But for Me It Was Tuesday: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Bleach]]'':
** When Ichigo comes face-to-face with the Hollow that killed his mother, Grand Fisher doesn't remember the incident at all until looking into Ichigo's memories.
** Hilarious hero example. Ichigo can't remember a punk he beat up four years ago, who had to move town because his dad got transferred and was looking forward to a rematch.
** Odd example with Kurotsuchi, who shows Ishida a photo of the last Quincy he experimented on, and mentioned how he kept screaming the name of his student or grandson but he can't remember what his name was, since he 'stops remembering once he loses interest'. The student and grandson in question is Ishida, and he reminds Kurotsuchi of his name. [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Violently.]]
* Similar to Ichigo, Might Guy of ''[[Naruto]]'' cannot remember his previous encounters with the highly-memorable Kisame Hoshigaki. Each time Kisame was eager for a rematch and remembered Guy, but all Guy could manage to piece together after ten minutes of battle was [[Captain Obvious|"You wield a sword!"]]
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* In ''[[One Piece]]'':
** During the {{spoiler|war between Whitebeard and the Marines}}, two of the [[Wholesome Crossdresser|Newkamas]] challenge Hawkeye Mihawk, saying that he may have beaten them before, but they were stronger now. Mihawk [[Curb Stomp Battle|takes them out effortlessly]], telling them as he does so that he doesn't bother to remember every weakling he cuts down.
** In a heroic example, Luffy has this towards some of his weaker early opponents: While he recoginzed Coby during their reunion, he had apparently forgotten who Helmeppo was, when he ran into Buggy again, his reaction (in contrast to Buggy's shocked expression) was merely "Ah, it's just Buggy", and he fails to recall details like Buggy's earlier weapon, the massively explosive Buggy Ball.
** Also, Zoro in movie 2, with Pin Joker.
* In ''[[Rosario to+ Vampire]]'', Ms. Marin's husband was killed by the siren Kanade Kamiya. The confrontation is as follows:
{{quote|'''Ms. Marin:''' It's ''you'', isn't it? You're the one who killed my husband in our inn four years ago.
'''Kanade:''' Four years ago? Hmm... Oh, yeah. That's about the time I got assigned to this branch office. They used to send me all over the place back then. I hated this little town. Place reeks of fish... So I killed a lot of people... [[For the Evulz|It was just a diversion to take my mind off things.]] [[Complete Monster|I can't be bothered to remember everyone I kill.]] }}
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* At first Hakkai from ''[[Saiyuki]]'' doesn't remember Chin Yisou, {{spoiler|the last of the thousand youkai he killed and the one who ''deliberatly'' kick started his [[Karmic Transformation]]}} This is vaguely understandable as Hakkai was at the time consumed with grief over [[Brother-Sister Incest|Kanan's]] suicide and {{spoiler|Yisou returns as a shikigami, if you kill someone you dont normally expect them to come back, at least before hazel; arrives in the story}}
* In the ''Mahou Shoujo Isuka'' OVA, when Isuka confronts the Witch Hunter who raped and killed her sister, he flatly tells her that he doesn't bother to remember all of the Witches he's killed. This turns out to be a lie; he ''does'' remember, and said this just to get a rise out of her.
* In ''[[Tiger and Bunny]]'', {{spoiler|Barnaby Brooks Jr.}} has spent twenty years trying to track down the man who murdered his parents. When he finally confronts the man responsible, not only does the criminal not remember it, he mocks {{spoiler|Barnaby}} for expecting him to keep track.
