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[[File:nick_nolte_feeds_himself.jpg|link=Hulk (Film)|rightframe|Nick Nolte takes it [[This Billboard Needs Some Salt|a bit too]] [[Literal Minded|literally]].]]
{{quote|''To be fair, [[DevilsDevil's Advocate|Advocate]] was built almost solely for that last 20 minutes in which [[Large Ham|Pacino]] eats every last inch of the set and [[Precision F-Strike|shits]] Oscars.''|'''[[Cracked]].com article''' describing [[Evil Is Hammy|Al Pacino's scene in Devil's Advocate]] }}
'''ACTING''' with '''EMPHASIS'''. Nearly any emotion will do here, so long as it's '''EXTREME!'''
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While this can often be a bad thing and ruin a scene, just as often it can add to the fun, whether a work is [[So Bad It's Good]] or genuinely good. In a [[Police Procedural]], this will often be due to a [[Perp Sweating]] or an [[Exasperated Perp]].
<big>'''This is a [[Super -Trope]], which also includes:'''</big>
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Contrast [[Dull Surprise]], for unusually emotionless moments, and [[Dramatic Deadpan]], for when the emphasis is given [[Irony|precisely by the low key used]].
Frequenty goes along with [[Berserk Button]], [[Freak -Out]], [[Laughing Mad]] and other exaggerated emotions.
Not to be confused with [[This Billboard Needs Some Salt]] (actually munching on the scenery).
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== Anime and Manga ==
* Most of the main cast in ''[[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann]]'' acts like this on a regular basis via [[Hot -Blooded]] ranting.
** ''Especially'' '''[[Boisterous Bruiser|Kamina]]'''. '''''[[Catch Phrase|WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK HE IS!?]]'''''
** ''ESPECIALLY'' '''[[The Hero|Simon]]'''. '''''[[Catch Phrase|MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!!!]]'''''
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** [[Stanley Kubrick]] actually [[Enforced Method Acting|tricked Scott]] into doing this (as General Buck Turgidson). For each scene he told Scott to go completely over the top in the first few takes, before playing it straight in the later ones, [[Left It In|promising to not use the earlier, wilder ones]]. ([[I Lied|He lied]]).
* [[Brad Pitt]] plays a ''[[The Schizophrenia Conspiracy|total loon]]'' in ''[[Twelve Monkeys]]''.
* [[Bill Murray]] actually [[Shout -Out|shouts out]] '''''"Feed'' me, [[Little Shop of Horrors|Seymour!]]"''' at the end of the movie ''[[Scrooged]]'' to encourage the [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|theater audience]] to respond to his hilariously over-the-top [[Improv|ad-libbing]] throughout the film, most notably in the dinner sequence.
{{quote| '''Frank:''' ''(thinks he sees a ghost)'' AH-'''HAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa!'''<br />
'''Waiter:''' Oh ''no'' sir, that's the Baked Alaska, sir, that's a dessert. }}
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* Willem Dafoe in ''[[The Boondock Saints]]'':
** "'''<big>THERE WAS A</big> <big>FIRE FIGHT!!!!!!!!!</big>'''"
* [[Alan Rickman]] in ''[[Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves]]'' as the Sheriff of Nottingham was gloriously hammy in his portrayal. His best line was probably (at the end of a long list of canceling donations to various charities) "...and call off Christmas!"
* Herbert Lom as Inspector Dreyfus tends to do this a lot after [[Pink Panther|Clouseau]] unwittingly succeeds in pushing him over the edge mentally, esp. in the ''Pink Panther Strikes Again'' installment, where he plays an [[Evil Overlord]].
* [[Paul Giamatti]] as King John in the thankfully little known ''Ironclad''. "YOU '''DARE''' TO QUESTION MY REIGN!!!!"
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* There is an [[Urban Legend]] that Vincent D'Onofrio had a clause in his contract for ''[[Law and Order Criminal Intent]]'' that simply read: "''[[Little Shop of Horrors|Feed ]]''[[Little Shop of Horrors|me!]]", for when he goes into full [[Perp Sweat|Perp Sweating]] mode. Justified in that he's supposed to be a [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]] to a certain extent.
* Sharon Stone does some painful scenery-chewing in the episode of ''[[Law and Order Special Victims Unit]]'' "Shattered". She'd been snacking on the scenery in earlier episodes, but "Shattered" is by far the worst, especially when she picks up {{spoiler|the corpse of}} a boy {{spoiler|who was killed during a kidnapping gone wrong}} and shouts "YOUR SON NEEDS YOOOOOOOOOUUUU" at his mentally unstable mother.
