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The [[Ray Gun|phaser]] carried by Ensign Pavel Chekov in ''[[Star Trek the Original Series]]''. Completely unremarkable, and of no significance whatsoever, unlike '''[[Chekhov's Gun]]'''.
See also ''[[GraysGray's Anatomy]]''.
<!-- %% NOTE: This is a JustForFun page. It is locked because people keep taking it seriously. If you are one of those people, please grow a sense of humor. -->
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* ''[[Star Trek the Original Series]]'' has one noteworthy example of [[ChekovsChekov's Gun]], carried by Ensign Pavel Chekov for the majority of episodes in which he appeared. It rarely had any effect on the surrounding plot.
** His gun reappears in ''[[Star Trek Deep Space Nine]]''' "Trials and Tribble-ations", which used archive footage of a TOS episode.
** Subverted in ''[[Star Trek the Animated Series]]''; since the rest of the regular cast from the original series appears in animated form, one might expect Chekov and his phaser to appear as well, but they do not.
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