Chekhov's Skill: Difference between revisions

Added tabletop game example/section. I recall "include stuff that lets let player use thing they paid resources for" being reasonably common in the medium, but this is the only example I can think of off hand
("comics"->"comic books", "fan fic"->"fan works")
(Added tabletop game example/section. I recall "include stuff that lets let player use thing they paid resources for" being reasonably common in the medium, but this is the only example I can think of off hand)
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* Subtle example from the Zordon era of ''[[Power Rangers]]''. [[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers|Mighty Morphin]] through [[Power Rangers Zeo|Zeo]], some of the Rangers taught martial arts to some of the people of Angel Grove. Those lessons would pay off during the big invasion in [[Power Rangers in Space]].
* On ''NCIS'' Tim McGee's second career as a bestselling author (under a pseudonym) is usually the subject for jokes once found out, but in one episode when they need to get someone into an exclusive club, Gibbs realizes they don't need work to get in; they've already got a celebrity who would be invited past the velvet rope. To enhance the effect McGee arrives in the expensive sports car he'd earlier mentioned he'd just bought with Ziva and Abbie hanging off his arms.
== Tabletop Games ==
* ''[[Mutants & Masterminds]]'' encourages that "[[Game Master]]|Gamemasters]] should allow players with characters fluent in other languages the occasional opportunity to show them off or put them to good use", since they ''did'' pay character points for it.
== Video Games ==