Can Not Tell a Lie: Difference between revisions

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** There is one instance of a robot lying repeatedly. When, by accident, a robot develops telepathic powers, it lies to people when it knows the truth would hurt them (which would mean breaking the First Law). Unfortunately for the bot, humans have so many conflicting emotions, and lying to them can ultimately cause even more harm. Susan Calvin {{spoiler|destroys the robot with a [[Logic Bomb]] after one of its lies indirectly wounded her}}.
*** The title of that story (and [[Title Drop|end words]]) is in fact '''Liar'''.
** There are also several stories where unscrupulous people take advantage of the fact that the Second Law allows you to order a robot to lie. However, this runs into the problem that a rigorous interrogation is in effect a strong order to tell the truth, and any competent roboticist can tell when a robot is straining with conflicting orders (and thus infer that the robot was ordered to lie).
* Falcon shapeshifters in Amelia Atwater-Rhodes's ''Kiesha'ra'' series are able to detect blatant lies very easily through their magic, and so most falcons never blatantly lie to avoid trouble. Falcons, however, are also well-versed in the arts of misleading and half-truths, and being misled is no excuse for wrongdoing.
* The faeries from Holly Black's ''Tithe'', ''Valiant'', and ''Ironside''. Instead they just "Bend the truth until it snaps under its own weight." i.e, they can't lie per se, but are very, very fond of leaving out important information or "little details" that could be willfully damaging to the hearer. Oh, and let's not forget the clever use of puns employed in the last book.
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* In ''[[Uglies]]'', Frizz from ''Extras'' has a surgery in order to force himself to only tell the truth. He says he did this because he realized he was lying all the time and needed to get better. Apparently it sparked a whole clique.
* In the ''[[Heralds of Valdemar]]'' series, Tremane has a spell put on him by the Son of the Sun, Solaris, that makes him unable to lie.
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