But He Sounds Handsome: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Code MENT]]'':
{{quote|'''Lelouch: "THAT ONE GUY SOUNDS LIKE A REALLY ''AWESOME'' DUDE!"'''}}
* The Gleick scandal. [http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2012/02/global-warming-alarmists-resort-to-hoax.php][http://climateaudit.org/2012/02/25/gleick-and-americas-dumbest-criminal/] [http://fakegate.org/] In 2012 Peter H. Gleick, co-founder and President of the Pacific Institute and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, obtained documents from the Heartland Institute via [[Phish|identity fraud]], and then anonymously "leaked" them, along with hismade ownup and laughably [[Strawman Fallacy|strawman]] "Confidential Memo". TheGleick funniestinsists parthe ofreceived saidit memoin isanonymous "Effortse-mail, atand places''then'' suchdecided asto Forbesgo arephish, especiallybut importantnot nowonly thatdid theysome havepeople begunrecognize tohis allowstyle, high-profilethe climatemain scientistsreason (suchwhy asit Gleick)".was Forbes,traced ofback course,to ishim relevantso toquickly thisis issuethe atmost allamusing onlyand becausetelltale it'spart ratherof Gleick-friendly.said memo:
{{quote|Efforts at places such as Forbes<ref>Forbes, of course, is relevant to this issue at all only because it's rather Gleick-friendly.</ref> are especially important now that they have begun to allow high-profile climate scientists (such as Gleick) […] }}
== Western Animation is such a brilliant fellow, yes? ==