Chess (theatre): Difference between revisions

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* [[Alternate Character Interpretation]]: [[The Musical]]. Every iteration of Chess seems to have a new take on the characters and even the story.
* [[Batman Gambit]]: "The Deal (No Deal)" -- {{spoiler|Walter and Molokov fail since Anatoly goes on to win anyway.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Bittersweet Ending]]: Aside from Walter, who is a pretty despicable guy anyway, and the Arbiter, who really doesn't give a damn about anything but the game itself, everyone loses at least a little bit. In fact, Anatoly's victory is really the only bright spot in an otherwise [[Downer Ending]].}}
* [[Big Bad Duumvirate]]: Walter and Molokov become one in Act II, joining forces to cause as much hell for everyone else as they possibly can.
* {{spoiler|[[Bittersweet Ending]]: Aside from Walter, who is a pretty despicable guy anyway, and the Arbiter, who really doesn't give a damn about anything but the game itself, everyone loses at least a little bit. In fact, Anatoly's victory is really the only bright spot in an otherwise [[Downer Ending]].}}
* [[Break Up Song]]: "Florence Quits".
* [[Movie Bonus Song|Broadway Bonus Song]]: "Someone Else's Story"' is an interesting case. It was added for the Broadway run and given to Florence, but in later productions it goes to Svetlana or even both of them. Some don't bother with it at all.
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* [[Final Love Duet]]: Subverted with "You and I (Reprise)"
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Most characters get a song or two that is just this; which characters get which songs depend mostly on the director of the iteration in question.
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: Florence and Svetlana both say this about Anatoly in "I Know Him So Well." {{spoiler|Later subverted when Anatoly has a song in which he says that he alone, and not either of the women that in the past he said he loved, is his one true obligation. Essentially "Screw my beloved, ''I'' want to be happy."}}
* [[Irrelevant Act Opener]]: "The Story of Chess" has nothing to do with the actual plot of the show. "Merano" and "One Night in Bangkok" have very little to do, either, only describing the locations.
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: Florence and Svetlana both say this about Anatoly in "I Know Him So Well." {{spoiler|Later subverted when Anatoly has a song in which he says that he alone, and not either of the women that in the past he said he loved, is his one true obligation. Essentially "Screw my beloved, ''I'' want to be happy."}}
* [[Jerkass]]: Freddie Trumper, though given the source material this is unsurprising. (If anything he's ''less'' of one than the guy he's based on.)
** [[Depending on the Writer|Some productions]] attempt to transform him into a [[Jerkass Woobie]]; YMMV on whether it works or not.
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* [[Only Friend]]: Florence is Freddie's (or at least says she is -- given his behavior, it's not hard to believe), although by the end of the first act even she gets fed up and leaves him.
* [[Opening Ballet]]: "The Golden Bangkok"
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: On occasion, but they're fake since this is an unnecessary expense even in a professional production where a faux would do.
* [[Pyrrhic Victory]]: Anatoly considers his entire chess career thus far to have been one big one. {{spoiler|He suffers another one at the end, winning the chess championship so as to prove to himself that he's free from Molokov's manipulations - but then returning to the Soviet Union anyway because he lost everything he had in the process.}}
{{quote|''Now I'm
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''And doing what I always said I would and yet
''I feel I haven't won at all!''}}
* [[Pretty in Mink]]: On occasion, but they're fake since this is an unnecessary expense even in a professional production where a faux would do.
* [[Rage Quit]]: Freddie does this in the first game we see him play.
* [[Sanity Slippage Song]]: A variation in the [[Concept Album]], when at the end of "The Deal", everyone else comments on Freddie's descent into his own crapulence: