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** The ''[[Love Hina]]'' anime turned this into a running gag, as Naru's simple reprimandings start becoming physically ridiculous. Her tsundere side was, basically, even MORE exaggerated than Akane Tendo's, to the point that ''[[Love Hina]] fans sometimes have to WARN newbies about her''.
*** Certain fans around the internet believe that Naru's anime incarnation actually counts as a "Failed Tsundere", or rather, [[Character Derailment|a failure at trying to be one.]] She's so overly violent to the very extreme ends of Type A, that it's almost impossible for her character to even come to terms with the fact that she has a crush on Keitaro.
** Louise Francoise Leblanc de La Vallière from ''[[ZeroThe noFamiliar Tsukaimaof Zero|Familiar of Zero]]'' takes it [[Up to Eleven]]. Her abuse of Saito becomes so horrible that unlike most other Tsunderes, in the second light novel she actually ''does'' get called out on this when, instead of using her normal whip to "Punish" Saito, she uses an actual ''bullwhip'' to knock out an already battle-weary Saito from the night before. It's understandable why many people have been turned off by the Tsundere as a whole due to characters like her, and why many fans of the Tsundere archetype are ''very'' put off by her.
** In fact, pretty much ''all'' tsundere characters suffer from Character Exaggeration in [[Fan Fiction]] to some extent. Fans will either take her 'tsun' side [[Up to Eleven]] to turn her into a [[Tsundere Sue]] (if genuinely like her character but don't seem to realize the difference between "tsundere" and "raging bitch") or an [[Ax Crazy]] psycho (if they don't like her or want her to [[Die for Our Ship]]), or take her 'dere' side to similar extremes to turn her into a complete saint (usually as a backlash against the former camp). Akane Tendo is the most famous victim of this process, but she's ''far'' from the only one.
* ''[[Galaxy Angel (anime)|Galaxy Angel]]'' was also victim of this, due to the [[Galaxy Angel (video game|game]] it was supposed to be based on being repeatedly delayed until it came out only shortly before the first season ''ended''—they didn't have much to go on other than a basic outline because of these problems, and decided to exaggerate all the character personalities for comedy and turn it into a parody to deal with the problem.
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* Try to find a ''[[Gundam Wing]]'' fanfiction where Heero isn't [[Emo]], Duo isn't [[Keet|hyperactive and stupid]], Trowa isn't [[The Spock|nigh-on mute]], Quatre isn't constantly on the verge of tears, Wu Fei isn't a [[He-Man Woman Hater|misogynist]], and Relena isn't an insane [[Stalker With a Crush]] who's too dumb to realize that Heero hates her. Go ahead and look, I'll wait right here for you.
* Creed from ''[[Black Cat (manga)|Black Cat]]'' is made to be even more obsessed and depraved in the anime than in the manga (which is saying a LOT). This makes for an extremely awkward [[Heel Face Turn]], which makes very little sense, especially since his slightly less perverted manga version didn't even do a [[Heel Face Turn]].
* Is there a Hyoutei-centered [[The Prince of Tennis|Prince of Tennis]] fic that does ''not'' have [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold|Ryoh]] [[The Determinator|Shishido]] being turned into a whiny, self-centered, [[wangst]]y [[Jerkass Stu]] who only lives to be an asshole to everyone and treat his partner Ohtori (often changed to a [[Love Martyr]]) like a slave, only offering a feeble and non-canon [[Freudian Excuse]] (like prostitution or [[Abusive Parents]]) as an excuse for his bitchiness and cruelty?
** To say nothing about Yuushi Oshitari, who in canon is a competitive [[Chivalrous Pervert]] and [[Deadpan Snarker]], is written in fanfics as either a [[Anything That Moves|slutty]] [[Casanova]] or a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] who views the world only through romance-tinted glasses.
* The Fillers in the ''[[Naruto]]'' anime often do this to several characters, most obviously Naruto's hot headedness, taking him from a [[Book Dumb]] [[Indy Ploy]] master to full blown idiot that can only spam Rasengan at anything that moves. Likewise, Sakura goes from only ''occasionally'' hitting Naruto when he does something perverted, to beating him at every oppotunity.
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== Comic Books ==
* ''[[All Star Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder]]'' contains a [[Batman]] that is explicitly a hyper-exaggeration of Batman's well-known aggressive crimefighting tactics and grim personality. The degree to which it is an exaggeration is divisive as whether or not it's a grand cockup or hilarious self-parody. Either way... [ He's the goddamn BATMAN.]
* This is the main source of humor in ''[[Twisted ToyfareToyFare Theatre]].'' Spider-Man's role as [[Unlucky Everydude]] turns him into a couch potato [[Deadpan Snarker]], Reed's [[Insufferable Genius]] tendencies get taken [[Up to Eleven]], Northstar is a [[Camp Gay]], and Dr. Doom is such a [[Large Ham]] that he makes his in-continuity counterpart look underplayed in comparison.
* The various [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]] tend do be subject to this to various degrees, especially Donatello, who is turned into a full-on [[Gadgeteer Genius]] in some adaptations when in the original he only had a knack for fixing things; and Michelangelo, whose original tendency to be more light-hearted than the others served as the basis for his "party dude" persona.
