Chronic Hero Syndrome: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''"Some people have a Messiah complex. They ''need'' to save the world."''|'''Dr James Wilson''', ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'' on something completely different.}}
|'''Dr James Wilson''', ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'' on something completely different.}}
'''Chronic Hero Syndrome''' is an "affliction" of [[Ideal Hero|particularly idealistic protagonists]] which renders them unable to say "It's [[Somebody Else's Problem]]". Every wrong within earshot ''must'' be righted, and everyone in need ''must'' be helped, preferably by Our Hero him- or herself.
While certainly admirable, this can have some negative side-effects on the hero and those around them. Such heroes tend to [[Samaritan Syndrome|wear themselves out]] in their attempts to help ''everyone'', or to become distraught and [[It's All My Fault|blame themselves]] for the ''one'' time that they're unable to save the day. A particularly bad case of this may develop into a full-blown [[Martyr Without a Cause]]. May also be a thin veil over the [[In Harm's Way]] trope.
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See also [[A Friend in Need]]. Completely different from [[Hero Syndrome]], which is pretty much the [[Evil Counterpart]] of this trope.
== Anime &and Manga ==
* Mytho in ''[[Princess Tutu (anime)|Princess Tutu]]'' has a bad, ''bad'' case of this. He literally loves everyone, and wants to protect them—so much that he [[Heart Trauma|shatters his heart]] to [[Sealed Evil in a Can|seal away the Raven]]. After he does this, he's an [[Emotionless Girl|emotionless shell]] and an [[Extreme Doormat]], wandering lifelessly and completing any orders given to him... except when someone weak is in danger. Then he suddenly becomes the prince he once was and rushes to save them [[Martyr Without a Cause|with no thought to his own safety]]. This includes jumping out of a window to save a baby bird and injuring his ankle to catch a clumsy girl who tripped.
* ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]''
** Ash Ketchum. ''Every'' [[Character of the Day]] with a problem that he encounters gets his help.
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** ''[[SD Gundam Force]]'' has Captain Gundam.
* Every ''[[Super Robot]]'' series protagonist ever.
* Yuuri Shibuya of ''[[Kyo Kara Maoh!|Kyo Kara Maoh]]'' practically breathes this trope. He not only goes all out to save random strangers, but also people who have outright tried to ''kill'' him!
* ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]''. Every episode, Spike and crew wander into some situation that really isn't their problem and has nothing to do with the main story, and yet they feel compelled to help. It's justified for Jet, what with him being a retired cop, but there's no excuse for Spike. They even get {{spoiler|three new crew members}} this way.
* ''[[Trigun]]'''s resident pacifist Vash the Stampede. To the point that when someone kills a spider to let the butterfly it was going to eat go free, he flips out at them: "I wanted to save them both!" Played for '''''VERY''''' dark laughs in later episodes as this former [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]] with [[Improbable Aiming Skills]] gradually becomes incapable of saving anyone.
* ''[[ToA AruCertain Majutsu noMagical Index]]''{{'}}s Touma Kamijo just can't contain his tendency to save people. Even if he just met them, he will go out of his way to help them even though he lacks any sort of real fighting skills. All of Touma's stories involve him saving someone in some way.
* Ichigo Kurosaki in ''[[Bleach]]'', especially in the early arcs. He insists that he will only kill hollows that threaten his family, but still manages to get involved in many, many problems. Whoops.
** Actually, it crops up in just about every arc.
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* ''[[Sailor Moon]]'': Usagi Tsukino, the title character. In fact all the Sailor Senshi. After the Dark Kingdom arc when everyone but Usagi has been returned to their normal lives, all of them happen to be at the same location when a monster appears. Even though they don't have their powers, even though they don't even ''remember'' being Sailor Senshi, they all leap into the battle.
* ''[[Bakemonogatari]]'': Araragi Koyomi will do what ever it takes to help anyone, whether it be the aloof [[Sugar and Ice Personality]] he just met, the demon-possessed Yuri {{spoiler|who also wants to kill him}} who has been stalking him or even the Vampire {{spoiler|who also tried to kill him and currently lives off his blood}}.
