Chaos Entity: Difference between revisions

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(Adding more to the description, fixing grammar problems and the like, adding more examples, links, and categories.)
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'''Chaotic Beings''' are [[Cosmic Entity|Cosmic entities]] such as [[Anthropomorphic Personification|Anthropomorphic Personifications]], [[Our Gods Are Greater|Gods]], and [[Eldritch Abomination|other beings]] connected to chaos. They represent chaos and anything related to it, like entropy. They may even be empowered by the chaos around them. Chaos is a force of change, and not all change is good; [[God of Evil|some deities can be evil.]] They might be [[Trickster God|tricksters]] while being good in their own way. These beings might even find joy in seeing chaos unfolded by their own machination or just reality taking its natural course. However, their possible weakness in [[Order Versus Chaos|order that can counter chaos]].
The concept of a being representing chaos is actually [[Older Than Dirt]], which can be traced back to Mesopotamia. They are often depicted as causing some form of hardship in one way or another. This is related to Chaoskampf, which means ‘struggle against chaos’ in German. Chaoskampf often has a heroic god fighting a monster related to chaos, usually a dragon or serpent. There is also the common concept of them being related to creation, destruction, and nature because natural phenomena, especially primordial deities, are viewed as one of their acts that can lead to creation or destruction.
Some Chaotic Beings may be related to or even a source of [[Entropy and Chaos Magic]].