* Any scene in ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined (TV)|Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]'' where Edward James Olmos ends up having a emotional breakdown in his cabin and starts punching the wall, his ship or Colonel Tigh. Double points if he gets drunk and starts drooling or vomiting on himself. The producers have admitted they put a few too many of these in during the final episodes. The first was heartbreakingly effective for many, but by the end it was like, suck it up man!
** Smashing the wooden ship, that wasn't a prop. Ooops.
* [[James Marsters]] as the newly-souled vampire Spike during the final season of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)|Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''--especially during the first couple of episodes, with Spike being constantly tortured by his guilty conscience and acting totally bonkers. ''Especially'' during the scene where Spike, after a lengthy tragic monologue, [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic|drapes himself over a church cross]] and his skin starts to sizzle.
* Pretty much every incarnation of the Master from ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]''. Especially the [[John Simm]] version; he's ''so hungry'' and no amount of scenery will satisfy him. {{spoiler|Or food, in "The End of Time"}}.
** And a few of the Doctors as well, such as [[Tom Baker]] and Colin Baker. "Gurning" [[David Tennant]] must surely count too ("ALLONS-Y!").
**** This comes after the [[Monster of the Week]] says "We...are...rising!", and the Doctor is mocking it. That doesn't mean he isn't a ham, just not this time.
**** In [[David Tennant]]'s first episode as the Doctor, he gets that line thrown at him, but played straight. His reply is a mocking "I DOOON'T KNOOOOOOOOOOW!"
*** "''[[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E7 42|Burn]]'' [[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E7 42|with me]]."
*** "[[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S4 E16 The Waters of Mars|THE LAWS OF TIME ARE MINE, AND THEY WILL OBEY ME!]]"
** The [[Christopher Eccleston|Ninth Doctor's]] rant about the end of the Time War to the Dalek in "Dalek".
{{quote| '''Ninth Doctor:''' ''I watched it happen!'' '''<big>I MADE IT HAPPEN!!!</big>'''}}
** [[Mad Scientist|Davros]] ''defines'' this trope. "[[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S4 E13 Journeys End|THE DESTRUCTION! OF REALITY! ITSELF!!!]]"
*** And the Seventh Doctor mocks him for [[It/lampshade|lampshades]] this in ''Remembrance of the Daleks''.
*** And while we mention Davros, there are also the dreaded Daleks.
*** "Those words are ''BLLLASPHEMYYYYYYY!''"
*** "[[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E4 Daleks in Manhattan|I... AM... A human DALEK!]] I am... YOUR FUTURE!" was said by a Dalek-Ham hybrid in the new series.
** Mark Strickson, who played the Fifth Doctor's companion Turlough, chowed down on the scenery on more than one occasion.
*** AN INFECTIOOOOON. However, it was made awesome by his willingness to not only slobber on himself, but to take the complete and utter piss out of it by re-enacting it with ever-increasing amounts of bacon at conventions for the next 20 years.
** The Wire, a [[Monster of the Week|one-episode villain]], was very much this trope. In fact, her catch-phrase was [[Department of Redundancy Department|in fact]] "FEEEEEED MEEEEEEE!"
*** Perhaps a [[Shout -Out]] to [[Little Shop of Horrors|a certain plant]]...?
*** No mention of the Empress of the Racnoss from "The Runaway Bride?" There was not enough scenery in the entire SERIES to account for that amount of chewing.
** {{spoiler|[[Timothy Dalton]] as the Time Lord narrator}} in "The End of Time" was literally spraying at the end of the first part.
*** {{spoiler|[[The Master]] in the same story is ''very'' hungry and extremely aching to chew on far more stuff than usual. Both figuratively and literally.}}
** Worth mentioning again: John Simm as the Master. "[[Doctor Who (TV)/NS/Recap/S3 E12 The Sound of Drums|HERE! COME! THE DRUMS!]]"
** The [[Matt Smith|Eleventh Doctor]] is looking right at home putting teeth marks on the scenery.
*** From "Victory of the Daleks" {{spoiler|*whilst beating on a Dalek with a giant wrench* '''"I AM THE DOCTOR!!! AND YOU ARE THE DALEKS!!!"'''}}
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** Speaking of which, Kramer.
* Lionel Tribbey ("LEO!") and Lord John Marbury ("GERALD!") on ''[[The West Wing]]''.
