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[[Parody|Parodies]] are especially prone to this.
Compare with [[Ascended Extra]], which is done to obscure characters to make them ostensibly prominent. Contrast [[Out -of -Character Moment]]. See also [[Character Check]], when the writers try to reverse this, if only momentarily.
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** On the subject of ''[[Sailor Moon]]'', Usagi herself is rather exaggerated though adaptations. In the manga, she is basically a normal teenager and a surprisingly competent leader of normal intelligence. The anime version dialed up her laziness, her reluctance to fight AND her naivete slightly (for example, see her reluctance to kill anything that isn't a Monster of the Day versus her manga form who basically killed first and asked questions later). The English dub takes this even further by making her a total ditz and a [[Butt Monkey]] when it came to the other senshi. (They didn't tease her NEARLY as much in the Japanese anime.)
** As well as Usagi/Serena, Rei/Raye was exaggerated quite a bit from the manga to the anime to the dub. In the manga, she's the Ojou with a bit of a rivalry with Usagi. In the anime, they ramped up her issues with Usagi and made her seem downright mean at times, thought it was still obvious that she cared for Usagi. Dub Raye, on the other hand, loses much of Rei's softer corners and is pretty all-out nasty with ''very'' few exceptions.
** Haruka crossdressing. In the manga, she actually poses as a male high school student at the start of the Infinity arc, but doesn't seem particularly averse to wearing women's clothing when out of the disguise. In the anime, while she presumably still poses as a male while in the Infinity Academy, her gender is revealed in the same episode where she receives a proper introduction -- butintroduction—but she keeps crossdressing throughout the series, even though her being female isn't treated as a secret. Apparently, in that version she likes it a lot. Furthermore, in the manga she even uses different pronouns depending on whether or not she is in disguise -- ''ore'' and (of all things) ''atashi''. In the anime, it's always the semi-masculine ''boku'', even as Sailor Uranus.
* Non-[[Bokukko|cutesy]] tomboys tend to act much more boyish and hate almost anything girly.
** ''[[Revolutionary Girl Utena]]'' lead character initially was described as simply ''acting'' like a boy. Later she would [[Pronoun Trouble|speak like one]], and by the time [[The Movie]] rolls around, she actually ''looks'' like one.
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** The ''[[Love Hina]]'' anime turned this into a running gag, as Naru's simple reprimandings start becoming physically ridiculous. Her tsundere side was, basically, even MORE exaggerated than Akane Tendo's, to the point that ''[[Love Hina]] fans sometimes have to WARN newbies about her''.
*** Certain fans around the internet believe that Naru's anime incarnation actually counts as a "Failed Tsundere", or rather, [[Character Derailment|a failure at trying to be one.]] She's so overly violent to the very extreme ends of Type A, that it's almost impossible for her character to even come to terms with the fact that she has a crush on Keitaro.
** Louise Francoise Leblanc de La Vallière from ''[[ZeroThe noFamiliar Tsukaimaof Zero|Familiar of Zero]]'' takes it [[Up to Eleven]]. Her abuse of Saito becomes so horrible that unlike most other Tsunderes, in the second light novel she actually ''does'' get called out on this when, instead of using her normal whip to "Punish" Saito, she uses an actual ''bullwhip'' to knock out an already battle-weary Saito from the night before. It's understandable why many people have been turned off by the Tsundere as a whole due to characters like her, and why many fans of the Tsundere archetype are ''very'' put off by her.
** In fact, pretty much ''all'' tsundere characters suffer from [[Character Exaggeration]] in [[Fan Fiction]] to some extent. Fans will either take her 'tsun' side [[Up to Eleven]] to turn her into a [[Tsundere Sue]] (if genuinely like her character but don't seem to realize the difference between "tsundere" and "raging bitch") or an [[Ax Crazy]] psycho (if they don't like her or want her to [[Die for Our Ship]]), or take her 'dere' side to similar extremes to turn her into a complete saint (usually as a backlash against the former camp). Akane Tendo is the most famous victim of this process, but she's ''far'' from the only one.
