• Complete Monster: Hacker is willing to start a world-ending nuclear exchange between the US and Russia if the President doesn't pay for his prohibitively expensive fancy anti-missile system to abort the "Canadian" hacking of US missile silos...which he is actually responsible for.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment / Harsher in Hindsight: One of the greatest examples in any medium.

Secretary of State: We were thinking, what could be a bigger threat than aliens invading from space?
General Panzer: Ooh boy! Scare the shit out of everyone. Even me, sir!
U.S. President: Jesus, is this the best you could come up with? What about, ya know, international terrorism?
General Panzer: Well, sir, we're not going to re-open missile factories just to fight some creeps running around in exploding rental cars, are we, sir?