** {{spoiler|Of course, he cannot remember killing Barnaby's parents, because he was in completely different place that day.}}
* In ''[[Claymore]]'', Clare's one mission in life is to kill Priscilla, who killed her mother-figure Teresea. The moment of her death is seared into Clare's memory and drives her to [[Unstoppable Rage|kill, kill, kill]] when faced with difficult opponents, especially when she finally faces Priscilla for the first time in many years. However, Priscilla doesn't seem to remember her at all, since she only familiarizes herself with Clare because she smells like Teresea, whom Priscilla is obsessed with. Furthermore, on that fateful day, Priscilla totally ignored Clare because {{spoiler|[[Selective Slaughter|she only killed those who weren't young girls]].}}
* In ''[[Pokémon Special]]'', upon first meeting Team Rocket Admin Koga, Misty saw him forcing a Ryhorn into evolution, and she realizes that he was the one responsible for doing a similar experiment on her Gyarados.
{{quote|'''Koga''': ''You can't expect us to remember every Pokémon that we experiment on.''}}
* [[Kyou Kara Ore Wa!!]] has many examples, as the protagonists have beaten a lot of people, but the most incredible example is the so-called [[Embarrassing Nickname|Perizoma Mask]]: right before the start of the series Mitsuhashi gave him the nickname, made him [[The Butt Monkey]] and generally ruined his life (and, in the process, getting the idea of trying and stand out with blond hair and becoming a badass) before moving to Chiba, and when the poor Perizoma Mask finally tracks him down Mitsuhashi can't even remember him.
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* A more famous example is Eddie Brock, a.k.a. Venom. Peter knows him all too well ''now'', but when Venom first unmasked, he recognized Brock only as a disgraced reporter whose picture had been in the papers. He'd never met the man and had no idea he blamed Spider-Man for his ruined career.
* After Spidey's unmasking during [[Civil War (Comic Book)|Marvel's Civil War event]], the Chameleon hired a bunch of lesser known members of Spidey's [[Rogues Gallery]] and set them on the already beleaguered hero. When Will O'Wisp makes his grand entrance, Spidey pretends like he doesn't recognize the poor guy. Or at least he claims in his thought captions to be pretending. Honest!
* Inverted/subverted by the second [[X-Factor]] team; three rather random villains died without X-Factor ever actually encountering them, and were resurrected by Charon as X-Factor's "greatest, and deadliest enemies!". To which X-Factor replied "WHO?!", "Only WE could have a bunch of "greatest enemies" that we never heard of!" and continued with several [[Genre Savvy]] quips about them being mistaken for X-Force, or the one team without action figures.
* [[Judge Dredd]] has a few:
** [[Invoked]]: Dredd is held at gunpoint by a woman whose husband he once arrested, but he tells her that he arrests a lot of people and can't be expected to remember them all. However, it turns out that he ''does'' remember, and he was just playing for time.
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* ''[[Oldboy]]''. {{spoiler|Oh Dae-su has long forgotten that he witnessed Woo-jin's incestuous relationship with his sister. Unusually, Woo-jin has no illusions about the scale of the incident from Dae-Su's point of view, and doesn't actually expect him to remember it.}}
* ''[[Very Loosely Based on a True Story|Freeway Killer]]'' begins with [[wikipedia:William Bonin|William Bonin]] talking with the mother of one of his victims. When the mother shows him a picture of her son, Bonin nonchalantly says "So many faces, they all just get so...mixed up".
* In ''[[The Dark Knight Saga]]'', Harvey Dent is infuriated that [[The Joker]] can't even remember Rachel's name, [[Magnificent Bastard|although there's a strong probability that the Joker was just doing it to provoke him]]. He also may not have actually known Rachel's name.
** Doubtful. The name tag he gave to the fake guard read "Rachel Dawes."
* A line from the [[Riff Trax]] of ''[[Iron Man (film)|Iron Man]]'', when Tony Stark comes to after the tank asplodes:
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* Both parodied and subverted in ''[[Kung Pow! Enter the Fist]]'' when Betty initially doesn't recognize the Chosen One, but does upon seeing his baby booties.