* ''[[Galaxy Angel (anime)|Galaxy Angel]]'' was also victim of this, due to the [[Galaxy Angel (video game|game]] it was supposed to be based on being repeatedly delayed until it came out only shortly before the first season ''ended'' -- they—they didn't have much to go on other than a basic outline because of these problems, and decided to exaggerate all the character personalities for comedy and turn it into a parody to deal with the problem.
* In the manga of ''[[Welcome to The NHK]]'' the main characters get overtaken more and more by their mental instabilities, turning them into psychiatric caricatures. This is especially poignant in the case of Satou and Misaki, who change from very disturbed but interesting and amusing personalities into lumbering, suicidal and psychotic wrecks. The anime (in case you're wondering, they're both based of a novel) has a more balanced characterization, making for a more relatable story.
* Part of the failure of the ''[[Devil May Cry]]'' [[Video Game Movies Suck|anime]] may be due to applying this to Dante's personality. In the games, Dante is playfully smug and very showy, but rarely does he cause collateral damage. In the anime, he seems to have a pathological "Need For Cool" that has to be satisfied regardless of what it costs him. For example, in the second episode, while chasing a demon, he [[Destructive Saviour|demolishes a bridge]] along the way [[Death of a Thousand Cuts|with his guns]]. The resulting repair costs cut severely from the fees he receives.
* Try to find a ''[[Gundam Wing]]'' fanfiction where Heero isn't [[Emo]], Duo isn't [[Keet|hyperactive and stupid]], Trowa isn't [[The Spock|nigh-on mute]], Quatre isn't constantly on the verge of tears, Wu Fei isn't a [[He -Man Woman Hater|misogynist]], and Relena isn't an insane [[Stalker With a Crush]] who's too dumb to realize that Heero hates her. Go ahead and look, I'll wait right here for you.
* Creed from ''[[Black Cat (manga)|Black Cat]]'' is made to be even more obsessed and depraved in the anime than in the manga (which is saying a LOT). This makes for an extremely awkward [[Heel Face Turn]], which makes very little sense, especially since his slightly less perverted manga version didn't even do a [[Heel Face Turn]].
* Is there a Hyoutei-centered [[The Prince of Tennis|Prince of Tennis]] fic that does ''not'' have [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|Ryoh]] [[The Determinator|Shishido]] being turned into a whiny, self-centered, [[Wangst|wangstywangst]]y [[Jerkass Stu]] who only lives to be an asshole to everyone and treat his partner Ohtori (often changed to a [[Love Martyr]]) like a slave, only offering a feeble and non-canon [[Freudian Excuse]] (like prostitution or [[Abusive Parents]]) as an excuse for his bitchiness and cruelty?
** To say nothing about Yuushi Oshitari, who in canon is a competitive [[Chivalrous Pervert]] and [[Deadpan Snarker]], is written in fanfics as either a [[Anything That Moves|slutty]] [[Casanova]] or a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] who views the world only through romance-tinted glasses.
* The Fillers in the ''[[Naruto]]'' anime often do this to several characters, most obviously Naruto's hot headedness, taking him from a [[Book Dumb]] [[Indy Ploy]] master to full blown idiot that can only spam Rasengan at anything that moves. Likewise, Sakura goes from only ''occasionally'' hitting Naruto when he does something perverted, to beating him at every oppotunity.
** Tsunade's temper is even shorter in the anime fillers, as she tends to yell at Naruto more often and twice threatens to send him back to the academy and started beating the shit out of Sora because she thought he called her old. Hinata tends to faint quite a bit more often around Naruto, while she only fainted twice in the manga (once when going to visit him in the hospital after the Sasuke Retrieval arc- which was not shown- and when she sees him for the first time after the timeskip).
* The various adaptations of ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]'' have done this to better pronounce certain (i.e, important) characters' notability from the rest of the ([[Loads and Loads of Characters|very large]]) cast. For example, the first anime adaptation played up Nodoka's shyness for [[Moe Moe]] purposes while trying to make her more recognizable. The second adaptation ''[[Alternate Continuity|Negima!?]]'' took the alternative in trying to make her more calm and outgoing. The manga sits somewhere between the two extremes.
