Category:Zany Cartoon: Difference between revisions

genres should be listings of works, not tropes
m (Labster moved page Zany Cartoon to Category:Zany Cartoon)
(genres should be listings of works, not tropes)
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One of the most widespread of animated cartoon genres and one of the most popular for representing animation in other media. The zany humour of these cartoons date back to the peak of [[The Golden Age of Animation]] but actually came to dominance slightly afterward. After the big focus on musical aspects had passed, this style of humour which focused on wild and wacky physical reactions and behaviours from hammy cartoon characters came to the fore. It is filled with [[Cartoon Physics]] and highly unnatural situations. This is where walking off the cliff but not falling until you look down or painting a hole in a wall and then having it become a real hole came from.
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[[Ren and Stimpy]] and [[Tiny Toon Adventures (Animation)|Warner]] [[Taz Mania|Bros's]] [[Animaniacs (Animation)|output]] [[Freakazoid|in]] [[The Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries|the]] [[Pinky and The Brain (Animation)|90's]] are some other good examples of this genre.
=== Tropes associated with this genre ===are listed on [[Zany Cartoon Tropes]].
=== Tropes associated with this genre ===
* [[Absurdly Bright Light]]
* [[Absurdly Ineffective Barricade]]
* [[Acme Products]]
* [[All Balloons Have Helium]]
* [[All Cloth Unravels]]
* [[Amusing Injuries]]
** [[Accordion Man]]
** [[Agony of the Feet]]
** [[Anvil On Head]]
** [[Ash Face]]
** [[Cranial Eruption]]
** [[Harmless Electrocution]]
** [[Harmless Freezing]]
** [[Illogical Safe]]
** [[Non-Fatal Explosions]]
** [[Non Sequitur Thud]]
** [[Punctuated Pounding]]
** [[Rump Roast]]
** [[Squashed Flat]]
** [[Sweeping Ashes]]
** [[X-Ray Sparks]]
** [[Your Head Asplode]]
* [[Badly-Battered Babysitter]]
* [[This Billboard Needs Some Salt]]
* [[Banana Peel]]
* [[Bankruptcy Barrel]]
* [[Behind a Stick]]
* [[Berserk Board Barricade]]
* [[Be the Ball]]
* [[Big Ball of Violence]]
* [[Big Shadow, Little Creature]]
* [[Boomerang Comeback]]
* [[Braces of Orthodontic Overkill]]
* [[Burning Rubber]]
* [[Cartoon Cheese]]
* [[Cartoon Conductor]]
* [[Circling Birdies]]
* [[Covered in Kisses]]
* [[Cut a Slice, Take The Rest]]
* [[Dinner Deformation]]
* [[Door Judo]]
* [[The Door Slams You]]
* [[Dynamite Candle]]
* [[Eye Pop]]
* [[Eat the Bomb]]
* [[Efficient Displacement]]
* [[Elevator Gag]]
* [[Flower Pot Drop]]
* [[Follow Your Nose]]
* [[Funny Animal]]
* [[Gravity Is a Harsh Mistress]]
* [[Hammerspace]]
* [[Instant Bandages]]
* [[Instant Ice, Just Add Cold]]
* [[Invisible Holes]]
* [[ISophagus]]
* [[Jaw Drop]]
* [[Limited Wardrobe]]
* [[Matchlight Danger Revelation]]
* [[Mimicry Of Sound Effects]]
* [[Mouse Hole]]
* [[Painted Tunnel, Real Train]]
* [[Pain Powered Leap]]
* [[Surprise Jump]]
* [[The Not-Catch]]
* [[Torso With a View]]
* [[Traveling Pipe Bulge]]
* [[Vacuum Mouth]]
* [[Wild Take]]
* [[Xylophone Gag]]
[[Category:indexAnimation Genres]]
[[Category:Zany Cartoon Tropes]]
[[Category:Pages needing more categories]]