Caretaker Reversal: Difference between revisions

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'''Sheldon:''' "Soft Kitty" is for when you're sick. You're not sick.
'''Penny:''' Injured and drugged is a kind of sick. }}
* This happens between River and Simon on ''[[Firefly (TV series)|Firefly]]''.
* [[Played for Drama]] in the second episode of [[Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman]], Dr. Mike works herself to exhaustion during a deadly flu epidemic and must be cared for by Sully when she catches the disease herself.
* ''[[Kung Fu]]'': in "Besieged: Cannon at the Gates", Caine is lying on the ground mortally wounded after he sabotages a cannon firing at the Shaolin Temple, and his [[Girl of the Week]] is leaning over his body comforting him. Then the [[Dragon with an Agenda]] stabs her; she becomes limp, and Caine reverses positions with her as she dies. Suddenly he's fine. [ See it here, starting at 3:55.]