* Nanoha in the ''[[Lyrical Nanoha]]'' series is an ask first, shoot later type, who would sometimes attack with full power when the situation calls for it. Nanoha in fan works however, is a shoot first, don't ask later type who doesn't know the meaning of restraint even when just training [[Red Shirt|Red Shirts]]s, and would often blow up the area she's in while undertaking a mission since she has no sense of collateral damage. We blame the "[[Fan Nickname|White Devil]]" and "[[Catch Phrase|Maximum Power! Destroy Everything!]]" [[Memetic Mutation|memes]] for this.
** Hayate suffers from something similar. From the fact that she designed the Wolkenritter's battle armor, [[Fanon|fans have extrapolated]] an all-consuming [[Cosplay Otaku Girl|obsession with cosplay]].
* The anime of ''[[Excel Saga (anime)|Excel Saga]]'' severely plays up the comic aspects of [[Excel Saga (manga)|the manga]], to the point of inverting the character dynamics (The manga version of Excel is substantially more competent, and thus slightly more useful, than her oft-demoted anime counterpart).
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* ''[[Bleach]]'' filler tends to take the distilled essence of each character and blow it up until the character is as one-dimensional as they come. For example, despite being [[Ax Crazy]], Kenpachi is actually an insightful warrior as shown numerous times throughout the series (such as when he notes that {{spoiler|Gin and Tousen}} are the only captains afraid to die and when he fights enemies whom brute force can't win against). In filler and movies, though, Kenpachi is offscreen until the fighting starts, at which point he just runs in laughing and slashing without any form of thought or development whatsoever. And if you think ''his'' portrayal is bad, don't get us started on [[Psycho Lesbian|Soifon]], [[Neutral Female|Orihime]], or [[Leeroy Jenkins|Ichigo]].
* [[Played for Laughs]] in [[FU Nimation]]'s [[Gag Dub]] of ''[[Keroro Gunsou]]'', which exaggerates pretty much all of the characters: Fuyuki's [[Extreme Doormat|wimpiness]], Keroro's [[With Friends Like These|abuse of his friends and comrades]], Momoka's [[Stalker With a Crush|obsessive love of Fuyuki]], etc.
* Some fans of ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' accuse the [[Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)|2003 anime adaptation]] of doing this. This is certainly true for some of the minor characters, like Armstrong, whose character was exaggerated for the sake of [[Rule of Funny|humor]]. The brothers themselves, however, are more difficult to pin down. On the one hand, Edward's tendency to brood was much more prominent in the 2003 anime. But several of his manga self's more prominent traits -- suchtraits—such as his rudeness, arrogance and temper -- weretemper—were made more subtle in the adaptation. The writers also took a rather [[Out -of -Character Moment]] for Alphonse in the manga, wherein he has a [[Freak Out]] after his encounter with Barry The Chopper, and made naivete and [[Freak Out|bouts of irrationality]] a consistent part of the anime version of Alphonse' characterization. Opinions [[Broken Base|are divided]] [[Fan Wank|as to whether these changes]] [[Flame War|were a good thing]].
** However, no one has any doubts about how different Solf J. Kimblee was in [[Chaotic Evil|the 2003 anime]] compared to what he became in [[Affably Evil|the manga]].
*** Though this was likely not an intentional choice, as manga Kimbee's character was not [[Hidden Depths|well established]] until after the anime was already over.
* The cast of [[Suzumiya Haruhi]] was already quirky. The [[Haruhi Chan|Haruhi-chan]] series]] turned said quirks [[Up to Eleven|up to thirteen]]''!
* ''[[Ouran High School Host Club]]'' lampshades this, being an [[Affectionate Parody]] and all. While most of the Hosts play up their [[Bishounen]] archetype for the sake of their customers, Tamaki doesn't. He really IS that exaggerated, both in the manga and the anime. Oddly enough, these exaggerations lessen a little as the series goes on and we see some character development for all the Hosts--butHosts—but don't think they sacrificed the humor. On the other hand, Renge is an exaggeration of [[Otaku]] [[Fan Girl|Fan Girls]]s... sort of.