* Kuro Karatsu from ''[[The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service]]'', at one point taking it so far as to sign up for a volunteer help program in Iraq during the second Gulf War so he can return a client (an illegal immigrant) to his family there (and for no pay, of course). Sasaki [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s it almost immediately after meeting him.
* Kotetsu T. Kaburagi/Wild Tiger from ''[[Tiger and Bunny]]'' takes his job as a superhero more seriously than any sane man ought to. Not only does he do borderline suicidal things to protect or save others (running into a burning building to save a single man while unpowered and unarmored, insisting on joining the [[Fan Nickname|Girls' Team]] in taking back Sternbild while still internally bleeding, {{spoiler|[[Taking the Bullet]] for Barnaby}} etc.), but he preoccupied with it enough that his boss has to ''order'' him to use his vacation days so as not to violate the city's labor laws.
* ''[[Naruto]]'': Naruto Uzumaki. If there's a cause, Naruto will fight for it. The guy refuses to give up his quest to save Sasuke, despite Sasuke stating he wants to ''kill'' him, was willing to forgive the man who killed the closest person he had to a father figure, {{spoiler|and -- fortunately for the Shinobi Alliance, as it turns out -- refuses to stay out of the war, despite being placed in hiding, because he can't bear the thought of his friends dying to protect him while he's hidden away in a safe place. Once on the battlefield, he sends clones to help ''every division'', despite the risks it presents to his health, and has basically taken it upon himself to win the Fourth Ninja War. Itachi actually calls him on this.}}
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* Quon of ''[[Towa no Quon]]''. He has to save every single Attractor that he can, and is distraught whenever he fails to do so.
* Yugo Hachiken of ''[[Silver Spoon]]''. To the point he become "The guy who won't refuse you."
== Comic Books ==
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* In ''X-Men Noir'', Thomas "The Angel" Halloway's entire life revolves around heroism—to the point that Professor Xavier diagnoses him with a completely new type of pathology, "heropathy". This is illustrated in their first encounter; Xavier asks Halloway why he cares about the X-Men. Halloway tells him that a woman, Jean Grey, is dead, the police aren't investigating her murder because she was with the X-Men... and he can't live in a world where a killer isn't brought to justice.
* Patoruzu and Patoruzito are the most blatant Argentinian examples of this trope. The tagline of his comic book goes: "Courageous to the point of fearlessness. Altruist to the point of sacrifice. Brave to the point of heroism. But modest to the point of sainthood, and hilarious to the point of comedy."
== Comic Strips ==
* Parodied in ''[[Twisted Toyfare Theater]]'', where Mego Spider-Man just wants to go home and watch TV, but he continually saves the day because he literally has no choice.
== Fan Works ==
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** In fact it is ''because'' of this that things aren't as bad as they could be - Ichigo's helping hand has gathered an eclectic bunch of unlikely allies all who will follow him, [[True Companions|no]] [[Ship Tease|matter]] [[Ho Yay|what]].
== Film ==
== Films -- Animation ==
* Mr. Incredible from ''[[The Incredibles]]''. The fact that he's [[Super Registration Act|forbidden by law]] from engaging in vigilante heroism is a major source of stress for him. His desire to go help a mugging victim eventually leads to a disastrous confrontation with his boss at Insuricare. In the DVD special features, the National Super Agency's file on Mr. Incredible lists this as one of his weaknesses. In the opening scene, as he rushes to his own wedding he has to stop to help in a police chase, then while on his way to do that he stops to help a woman get her cat out of a tree. Fortunately, [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|said tree also came in VERY handy in stopping the car the criminals involved in said police chase were driving!]]
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* ''Mr. Nice Guy'': The title chracter had absolutely nothing to do with the main plot until it stumbled across him.