* You might want to sit down for this one: Lowly Ensign David Bailey manages to pull off an ''epic'' [[Heroic BSOD]] in the [[Star Trek the Original Series (TV)|TOS]] episode "[ The Corbomite Maneuver]". After staring death in the face for the majority of the episode (complete with Countdown [[Of Doom]]), he has a [[Narm|memorable]] [[Freak -Out]] scene:
{{quote| '''Bailey:''' What, are you all out of your minds?! End of watch? It's the end of everything! WHAT ARE YOU, ROBOTS?! Wound up, toy soldiers?! Don't you know when you're dying?! Watch and regulations and orders? What do they mean?!?}}
** Ok, so here's the "are you sitting down" part -- ''William [[Large Ham|freaking]] Shatner'' was on set at the same time. ''And he looked like the subtle one.''
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* Dennis Haysbert has a few memorable moments in ''[[The Unit]]''.
** Combined with "[[Punctuated for Emphasis]]" in Season 1 Episode 1: "Get off this plane! GET OFF THIS PLANE!! GET OFF!! THIS PLANE!!!"
* Kelsey Gammer was absolutely brilliant at this in ''[[Frasier]]'' — totally justified in that a defining trait of his character is being an overdramatic, pompous, [[Hot -Blooded]], arrogant, flamboyant [[Large Ham]].
{{quote| '''Frasier''': What you are feeling is that this woman has ''reached'' into your chest, ''plucked'' out your heart, and thrown it to her hell-<br />
hounds for a chew toy! And it's not the last time either! Because that's what this woman ''is!'' She is the ''Devil!'' There's <br />
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* Practically all of ''[[Castlevania Symphony of the Night]]''. [ Most known for this one]. The dialogue was completely redone in the PSP port included in the Rondo of Blood remake, [[Narm Charm|for better or for worse]].
* Sergeant Reznov from ''[[Call of Duty]]: World at War'' must have gotten really hungry after the events of the level "Vendetta", because starting with ''"Their Land, Their Blood"'', he can't stop yelling at his men to keep killing Germans wherever they find them. Commissar Markhov, however, manages to outeat even him, as his [[No Indoor Voice|lack of volume control for his voice]], coupled with the fact that half his lines are spoken from ''a megaphone,'' ensure that he can be heard all the way over in Berlin.
** Reznov's scenery-chewing is easily justifiable, given that he's [[Hey, It's That Voice!|voiced by]] [[Gary Oldman]].
* ''[[Tales of Vesperia]]'' has Zagi:
{{quote| "''I will carve your NAME into my BLOOOOOOOD!"}}
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{{quote| ->"''You still refuse to ACCEPT...'''[[A God Am I|my godhood?!]] KEEP your own god! In fact, this might be a good time to PRAY to Him!''' [levitates into the air] '''[[The Bible (Literature)|For I beheld]] [[Satan]] [[The Bible (Literature)|as he FELL]] [[Roll Your Rs|FRROM]] [[The Bible (Literature)|HEAVENN! LIKE LIGHTNIINNGG!!!]]'''''"}}
* ''[[Sin and Punishment 2]]''
* ''[[Destroy All Humans]]'': RADIOACTIVE [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|EXPLODING]] [[Everything's Deader With Zombies|ZOMBIE]] [[Irony|COWS]]!!!!
* [[Sonic Adventure (Video Game)|Dr. Robotnik]] was having way too much fun at the beginning of the game. "''You know '''NOTHING''', fools!'' It's ''Chaos'', the '''GOD'' of '''DESTRUCTION'''!!! '''MUAHAHAHAHAHA'''!!!"
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** Randy. Constantly. In later episodes.
** Unusually, Mr. Mackey in "Royal Pudding".
{{quote| '''Mr. Mackey''': ''(to [["No Respect" Guy|Kyle]], taking over Ike's role as Tooth Decay)'' You call rolling your fat ass out on the stage and lazily blurting out your lines like a turtle takin' a [[Precision F-Strike|shit]], '''YOU CALL THAT TRYIN'?!'''}}
* ''[[Beast Wars (Animation)|Beast Wars]]''. Three words. '''FOR THE ROYALTY!!!'''
* "[[Samurai Jack (Animation)|Samurai, samurai.]] [[Punctuated for Emphasis|Why.]] [[Large Ham|Won't.]] [[Why Won't You Die?|You.]] '''''[[No Indoor Voice|DIIIIIEEEE?!]]'''''"
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