* ''[[Gundam Sousei]]'' takes the quirks of the staff of [[Mobile Suit Gundam]] and crank it [[Up to Eleven]].
* While Kyuuzou was still [[The Stoic]] in the original ''[[Seven Samurai]]'', this is definitely given a lot more emphasis in the anime version ''[[Samurai Seven]]'', wherein Kyuuuzou is a [[Perpetual Frowner]] who [[The Quiet One|rarely talks]] and whose emotions/motivations are hard to gauge. While the film version of the character joked with the other samurai, his anime counterpart is more like [[No Sense of Humor]] (with the other characters' reactions to him [[Played for Laughs]]).
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== Comic Books ==
* ''[[All Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder]]'' contains a [[Batman]] that is explicitly a hyper-exaggeration of Batman's well-known aggressive crimefighting tactics and grim personality. The degree to which it is an exaggeration is divisive as whether or not it's a grand cockup or hilarious self-parody. Either way... [ He's the goddamn BATMAN.]
* This is the main source of humor in ''[[Twisted ToyfareToyFare Theatre]].'' Spider-Man's role as [[Unlucky Everydude]] turns him into a couch potato [[Deadpan Snarker]], Reed's [[Insufferable Genius]] tendencies get taken [[Up to Eleven]], Northstar is a [[Camp Gay]], and Dr. Doom is such a [[Large Ham]] that he makes his in-continuity counterpart look underplayed in comparison.
* The various [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]] tend do be subject to this to various degrees, especially Donatello, who is turned into a full-on [[Gadgeteer Genius]] in some adaptations when in the original he only had a knack for fixing things; and Michelangelo, whose original tendency to be more light-hearted than the others served as the basis for his "party dude" persona.
== Fan FicWorks ==
* In ''[[Calvin and Hobbes The Series (Fanfic)|Calvin and Hobbes: The Series]]'', the titular duo become a [[Gadgeteer Genius]] and [[Cowardly Lion]], respectively.
* In ''[[Star Trek]]'', the Vulcans kiss with their fingers, as well as having a finger caress that's a bit more intimate. This is taken to highly illogical levels in fanfic, such as one in which Spock almost orgasms from the finger stimulation from giving Kirk a backrub, and then does orgasm when Kirk starts caressing his hands.
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== Film ==
* In the film ''[[Jurassic Park]]'', Ian Malcolm was a comical [[Deadpan Snarker]]. In the original novel, he was a much more serious character, although he did have some humorous moments -- suchmoments—such as dismissing the argument comparing reviving dinosaurs to using cloning to save the California Condor by pointing out the obvious fact that condors don't eat people. Although, perhaps as a nod to this change, while delirious from drugs and severe injury in the sequel novel, ''The Lost World'', he temporarily takes on a talkative, wisecracking persona similar to his movie one, although much more over-the-top.
* The trope flies both ways in ''[[Who Framed Roger Rabbit]]'', the film adaptation of Gary Wolf's [[Urban Fantasy]] novel ''[[Who Censored Roger Rabbit]]''. The title character went from being cunning if somewhat self-obsessed, with only a select few cartoony quirks, to being a full-blown wacky [[Cloudcuckoolander]], whereas Eddie Valiant went from being an extremely over-the-top parody of the [[Film Noir]] [[Private Detective]] to being a fairly normal guy, given the circumstances.
* The ''[[Harry Potter (film)|Harry Potter]]'' movies:
** In the movies, Snape is suavely and delicately malicious. The Snape of the books can be snarky at times, but he's just as likely to be loud-mouthed and unsubtle. You couldn't picture Alan Rickman's Snape throwing the fit the character throws at the end of [[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (novel)|the book version of ''[[Prisoner of Azkaban]]'']]. While they probably did this because a lot of shouting doesn't translate well to the screen, the change has certainly helped to increase the character's popularity.