* George Bailey in ''[[It's a Wonderful Life|Its a Wonderful Life]]'' systematically sacrificed every dream he had to help the people of Bedford Falls, and it ended up being all for naught when his uncle misplaced the money needed to keep George's business afloat. {{spoiler|And if you think that's the end of the story you need to watch more movies.}}
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* This is the fatal flaw of Daniel Rigg, the protagonist of ''[[Saw|Saw IV]]''. In fact, his tests are designed explicitly to try and cure this. The first of them tells him to walk away from a woman in a trap, only for his attempting to save her anyway to, first, ''start the trap'', then upon freeing her, she attempts to kill him because ''her'' instructions were that the police officer who tried to save her would put her in prison for the rest of her life. His ultimate test goes so far as to ''invert'' [[Just in Time]], {{spoiler|in that busting in at the last second [[Big Damn Heroes]] style was the absolute worst thing he could've done.}}
* [[Die Hard|John McClane]]'s tendency to be the [[Right Man in the Wrong Place]] leads to this - and this hurts, hurts, [[Made of Iron|hurts]]. He even discusses this on the fourth movie.
== Literature ==
* ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'': Harry.
** Lampshaded in the fifth book when Hermione points out that he has a "'saving people' thing" and that he could be walking into a trap. He's furious about that comment, pointing out that they didn't see an issue with that when he saved their lives before. Partially deconstructed when his hurry to save {{spoiler|Sirius}} leads to the death he was trying to prevent.
** Voldemort himself sums it up in ''[[Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (novel)|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]]'':
{{quote|''"Neither of you understands Potter as I do. He does not need finding. Potter will come to me. I know his weakness, you see, his one great flaw. He will hate watching the others struck down around him, knowing that it is for him that it happens. He will want to stop it any cost. He will come."''}}
** Also brought up during ''[[Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (novel)|Goblet of Fire]]'' during the Second Task when Harry is charged with rescuing the person who is most important to them at the bottom of the school lake. Harry insists on trying to take back every hostage, even those that weren't his, misunderstanding that Dumbledore had taken every precaution necessary to ensure that no one gets hurt during the Triwizard Tournament. Harry gets high marks when it was decided that his insistence to save everyone was based on chivalry.
* ''[[The Dresden Files]]'': Harry Dresden. Dresden has it '''bad'''. And he's [[Genre Savvy]] enough to know and admit it—and then still do it anyway. Just ask him about a [[Damsel in Distress]].
** In ''Grave Peril'', Harry attends a Villain Party and is given a very interesting party favor, a gravestone and perpetually open plot. The inscription on the stone reads [[Lampshade Hanging|"He died doing the right thing."]] {{spoiler|A few minutes later, he is given the choice between walking away and risking his life to save one innocent, which will ''also'' destabilize the vampire/wizard truce. The gravestone wasn't an insult, it was a ''hint''.}}
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** In the short story ''Warriors'' he attempts to bill an Archangel, since if he's working for good, like any other client they should be billed. He threatens to not come next time he hears the call. The Archangel laughs since he knows Harry can't. Harry takes a drink since he knows he can't either...
* ''[[Heralds of Valdemar]]''
** Deconstructed in [[Mercedes Lackey]]'s world of Valdemar with the magical sword [[Empathic Weapon|Need]] {{spoiler|before she (re)awakens to full sentience.}} Nasty things happen because the stupid bloody thing will NOT allow its wielder to let a woman come to harm, no matter what. Nasty for the wielder, because the sword has no concept of things like "impossible odds" (or "paying job"); occasionally nasty for the rescuees because it has no concept of "disproportionate response." And also that "no matter what" includes enemy women who have their own swords and are busily trying to hack Need's current wielder into pieces.
** More normally, one of the qualities common to those Chosen to be Heralds is at least a little Chronic Hero Syndrome. They have [[Psychic Powers]] and normal people don't, [[Comes Great Responsibility|so they have to use them to help those people]], goes the thinking. Vanyel especially had it bad: as the most powerful Herald-Mage of his time, and eventually the only one left, no one else could protect [[The Kingdom]] the way he could.
** Healers too, substituting [[Healing Hands]] for [[Psychic Powers]]. This version's only a real problem if a Healer comes across a plague or such beyond her resources, and attempts to fight it anyway rather than leave to get help.