{{quote|"Sorry. I didn't recognize you without crap in your pants."}}
* ''[[The Damned United]]'': {{spoiler|Revie is honestly taken aback that Clough has been harboring such a grudge for so long, over an incident he himself didn't even notice.}} The real-life facts are more ambiguous, but the film adaptation plays the trope straight.
* The [[Big Bad]] in ''[[The Losers]]'' doesn't remember setting up the titular team at the beginning of the movie when reminded of it later, as he does this a lot.
* Double-subverted in ''[[Last Action Hero]]'': the [[Trapped in TV Land]] protagonist warns [[Cowboy Cop]] Jack Slater (played by [[Arnold Schwarzenegger]]) not to trust his [[Big Bad Friend]] John Practice (played by F. Murray Abraham) because "he killed Mozart," a reference to Abraham's role in ''[[Amadeus]]''. When Practice does eventually betray Slater, Slater repeats the accusation to him, mangling it as "you killed Moe Zart." Practice's response? "Hey, I kill a lot of people. I can't remember half of them."
* May or may not have been used in ''[[Inglourious Basterds]].'' Shoshanna recognizes the man who killed her family, but he doesn't seem to recognize her.
** Highly unlikely; if he remembered, he'd recall a young girl running for her life ''away'' from him. Even he even saw her face at all, it would have been only for a second, and he never gives any indication that he knows who she is.
** Absolutely false. Colonel Landa demonstrates he knows exactly who Shoshanna is by forcibly ordering milk for her, tasting it, and commenting that it is nowhere near as good as the delicious fresh milk he drank at the dairy farm she was hiding at, where he killed her family. (Why he didn't have her hunted in the woods then, or have her seized by Gestapo when he meets her in the restaurant, is another question entirely.)
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* In the [[Stephen King]] short story "Dolan's Cadillac", the wife of the protagonist/narrator (Robinson) is killed by a crime lord she was going to testify against (Dolan). For a few years or so, Robinson follows Dolan to learn his habits and routine, all while plotting his revenge. During one harrowing incident, however, Dolan's car breaks down on the road, and Robinson is forced to pass him. He's angered when Dolan doesn't even recognize the man who's wife he had ordered blown to smithereens in her car. This is then subverted when, after Robinson says the first few words of his [[Best Served Cold]] speech, Dolan immediately identifies him.
* The original title of ''[[All Quiet on the Western Front]]'' is ''"Im Westen nichts Neues"'' ("Nothing New in the West"). It ends with the last surviving character getting shot by an unseen sniper followed by a [[Title Drop]]. For him it was the day he was killed, regarding the war, it was just an ordinary day with nothing to report.
* In [[Iain Banks|Iain M Banks]]' novel ''[[The Culture|Inversions]]'', the Lady Perrund becomes courtesan to the King after a rival warlord's soldiers killed her family and raped her. {{spoiler|It is only at the end of the book after she has murdered the King that we discover it was actually him and his men that committed the atrocity. The King had never recognised her and had most likely forgotten the incident, allowing her to get her revenge.}}
* Non-villainous example in [[Tamora Pierce]]'s ''[[Tortall Universe|Protector of the Small Quartet]]''. [[The Hero|Kel]] has a fear of heights due to her brother dangling her over the edge of a tall tower when they were kids. When speaking about it, she says that the worst part was when she spoke to him about it: he didn't remember.
* The protagonist of ''[[Howl's Moving Castle (novel)|Howl's Moving Castle]]'' assumes this trope will apply to the witch who cursed her, and therefore that she'll be able to pretend she has no connection to the witch. Unfortunately, she underestimated how much the witch hated her.
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'''Spike:''' I've killed a lot of people's mothers.
'''Robin Wood:''' Yeah. You'd remember mine. She was a Slayer. }}
** Buffy herself is a heroic example of that trope: Riley is praised for single-handedly catching 17 creatures.
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Wow. I mean, that's... seventeen.}}
** And later:
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* In a season six episode of ''[[Degrassi the Next Generation|Degrassi]]'', Alex joins the lacrosse team and is promptly cold-shouldered by one of the other players for what Alex assumes is no reason. Turns out that years earlier, Alex tripped her and broke her leg and nearly blinded her with a laser pointer.