** In [[Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film)|the sixth movie]], Jessie Cave took the [[Sickeningly Sweethearts|Sickening Sweetheart]] part of Lavender's character and played it to the ''hilt''.
** Miranda Richardson on playing Rita Skeeter: "Rita reads rather differently than how I played her. She reads more, to me, like Dame Edna. And there's no way I'm going to do Dame Edna. So it's a different twist on the character."
** Happens rather dramatically to the Crouches in [[Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film)|the fourth movie]]. {{spoiler|1=Barty Crouch Sr., the one on the "good" side, went from being a kind of wizarding Senator McCarthy in the book to being a completely sympathetic character in the movie. Barty Crouch Jr., on the other hand, became a little psycho, never bothering with his [[Innocent Bystander]] act and basically screaming "[[Obviously Evil|Hi, I'm evil!]]" in every scene he appeared in as himself. And the change in his father's characterization eliminated his potential [[Freudian Excuse]]. The change is most clearly seen by the fact that in the book, Crouch Sr. sends his son to Azkaban out of pure spite, but in the film it's stated, "He had no choice." Crouch Jr. is crying and begging him no to do it in the book. In the movie, he's twitching his eyes, licking his lips, and [[Evil Laugh|cackling]]. Yeeeah...}}
** [[Helena Bonham Carter]] takes Bellatrix's insanity and plays it up to make her childishly thrilled by such things as getting to torture and murder people.
** In the books, Ginny is a [[Fiery Redhead]], but in the movies she comes off more as a [[Girl Next Door]]. This may not really sound like an exaggeration ''per se'', but it does play up an aspect of her book self's personality.
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== Television ==
* In Disney's ''[[Aladdin (Disney)|Aladdin]]'' films (the first and third one anyway) The Genie is a cartoonish, but highly intelligent and formidable ally. In the Animated series he was reduced to a playful, silly, and just plain weird well-meaning buffoon who often did as much harm as he did good. This may have been sneakiness/laziness on the part of the writers -- ifwriters—if the Genie is magical, smart ''and'' free to use his magic to solve problems and fight bad guys, then who needs Aladdin? Also, Genie is a living [[Deus Ex Machina]]. If he were smart enough to use his powers to just defeat conflict by himself, what would the writers do with the other twenty-nine minutes of the episode?
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* Occurs in the ''[[Lufia]]'' series. In the first game, ''Lufia and the Fortress of Doom'', the prologue of the game features you playing as your heroic ancestor, Maxim, and his comrades 100 years in the past. These heroes speak much more formally than the main characters. ''Lufia II'' was actually a prequel featuring the entirety of Maxim's adventures, eventually ending in the same manner as the first game's prologue. However, in this game the characters who all spoke formally in the flashback sequence speak in much more contemporary language (except Artea, who speaks formally regardless.) This leads to a somewhat bizarre occurrence in the final dungeon where the party enacts a conversation that was fairly ominous in the first game, but actually sounds somewhat silly in the breezier language of the prequel.
* ''[[Fire Emblem]]: Rekka no Ken'' fanfiction often turns [[The Wise Prince]] Eliwood into a wobbly-eyed pansy who freaks out over the very idea of fighting, [[Genius Bruiser]] Hector into a [[Jerkass]] brute, [[Shrinking Violet]] Florina into a weeping wallflower, [[Chivalrous Pervert]] Sain into a womanizing asshole all the girls hate, [[Genki Girl]] Serra into a shrieking harpy bitch, [[Mysterious Waif]] Ninian into a complete [[Distressed Damsel]] who cries at the drop of a hat, let's stop there shall we?
* Saber in ''[[Fate Stay Night]]'' went from someone who enjoyed food a great deal and ate a surprising amount for her size, about five feet tall, and weighsing less than 100lbs100 lbs. That's comparable to Shirou and probably slightly more, but less than Sakura, who eats twice as much as a normal person and tries to hide it. However, in the anime adaptation people stop and stare as she eats as much as any two or three of them and does so with extreme speed. Possibly [[Pragmatic Adaptation|the best way]] they could show how important food is to her within the time frame available.
