|Caleb]].
** Hope's Dagger, which was forge from the first rays of the sun on earth. It's the only weapon to injure the First Evil.
* [[Villain Episode]]: "Fool For Love" (Spike) and "Who Are You" (Faith).
* [[The Villain WorldMust Be Punished]]: The world we see in ''The Wish''.
** Xander's hatred of Angel first spurs from jealousy; he nurses a crush on Buffy, but Angel becomes Buffy's boyfriend in season two. Things get complicated when Buffy causes Angel to lose his soul and revert to the soulless serial killer vampire he used to be, but she ''still'' can't kill him. Xander is not the only one who calls out Buffy for this; Giles wants a piece of Angelus for what he does to Jenny Calendar. When Angelus kidnaps Giles in the season two finale and prepares to cause the apocalypse using his intel under interrogation, even though it will kill him as well, Willow prepares to restore Angel's soul before that happens and asks Xander to relay a message that Buffy should stall Angelus for as long as possible. Xander instead relays this message to Buffy: "Kick his ass." It takes several years for Buffy to learn the truth, and she's furious with Xander long after she and Angel have broken up and he moved to another city. With that said, Buffy also acknowledges that she hesitated in killing Angelus and that she bears some blame.
** The ''Wicked Willow'' trilogy of books explored what would've happened if Willow had stayed power mad.
** Warren Mears, the [[Big Bad]] of Season 6, quickly shows himself to be a vile excuse for a human being, using a [[Mind Control Device]] to turn his ex-girlfriend into a [[Sex Slave]], killing her when she snaps out of it and tries to escape, and using magic and time-distorting demons to dupe Buffy into thinking ''she'' killed Katrina so she'll take the fall, which [[Near Villain Victory|nearly succeeds]]. By the final episodes of the season, he's shot Buffy, nearly killing her, and killed Tara, the latter of which unleashes [[Super-Powered Evil Side|Dark Willow]], who fully intends to kill Warren for it. Dawn and Xander are so disgusted and furious with him that they openly support Willow's intentions; Buffy, meanwhile, preaches [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]], but only because she [[If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him|doesn't want Willow to become a murderer]].
* [[Villain Pedigree]]: Vampires, the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] for the first two seasons, are little more than no-name [[Mook|Mooks]] by the end.
* [[Villain World]]: The world we see in "The Wish".
** The ''Wicked Willow'' trilogy of books explored what would've happened if Willow had stayed power mad.
* [[The Virus]]: Vampirism.
* [[Visit by Divorced Dad]]: Buffy encounters what she thinks is her father in "Nightmares", but is actually a cruel manifestation of all of her own insecurities as a delinquent daughter. She spends the summer with her dad over the first season hiatus, but their relationship remains frosty.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Spike and Angel and Willow and Anya.
* [[The Virus]]: Vampirism.
== W ==
* [[Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World]]
* [[Walk and Talk]]: The hallways of SHS and UC Sunnydale.
Line 796 ⟶ 849:
** Taken to its extreme in an episode where Willow lampshades this and [[Literal Genie|accidentally turns Xander into a literal demon magnet]].
* [[We Used to Be Friends]]: Faith, Cordelia, Angelus, Giles, Willow - a lot of characters at some point in the story.
* [[Wham! Shot]]: Has a few:
** Season 2 has Buffy prepare to fight Angelus to the death. Then just as she's about to behead him, Willow completes the soul restoration from her hospital bed. Angel returns, confused, and asks what's going on, as the hell dimension opens behind him. Buffy asks Angel to close his eyes, stabs him, and pushes him through the portal. No wonder Buffy is traumatized for most of season three's beginning.
** Faith has taken Xander's virginity in "The Zeppo". Xander assumes it means they have a special bond. Buffy informs him that Faith sleeps with men for casual sex, so it means nothing to her. Nevertheless, Xander goes to talk to Faith, to attempt to reason with her. Her response is to push him on her motel bed, start feeling him up; then she tries to strangle him with her Slayer strength. Angel has to save Xander.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|What Do You Mean, It's Not Symbolic?]]: The Cheese Man that appears in everyone's dreams in "Restless", who Joss Whedon has said means absolutely nothing.
* [[What the Hell Is That Accent?]]: Kendra and Angel.
* [[When Dimensions Collide]]: Every attempt to open the Hellmouth is generally described as a Type II event ready to happen -- but it's only at the end of Season 5 that we actually see hell dimensions bleeding over onto Earth when Doc uses Dawn's blood to break down the walls between dimensions.
* [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?|Where Do They Get All Those Wonderful Swords, Axes, Knives and Medieval Crossbows?]] Seriously, is there a mail-order catalog?
* [[Working with the Ex]]: ''Buffy The Vampire Slayer'' is not shy about using this trope.
** [[Angel]] and Buffy during seasonSeason 3 of her show.
** Buffy ended up working briefly with Riley and his wife in the sixth season in the episode ''"As You Were''".
* [[Workout Fanservice]]: Angel doing his shirtless, exercising Tai Chi routine. Plus, this trope is acknowledge by [[Word of God]].
* [[World of Snark]]: Just about every character ever seen is snarky as hell.
* [[You Have Failed Me]]: The Master kills one of his minions in episode 2. "[[Eye Scream|You have something in your eye]]."
== X ==
* [[X Meets Y]]: Marti Noxon's vision for Seasons 6-7 was "''[[Party of Five]]'' with monsters." Well, that [[Contemplate Our Navels|explains a lot]].
== Y ==
* [[You Have Failed Me...]]: The Master kills one of his minions in episode 2. "[[Eye Scream|You have something in your eye]]."
** The Anointed One and his lackeys try to pull this on Spike. ''Tried.''
** It looked like Spike was going to pull this on Billy Fordham in "Lie To Me" when Billy's plan to deliver several dozen [[I'm a Humanitarian|people]] to Spike is foiled by Buffy. {{spoiler|But not only does Spike not kill Billy, but he keeps his end of the deal and sire Billy. After all, Billy kept up his part of the deal, and [[Fridge Brilliance|Spike probably knew that Buffy would be waiting at Billy's grave to stake him when he rose anyways]].}}.
** Also averted in 'Band Candy'. At the end of the episode the Mayor and Mr. Trick are sitting around and talking about how the entire night was a bust because Buffy killed the demon they were going to sacrifice the kidnapped babies to, meaning they'd set up the Band Candy incident as a giant diversion for a plan that failed anyway. The Mayor then asks Mr. Trick what he did with Ethan Rayne, who'd cast the Band Candy spell.
{{quote|'''Mr. Trick''': I ''paid'' him. The man did ''his'' job.}}
** Glory does this to 2 of her minions in "Intervention".
* [[You Look Familiar]]: Brent Jennings played the vampire pastor Absalom ("When She Was Bad") before being cast as Mr. Trick a year later.
Line 812 ⟶ 877:
** Dracula gets this alot from Spike. To be fair, Drac still owes him money.
* [[Youth Is Wasted on the Dumb]]
* [[X Meets Y]]: Marti Noxon's vision for seasons 6-7 was "''[[Party of Five]]'' with monsters." Well, that [[Contemplate Our Navels|explains a lot]].
[[Category:Split Trope Lists]]