* [[The Daily Show|Do you know what they call a show-girl fucking a penguin in Las Vegas?]] [http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-october-19-2011/indecision-2012---fear-and-pandering-in-las-vegas Tuesday.]
* What does London Tipton of ''[[The Suite Life of Zack and Cody]]'' call a cruise around the Mediterranean?
{{quote|'''London:''' [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v{{=}}0SZ8t2RnaRA#t{{=}}1m37s Tuesday].}}
* The ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' episode "Duet" has Kira confronting the Cardassian war criminal Gul Darhe'el about his brutal actions during the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. At one point, Darhe'el simply says "What you call genocide, I call a day's work.". {{spoiler|Though it turns out he's actually Darhe'el's assistant, since the real Darhe'el died years earlier, and is posing as him in an attempt to make Cardassia own up to their brutality.}}
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* [[Jerkass|Jin Kisaragi]] pulls this on [[Crazy Awesome|Bang Shishigami]] in ''[[Blaz Blue]]''.
* A heroic subversion occurs in ''[[Baldurs Gate II]]'' when Jaheria is confronted by a former slaver who was exposed and imprisoned as a result of her actions. He gets more and more angry when she seems not to remember who he was, but it's actually just an act on her part as she wanted everybody around him to hear his "confession".
* ''[[Wild ArmsARMs 5]]''. When Greg finally confronts Kartikeya about the murder of his wife and child, Kartikeya has to be reminded which of his victims Greg is talking about.
* ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'':
** A hero example with Shepard. In ''[[Mass Effect 1]]'', you have the option of letting a criminal named Fist live. If you do, you will find him at the Afterlife Club in ''Mass Effect 2''. He isn't very happy to see you, and one of the responses you can choose is "Whoever you are, you stopped being relevant about 5 minutes after I apparently told you to run." (You can also go the other direction entirely, and tell him you`ll follow him across the galaxy to make sure he stays on the straight-and-narrow, if you have to.)
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* Towards the end of ''[[Knights of the Old Republic (video game)|Knights of the Old Republic]]'', a Dark Jedi, Darth Bandon, is sent to assassinate the [[Player Character]]. One of your dialogue options upon meeting Bandon is to recognize him as one of the Dark Jedi who attacked the ''Endar Spire'' at the beginning of the game and tell him that "You killed [[He Knows About Timed Hits|Trask]]!" and that you will avenge his death. Bandon, naturally, has no idea which of the many [[Red Shirt|red shirts]] he slaughtered was called 'Trask', and even worse, most players on their first playthrough have probably long forgotten about Trask, too.
* In the Scenario Campaign of ''[[Tekken]] 6'', if Kazuya Mishima confronts Leo, she will tell him that he killed her mother. Kazuya's response was more like, "I've done that oh-so-many times, I've forgotten which one is your mother."
* ''[[Final Fantasy VII]]''. When Cloud first encounters Sephiroth again on the cargo ship departing from Junon, he reminds him about having burned down his hometown. Sephiroth's response is a confused "Who are you?" A slight subversion is that according to [[Word of God|creation materials]] like the Reunion Files confirm Sephiroth never got over Cloud killing him years earlier and wants to [[Mind Rape]] him in revenge, so claiming to not know who he is was a part of that.
* In ''[[Final Fantasy XII]]'', [[Evil Twin]] Gabranth impersonated his brother Basch while murdering the king. He also happened to kill Vaan's brother Reks during the incident. Two years later, when Gabranth confronts the party, everyone is outraged to see the king's murderer while Vaan calls Gabranth out on killing Reks. Gabranth doesn't even appear to hear him.