* Kohaku in ''[[Tsukihime]]'' is a gigantic woobie who also sets up a pretty damn [[Batman Gambit]] against the Tohno family. Kagetsu Tohya and ''[[Melty Blood]]'' tend to discard the [[Woobie]] aspect of her character in favor of portraying her as a cheerfully plotting psychopath with a Shiki obsession who doesn't seem to care about masking her goals.
** Akiha started with 'You don't mind that I have small breasts... do you?' and nothing more. But the fans and the sort-of sequels Kagetsu Tohya and ''[[Melty Blood]]'' ran with it until she went from [[Fate Stay Night|Saber's]] breast size and a little insecure to completely flat and willing to [[Fate Worse Than Death|turn you over to Kohaku]] over [[A -Cup Angst|over comments made about her chest]]. Which is, of course, much funnier.
* In [[Final Fantasy VII]] spinoffs and in fan portrayals, Cloud is turned into [[The Woobie]] or a weepy emopants. This has gone so far that many people automatically think of Cloud as an emo. A playthrough, however, reveals a Cloud whose only "emoments" are during moments of extreme stress, EG, the death of a friend.
** It's hard to imagine the Cloud from [[Advent Children]], [[Kingdom Hearts]] or [[Dissidia Final Fantasy]] saying silly things like "Let's mosey!" or "You look like a bear wearing a marshmallow" or "That flame would make crispy critters out of us", but [[Final Fantasy VII]] is filled with such silly lines.
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== Web Original ==
* ''[[Growing Up Cullen]]'' had entirely too much fun turning [[Twilight (novel)|Edward's]] sexual repression into an inability to deal with any sexual talk whatsoever, no matter with whom, to say nothing of Emmett's fratboy behavior.
* [[YoutubeYouTube Poop]] is all about this. For example, the King from ''[[The Legend of Zelda CDi Games]]'' is always portrayed as an always hungry glutton for dinner solely for saying "I wonder what's for dinner" in ''Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon''.
* This trope is one of the few staples of [[The Abridged Series]] in regards to the original shows.
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* In the book ''[[Coraline (animation)|Coraline]]'', Mr. Bobo simply happens to be Slavic (Russia isn't even mentioned, actually); it's not even implied that he has an accent until Misses Spink and Forcible happen to talk about him near the end of the book. However, the movie makes Bobinsky extremely weird and extremely Russian.
** Even though the flag outside his door is from Montenegro.
* In the very first episodes after ''[[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents]]'' became its own series, after just being one feature of an anthology series, Cosmo turned from being a bit dense and bumbling, but largely intelligent and reliable, to being a complete idiot. To parallel the change, his [[Vocal Evolution|voice]] drastically went from suave and somewhat charming to high-pitched and prone to squealing. Strangely, even that level of idiocy apparently wasn't enough, and the later [[Flanderization]] made him even dumber.
* In the Korean-American flash animation ''[[Pucca]]'', the title character was a naïve pre-teen [[Cute Bruiser]] who wanted to steal kisses from her [[Heroic Mime]] boyfriend Garu. When a TV series was made, Pucca became a selfish and spoiled [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] with a psychotic fixation on Garu, and Garu's [[Girls Have Cooties|cooties]] went from "I like her and she's sweet, but she just doesn't let me train" to a borderline "I HATE THE BITCH I HOPE SHE DIES." Guess the [[Running Gag]] got old after the first episode...
** And such [[Running Gag]] was little more than a [[Gender Flip]] of the classic [[Looney Tunes|Pepe LePew cartoons]], with Pucca playing Pepe and Garu playing Penelope the Pussycat.
* "The Ember Island Players" in ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' is an in-series example where just about everyone is absorbed by some single trait, often a comparatively minor one that [[Character Development|they may not even have anymore]].
* In the books, [[Basil of Baker Street]] is a bit eccentric and prone to sudden bursts of energy. ''[[The Great Mouse Detective (Disney)|The Great Mouse Detective]]'' turns this [[Up to Eleven]], while also changing him from a perfect gentleman to rude and socially inept....basically more like [[Sherlock Holmes]] himself than Basil.