== Fan FicWorks ==
* In ''[[Calvin and Hobbes The Series (Fanfic)|Calvin and Hobbes: The Series]]'', the titular duo become a [[Gadgeteer Genius]] and [[Cowardly Lion]], respectively.
* In ''[[Star Trek]]'', the Vulcans kiss with their fingers, as well as having a finger caress that's a bit more intimate. This is taken to highly illogical levels in fanfic, such as one in which Spock almost orgasms from the finger stimulation from giving Kirk a backrub, and then does orgasm when Kirk starts caressing his hands.
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* The trope flies both ways in ''[[Who Framed Roger Rabbit]]'', the film adaptation of Gary Wolf's [[Urban Fantasy]] novel ''[[Who Censored Roger Rabbit]]''. The title character went from being cunning if somewhat self-obsessed, with only a select few cartoony quirks, to being a full-blown wacky [[Cloudcuckoolander]], whereas Eddie Valiant went from being an extremely over-the-top parody of the [[Film Noir]] [[Private Detective]] to being a fairly normal guy, given the circumstances.
* The ''[[Harry Potter (film)|Harry Potter]]'' movies:
** In the movies, Snape is suavely and delicately malicious. The Snape of the books can be snarky at times, but he's just as likely to be loud-mouthed and unsubtle. You couldn't picture Alan Rickman's Snape throwing the fit the character throws at the end of [[Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (novel)|the book version of ''[[Prisoner of Azkaban]]'']]. While they probably did this because a lot of shouting doesn't translate well to the screen, the change has certainly helped to increase the character's popularity.
** In [[Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film)|the sixth movie]], Jessie Cave took the [[Sickeningly Sweethearts|Sickening Sweetheart]] part of Lavender's character and played it to the ''hilt''.
** Miranda Richardson on playing Rita Skeeter: "Rita reads rather differently than how I played her. She reads more, to me, like Dame Edna. And there's no way I'm going to do Dame Edna. So it's a different twist on the character."
** Happens rather dramatically to the Crouches in [[Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film)|the fourth movie]]. {{spoiler|1=Barty Crouch Sr., the one on the "good" side, went from being a kind of wizarding Senator McCarthy in the book to being a completely sympathetic character in the movie. Barty Crouch Jr., on the other hand, became a little psycho, never bothering with his [[Innocent Bystander]] act and basically screaming "[[Obviously Evil|Hi, I'm evil!]]" in every scene he appeared in as himself. And the change in his father's characterization eliminated his potential [[Freudian Excuse]]. The change is most clearly seen by the fact that in the book, Crouch Sr. sends his son to Azkaban out of pure spite, but in the film it's stated, "He had no choice." Crouch Jr. is crying and begging him no to do it in the book. In the movie, he's twitching his eyes, licking his lips, and [[Evil Laugh|cackling]]. Yeeeah...}}
** [[Helena Bonham Carter]] takes Bellatrix's insanity and plays it up to make her childishly thrilled by such things as getting to torture and murder people.
** In the books, Ginny is a [[Fiery Redhead]], but in the movies she comes off more as a [[Girl Next Door]]. This may not really sound like an exaggeration ''per se'', but it does play up an aspect of her book self's personality.
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== Web Original ==
* ''[[Growing Up Cullen]]'' had entirely too much fun turning [[Twilight (novel)|Edward's]] sexual repression into an inability to deal with any sexual talk whatsoever, no matter with whom, to say nothing of Emmett's fratboy behavior.
* [[YoutubeYouTube Poop]] is all about this. For example, the King from ''[[The Legend of Zelda CDi Games]]'' is always portrayed as an always hungry glutton for dinner solely for saying "I wonder what's for dinner" in ''Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon''.
* This trope is one of the few staples of [[The Abridged Series]] in regards to the original shows.
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* In the book ''[[Coraline (animation)|Coraline]]'', Mr. Bobo simply happens to be Slavic (Russia isn't even mentioned, actually); it's not even implied that he has an accent until Misses Spink and Forcible happen to talk about him near the end of the book. However, the movie makes Bobinsky extremely weird and extremely Russian.
** Even though the flag outside his door is from Montenegro.
* In the very first episodes after ''[[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents]]'' became its own series, after just being one feature of an anthology series, Cosmo turned from being a bit dense and bumbling, but largely intelligent and reliable, to being a complete idiot. To parallel the change, his [[Vocal Evolution|voice]] drastically went from suave and somewhat charming to high-pitched and prone to squealing. Strangely, even that level of idiocy apparently wasn't enough, and the later [[Flanderization]] made him even dumber.
* In the Korean-American flash animation ''[[Pucca]]'', the title character was a naïve pre-teen [[Cute Bruiser]] who wanted to steal kisses from her [[Heroic Mime]] boyfriend Garu. When a TV series was made, Pucca became a selfish and spoiled [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] with a psychotic fixation on Garu, and Garu's [[Girls Have Cooties|cooties]] went from "I like her and she's sweet, but she just doesn't let me train" to a borderline "I HATE THE BITCH I HOPE SHE DIES." Guess the [[Running Gag]] got old after the first episode...
** And such [[Running Gag]] was little more than a [[Gender Flip]] of the classic [[Looney Tunes|Pepe LePew cartoons]], with Pucca playing Pepe and Garu playing Penelope the Pussycat.
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