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* [[Evil Overlord]]: The White Witch and the Lady Of the Green Kirtle in [[The Chronicles of Narnia]].
* [[Fairy Tale Motifs]]: Discussed throughout his work, and given free rein in [[The Chronicles of Narnia]] (which is a [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink]]).
* [[False Cause]]: Zig-zag. In his time there was an esoteric (and to be honest rather interesting) scholarly controversy going on about the connections between [[Celtic Mythology]] and [[King Arthur]]. Plus some complexities about hypothetical prehistoric pagan origins. Lewis took the point that whether or not a given author was in fact taking ideas from such things, it did not follow that what he came up with was "really" things found there and even more that individual tropes from one place "really" belonged in another, or more to the point that a story should not be criticized on it's own. An essay about this is ''The Fallacy of Anthropological Criticism'' and other places can be found where he gives a similar argument.
* [[Geeky Turn On]] : Several of his descriptions of Joy Greshem.
* [[Gentleman Snarker]] : C.S. Lewis himself was one of the best and his snarkiness appears in his books.