* From ''Predator things of the Century'' by Strugatski Brothers: "I'll get crazy for this. So many people -- and I'm alone. I'm exactly like you, people -- except I want to help You, and You don't help me..."
* Deconstructed in ''[[Discworld]]''.
** In particular, ''[[Discworld/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]'' has Susan angrily call the protagonist "you... ''hero!''" for going back to help his wounded mentor rather than saving the world; he at first takes it as a compliment until he recognises her tone. It should be remembered that Discworld heroes aren't exactly the brightest of people—many jokes are made throughout the series along those lines—so Susan, a teacher and great believer in common sense, won't think highly of them.
** Indeed, most of the genuine "heroes" of Discworld, like Granny, Vimes, Susan and Moist are highly cynical and jaded people. More traditionally heroic characters are usually treated as fools (with the possible exception of Carrot, who manages to have it both ways). And then there's [[The Chew Toy|Rincewind]]....
* In the ''[[Geronimo Stilton]]'' book, "The Mouse City Marathon," Geronimo is continually waylaid from running in the eponymous marathon because he keeps stopping to help people: getting a lost mousling back to his mom, stopping a purse-snatcher, even jumping off a bridge to rescue a fellow runner who fainted. Yet he still manages to come in first!
* Keladry of Mindelan in [[Tamora Pierce]]'s [[Tortall Universe|Protector of the Small]] quartet... she can't help but do exactly what the series name suggests, completely unable to turn down a cry for help from anyone smaller or weaker than herself (protecting animals as often as human beings) much to the exasperation of her friends and colleagues who feel obligated to help.
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* Since we've mentioned Merlin from ''Safehold'' and Honor Harrington from her own books, we might as well finish out the Weber trilogy with Bahzell of ''[[The War Gods]]''. Everyone who meets the hradani pretty much instantly recognizes it. The entire series starts off when he can't ignore a servant being raped, even though he knows his intervention could mean war and tries to argue himself into why he should just walk away.
* Bertie of ''[[Jeeves and Wooster (novel)|Jeeves and Wooster]]'' suffers badly from this. He'd do ''anything'' to help ''anyone,'' friend or enemy, [[Honor Before Reason|no matter how little sense it makes]] or [[Taking Advantage of Generosity|how much others may take advantage of it]]. As a random example, in ''Thank You, Jeeves'' he decides to help his friend Chuffy, who likes a girl but won't make the first move, by kissing the girl in front of him to instigate [[Operation: Jealousy]]. He fully expects to be beaten senseless by Chuffy for doing so, but this doesn't matter to him as long as his friend ends up happy.
== Live-Action TV ==
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** Echo. Her desire to save the world, fight injustice and/or rescue the innocent is so deeply ingrained it survives repeated applications of [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]].
** Also, Agent Paul Ballard, combined with [[The Dulcinea Effect]]. Perhaps why they make such a good couple.
* ''[[Firefly (TV series)]]''
** Malcolm Reynolds will steadfastly deny this to his grave, but deep down he suffers from a near-terminal example of this disease, to the point that it ended up with him on the opposite side of a psychotic crime lord and the Alliance's Operative.
** We didn't get to see much of it (insert obligatory bitching about Fox here) but in "Ariel" Simon goes to save a dying man in the middle of the heist in a busy hospital paying no mind to the risks of recognition and capture. "Saving people thing" at its finest there. Simon, like [[M*A*S*H (television)|Hawkeye]], is a doctor. He has a "save lives first, ask questions later" mentality that he also displays in "Bushwhacked" and "Safe". You can see him visibly suppressing it in the pilot when he {{spoiler|refuses to treat Kaylee unless Mal runs.}} He would have helped that man regardless of whether River was screaming or not.
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* ''[[Supernatural (TV series)|Supernatural]]'''s Sam Winchester has this whenever he's [[Despair Event Horizon|not]] [[Psycho Serum|otherwise]] [[I Let Gwen Stacy Die|occupied]].
* ''[[Sliders]]'': Most plots in the first few seasons are driven by Quinn Mallory needlessly rushing to the aid of anyone in earshot, only to embroil himself and his friends into the troubles of whatever alternate reality they're in.