* Omega Red's ending in ''[[Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter]]'': he's killed Ryu offscreen, and Ken is kneeling next to his corpse and asks Omega Red "How many lives have you ended?". His reply is "Do you count the number of breaths you've taken?"
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'''Hawke:''' Tuesday. }}
* Towards the end of ''[[Custom Robo]] Arena'', {{spoiler|Eddy confronts Dr. Mars/Scythe in a [[You Killed My Father]] moment. Scythe doesn't remember, saying he can't possibly remember all of Greybaum's operations.}}
* Heroic example in ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics A2]]'': Ghi Yelghi has idolized Frimelda as a [[Worthy Opponent]] ever since she saved his town from destruction. For her, that was just one more adventuring exploit.
* ''[[Metal Gear]]'':
** A probable meta-example in the ''[[Metal Gear]]'' series: In the eyes of the players, the best and most defining moments for Solid Snake are the events of the ''[[Metal Gear Solid]]'', the Shadow Moses incident, and all of the consequences of it. In-universe, while very important and gained quite a bit of fame thanks to Nastasha, Shadow Moses incident is treated as a massive [[Unwitting Pawn]] stepping stone for every Chessmaster's and [[Magnificent Bastard]]'s checklist, a mere component to the greater plan. For Solid Snake, Outer Heaven is the most defining moment of his life.
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{{quote|'''Arc:''' You're the one that killed my father!
'''Ark Ghoul:''' I have killed many, and your father may have been among them. But if I did slay him, his death was so unremarkable that I have no memory of it. }}
* ''[[Sengoku Basara]]'': In the third game's backstory, Date Masamune lost his entire army, almost lost [[Battle Butler|Kojuuro]] and barely escaped from an encounter with [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|Ishida Mitsunari]]. Masamune proceeds to go absolutely batshit insane in order to chase him down, and when he does, he starts on [[You Killed My Father|a massive rant]] about how he's going to destroy Mitsunari. Then, Mitsunari turns around and asks: "Who are you?" Masamune's reaction is [[Heroic BSOD|priceless]]. Masamune then goes on to remind Mitsunari about Odawara, in which case Mitsunari starts reminiscing about the battle, only to say that he defeated someone there, but they weren't worth remembering. Masamune loses it and attacks him.
** Bringing Mitsunari to any of Masamune's stages in Free Battle results in Masamune gloating about how he's finally got Mitsunari right where he wants him, while Mitsunari, bewildered, asks Yoshitsugu who the heck this person is.
{{quote|'''Mitsunari:''' You...Hate me? Who are you, exactly?}}
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== Web Animation ==
* In ''[[Super Mario Bros Z]]'', Mario {{spoiler|stomped Captain Basilisx's best friend into a lava pit}}, but Mario doesn't remember it. Although [[Fridge Brilliance]] sets in when you realize that {{spoiler|''there are no lava pits'' in the room that Basilisx mentions.}} Mario may not remember it because ''it may have never happened'' in the first place.
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'''Pompey:''' I did ask you out once. Per week. For three semesters.
'''Julia:''' So no chance of you narrowing it down for me, then? }}
** [http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0788.html Thog has it, too.] By this point it seems to have become a [[Berserk Button]] for Roy.
* ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|Eight Bit Theater]]'':
** "[[Designated Hero|Heroic]]" [http://www.nuklearpower.com/2009/04/25/episode-1121-loose-lips-sink-light-warriors/ example]:
{{quote|'''Black Mage:''' Oh, we've ruined millions of lives. They're just being babies about it.}}
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== Western Animation ==
* In ''[[Batman Beyond]]'':
** When Blight/Derek Powers asks Batman/Terry McGinnis who he really is, he replies with ''"[[You Killed My Father]]."''
{{quote|'''Blight:''' ''(irritated)'' Do you have the slighest idea how little that narrows it down?
'''Batman:''' [[Genre Savvy|Sorry, that's all you get.]] }}