Bury Your Gays: Difference between revisions

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== Music ==
* Spoon's "The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine":
{{quote| I wanna play the part of Eddie in ''The Stranger Dance''<br />
He makes love to the duke<br />
He swordfights the queen<br />
He steals the whole show in his last dying scene }}
* Elton John's "All the Girls Love Alice," about a lesbian who dies:
{{quote| Gettin' your kicks in another girl's bed <br />
And it was only last Tuesday... <br />
They found you in the subway, dead! }}
* The name "[[Scissor Sisters]]" is a shortening of the band's original name, [[Refuge in Audacity|Dead Lesbian and Her Fibrillating Scissor Sisters]].
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* This seems to be a favorite trope of Tennessee Williams, much of the anguish motivating the protagonists of his two most famous plays, ''[[A Streetcar Named Desire]]'' and ''[[Cat on a Hot Tin Roof]]'' revolves around gay men who commit suicide.
* ''[[The Boys in the Band]]''. Michael both [[Lampshades]] and [[Inverted Trope|inverts]] the Trope.
{{quote| '''Michael:''' It's not always the way it is in plays. Not all faggots bump themselves off at the end of the story!}}
* Beautifully subverted in ''[[Angels in America]]''. Although deaths of Prior and Belize's friends are mentioned, the only one of the gay characters to die is Roy Cohn, [[Armored Closet Gay|the malicious, heartless bastard of a closet queen who refuses to think of himself as gay]].
* Subverted in ''[[Spring Awakening]]''. Hänschen and Ernst don't appear again after their kiss, which is a pretty good fate, since saying the lives of the heterosexual characters (well, those who are left alive) suck would be an understatement.