== Music ==
* "The Weight", by The Band, notably covered by many including Joan Osborne, is about this trope.
== Newspaper Comics ==
* Parodied in ''[[Twisted ToyfareToyFare TheaterTheatre]]'', where Mego Spider-Man just wants to go home and watch TV, but he continually saves the day because he literally has no choice.
== Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths &and ReligionLegends ==
* Every single knight in [[King Arthur|the Arthurian myths]] seem to suffer this. "Questing" was all about going out and looking for trouble.
** For example, at one point the knight Yvain has to be at a very specific location tomorrow in order to rescue a damsel, Lunete, from being burned at the stake. With plenty of time, he stays at a castle the night before, only to discover that the castle is being held to ransom by a giant; if no one can slay the giant, the next morning he will kill all the lord's remaining sons and have his minions rape the lord's daughter in front of everyone. Yvain ''tries'' to say "look, I do have this prior appointment and an innocent will die if I don't get there, so I'm afraid this isn't actually my problem"... but he turns back out of guilt, kills the giant, doesn't stay for congratulations, and runs off just in time to save Lunete... effectively pulling off ''two'' last minute [[Big Damn Heroes]] moments in a row.
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* In some versions of their myths, some Greek heroes are like this. It varies, though. Perseus comes out all right, and most of Heracles's moments of [[What the Hell, Hero?|jerkiness]] are Hera [[Mind Screw|invoked]], but Theseus [[Victim Falls For Rapist|has a way with the daughters]] of the bandits he kills on the way to Athens, at one point [[Kidnapping Is Love|kidnaps Helen when she was a young teen]], tries to help a friend [[Too Dumb to Live|kidnap Persephone]] and also abandons or banishes a large number of other women. Odysseus is a little bit better, given that he is kept by women rather than forcing himself on them, but he is still a pirate (granted, that was normal for the time).
== ProProfessional Wrestling ==
== Pro Wrestling ==
* [[John Cena]], in spades. Whether it's saving a Diva in distress, turning the tide of a three-or-four-or-10-against-one battle, or chasing bad guys off, John is your man. Probably the only reason he doesn't show up in every single segment to battle the villains and right the wrongs is that he gets too distracted chasing whatever bad guy caught his eye first.
== Tabletop Games ==
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* The Charity Virtue in the ''[[New World of Darkness]]'' encourages you to act like this in exchange for Willpower. The sample blurb for the virtue discusses a woman who's investigating a ritualistic [[Serial Killer]]... and who stops to pick up a hitchhiker with a broken arm (in real life, a favorite trick of Ted Bundy), even though she ''knows'' it could be a trap, because she fears he could end up a victim.
* Paladins in most editions of ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'' are contractually obligated to follow this trope, being [[Lawful Good]] and bound by a [[Honor Before Reason|code of honor]]. [[Character Alignment|Good-aligned]] characters in general may do this depending on the player.
== Video Games ==
* Some of the more [[Wide Open Sandbox|Open-worldy]] sort of games allow the player to choose for themselves, either helping out every poor bastard who's dropped a ring in a sewer grate, ignoring everyone so you can get on with your business, or killing the asker for daring to ask for your aid. Realistically, this third option tends to cause problems, but if you can kill the people who have a problem with it too, the problem eventually evaporates. Possibly along with every living being.
* Similarly, [[Role-Playing Game|RPG]]s with large numbers of side quests irrelevant to the main plot can have the main character coming off as someone with Chronic Hero Syndrome.
* Virtually every MMO steers the player's character into having Chronic Hero Syndrome. The character will often be sent out against a great evil... but on the way, they'll have to protect random people from threats, take shifts as a game warden, help gather materials for various building projects, and sometimes even be a relationship counselor, for everybody whose path they happen to cross.
