Captain Britain: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Chosen Many]]: The multiversal Corps.
* [[Clothes Make the Superman]]: Captain Britain (The Ultimate version) wears an advanced exo-suit which gives him his powers.
When Merlyn gave Brian Braddock (Earth-616) his first Union Jack-inspired suit, the powers which were initially contained in both the Amulet of Right and the Star Scepter were placed into the suit itself. After the wizard revived Brian, he endowed him with these powers directly and the suit became an [[Amplifier Artifact]] instead, channeling the British Isles' and Otherworld's interdimensional link energies. This allows Brian to use his powers beyond those realms, without the suit, he'll lose his powers. He discovered this in [[Inferno (Comic Book)]]'s aftermath, when he was stuck in New York.
This seems to be a common trait of the Captain Britain Corps' uniforms; the costumes either grant or supplement the wearer's powers. During her short stint, Betsy's uniform granted her the same abilities as her brother's and addition to her own. Also the Captain Marshall (Earth-1193)'s uniform had the same properties as the suit Brian lost in New York.
* [[Cool Sword]]: Kelsey Leigh's Sword of Might, which she previously mistook as the legendary, Excalibur.
* [[Double Standard: Rape, Female on Male]]