* In ''[[SpongebobSpongeBob SquarePants]]'', the title character has gone through some of the most extreme character exaggerations, in the first three seasons and movie he was intelligent but naive, only occasionally goofy and somewhat hyper, he had a low nasally voice, he bothered Squidward when he had something to ask him or if he wanted try something with him, and he only crossed dressed or acted effeminate in throw away gags, in the later episodes he is a complete idiot, he's incredibly hyperactive all the time, he has a high pitched whiny voice, he won't ever leave Squidward alone to the point where it seems he has an unhealthy obsession with him, and he very often cross dresses to the point where he says he enjoys it and he acts effeminate all the time.
** Another extreme example is his pal Patrick who was merely a bit slow witted and [[Book Dumb]] and he was prone to extreme fits of rage when he had his feelings hurt, but in the later episodes he is just about the stupidest cartoon character you would see on tv and he often has fits of rage attacking things and people for no particular reason.
** And what about Mr. Krabs? In the earlier episodes, Mr. Krabs was greedy and money-hungry, but he was also fairly wise and did realize when he'd gone too far (an example is the episode "Born Again Krabs"). Now, he's just a selfish [[Jerkass|jerk]] who basically doesn't care for the welfare of his employees and is also extremely competitive, as shown in "Plankton's Regular", when he couldn't bear letting Plankton have ''one single customer''! He even goes so far as to drive Plankton to suicide when he discovers Plankton is afraid of whales.
* In ''[[Making Fiends]]'', Charlotte is a ''lot'' less intelligent and more optimistic in Nickelodeon's TV series than in the web series. For example, in the web series she would have a blank expression on her face and sometimes say "Huh?" if she heard or saw something strange or frightening. She would try to change the topic, find something positive about it, or just ignore it. In the TV series, she responds "Yippee!" to Vendetta's death threats and has absolutely no sense of logic.
* ''[[Inspector Gadget]]'' went from a bumbling but somewhat effective agent with the occasional help of Penny and Brain in the original pilot to an [[Inspector Oblivious]] that is almost completely reliant on his [[Hypercompetent Sidekick|Hyper Competent Sidekicks]] doing all the work for him. In spin offs such as ''[[Gadget and The Gadgetinis]]'' this was exagerrated to the point of being excessively [[Too Dumb to Live]].
* In the duration of the first season of ''[[The Dreamstone]]'' Rufus and Amberley slowly devolved from somewhat endearing [[Badass Adorable|Badass Adorables]]s into a [[Tastes Like Diabetes|Diabetes-inducing]] [[The Meddling Kids Are Useless|Useless Meddling Kids]]. It's hard to believe the two actually had any shred of abrasive qualities in the pilot (eg. Rufus' [[Cloudcuckoolander]] tendancies or Amberley's occasionally violent temper).
** Both Frizz and Nug had different aspects of their [[Cowardly Sidekick]] role with Sgt Blob exagerrated as part of their [[Divergent Character Evolution]]. Frizz had his cowardice exagerrated to the point of being a highly cynical [[Nervous Wreck]] prone to relentless moaning or breakdowns. Meanwhile Nug became slightly less fearful and became more dopey and upbeat. This often [[Vitriolic Best Buds|played into their interaction]], leading to frequent [[Characterization Marches On]] moments.
* Utilized slightly in the second season of ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic]]'', where certain character's key flaws have been upped to more cartoony levels. Twilight Sparkle for example started off as fairly level headed but somewhat neurotic and easily frustrated. In the second season, while she still has plenty moments of clarity, her moments learning [[An Aesop]] tend to have her going off the deep end due to her anal retentive behavior. Similarly Rainbow Dash has more heated moments of egotism and at times can be more of an outright [[Jerkass]] than in the first season. This is mostly kept in check by [[Character Development]] or snapbacks to their more rational traits whenever they are played against another character's flaws, but still a lot of characters come off as more overblown than before.
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