Call of Duty: Modern Warfare/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Private First Class Joseph Allen ===
Player character for a few missions in ''[[Modern Warfare]] 2'', Army Ranger and later TF141 member.
* [[Badass]]: {{spoiler|Initially, until [[Deconstruction|''"No Russian''"]]}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Decoy Protagonist]]}}
* [[Heroic Mime]]: Averted, though he only speaks in cutscenes.
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* [[Reverse Mole]]: He's sent on an undercover mission to infiltrate Makarov's terrorist cell. {{spoiler|It does not end well}}.
* [[This Loser Is You]]: Representing the murderous nature of the players.
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: ''"No Russian''"}}.
== Russian Loyalists ==
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** {{spoiler|Every level where the action is focused on Price, Nikolai is this, sometimes twice}}.
* [[Captain Obvious]]: In ''Modern Warfare 2''. It is not appreciated either time.
** In ''"The Hornet's Nest''":
{{quote|'''Nikolai:''' My friend, from up here, it looks like the whole village is trying to kill you!
'''Captain MacTavish:''' Tell me something I don't know! Just get ready to pick us up!}}
** In ''"The Enemy of My Enemy''":
{{quote|'''Nikolai:''' ''(witnessing the massive three-way fight between Task-Force 141, Makarov's men, and {{spoiler|Shadow Company}} Price, I am approaching the boneyard. I see you do not have situation under control. Very unsafe to land. It looks like when I was in Afghanistan with the Soviets!
'''Captain Price:''' Nikolai! Just shut up and land the bloody plane! We're on our way!}}