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[[Lit Fic]] - short for "[[Literary Fiction]]" - is a nebulous, broad term which emerged during the 1960s. Though it is usually contrasted with Genre Fiction ("[[Speculative Fiction]]", [[File talk:Mystery Fiction]], [[Romance Novel]], and so on), there's more to it than "any non-genre fiction"; in some respects, it is a genre unto itself, characterized by an aspiration to literary merit and a greater focus on style, psychological depth and character - as opposed to the focus on plot and narrative typical of genre fiction.
From this you might infer that this is typically not the kind of work that provides one's daily fix of vampire-hunting, magically-transforming, banana-bending, mecha-piloting, super-powered, time-travelling teenagers beating the odds. Rather, a piece of [[Lit Fic]] is much likelier to be about everyday people doing everyday things, dealing with everyday problems and eventually coming to realizations or personal transformations. A family struggles with cancer. A man struggles with death. A couple struggles with alcoholism. A child struggles to become an adult. A touch of [[Magical Realism]] might be allowed, but never to the point where it becomes the focus of the story.