* ''[[Final Fantasy]]''
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{{quote|'''Lightning:''' But going out of his way to help someone? That's Snow all over.}}
** Ramza from ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics]]'' is a [[Reconstruction]]. He's determined to help the common people, even as said people believe the propaganda that Ramza's a heretic and traitor. By contrast, his friend Delita is an [[Anti-Hero]] / [[Anti-Villain]] who [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder|backstabs his way to the top.]] {{spoiler|Delita ends up king, Ramza ends up blown up and his companion gets executed for trying to tell the people Ramza saved the world. But the epilogue indicates that Ramza survived, shows Delita getting a severe [[Was It Really Worth It?]] moment, and the true story gets out four hundred years later.}}
* Common in [[BioWare]] [[Role-Playing Game|RPG]]s. Typically, you have a party member who recommends you help out whenever asked to and one who makes snide remarks along the lines of [[Dragon Age|"Ooh, let's solve every little problem in the entire village! The Darkspawn will be so impressed!"]]
** Open Hand Spirit Monk in ''[[Jade Empire]]'' meddles in people's lives for the better, most of the time. Closed Fist Spirit Monk is much less helpful.
** The Grey Warden in ''[[Dragon Age]]'' can fulfill this trope to such a degree that [[Black Magician Girl|Morrigan]] will complain about it.
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* Anyone in ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' with the Loremaster achievement. Requiring 2,843 quests to be completed ("only" 2,705 for Horde players), you're not only helping anyone who needs help with anything, you're hunting down every last person who might need so little as a mug of ale from a nearby brewery.
* ''[[Guilty Gear]]'': Ky Kiske. One of the reasons why the Post-War Administrative Bureau find him so easily manipulative is his overwhelming sense of justice that he feels the need to save everyone he can. Still, he's a very nice guy to have along as a friend. Just gullible. [[It Got Worse]] in the Drama CD as this one trait... got him killed.
* [[Justified Trope|Justified]] in ''[[Dragon Quest IX]]'': the hero is a [[Our Angels Are Different|Celestrian]] whose primary role as a Guardian is to help mortals and collect the benevolessence they unknowingly exude afterwards. In short, having Chronic Hero Syndrome is a flapping job requirement.
* The protagonists of ''[[Persona 3]]'' and ''[[Persona 4]]'', who, in the course of making friends across their respective towns (and [[Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World|saving the world]] from [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]s of [[Eldritch Abomination|the human collective unconsciousness]]), end up helping everyone they meet with their personal issues, from the girl who ran away from home to the young man with the terminal disease to the nurse who despises her life to the classmate with the dying father. Of course, one of them IS explicitly [[The Messiah]] and the other one qualifies in everything but name.
* ''[[Golden Sun]]'': Both sets of protagonists have this in spades. In fact, the games [[But Thou Must!|pretty much require it]] in several places. And in ''Dark Dawn'', it gets lampshaded:
{{quote|"How did we arrive in this situation, exactly?"
"Because Matthew can be talked into anything, that's how." }}
* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog (video game)|Sonic the Hedgehog]]'': Sonic always helps out anyone in trouble stating that helping those in need is pretty much the only thing he slows down for.
* ''[[Fire Emblem Jugdral]]''
** Sety. In his own words, he simply cannot turn away when he sees someone in trouble, and boy does he get in problems due to it. And for better/worse, when Celice helps him whack the [[Distress Ball]] away in Chapter 8, he beats himself up due to not being able to rescue all the kids caught in {{spoiler|the child hunts.}} "I'm no hero, sir. I'm a coward, if anything".
** Hawk, being Sety's expy/replacement if Fury has no kids, suffers of ''exactly'' the same [[Fatal Flaw]].
* ''[[Red Dead Redemption]]'''s John Marston can be this if going for high honour. The game even keeps track of how many people you help. Everything from rescuing women and stopping thieves to stopping a carriage robbery in between trying to capture his former outlaw brethren. In fact, a late-game mission plays with this; {{spoiler|during the Beecher's Hope ranching section of the game, while John is busy tending his new herd of cattle, a train races by under attack by outlaws, and John must choose whether or not to stay with the herd or intervene.}}
* The Allied Nations in ''[[Red Alert 3 Paradox]]'' are sort of defined as a whole by their Chronic Hero Syndrome, but this causes serious problems because not everyone agrees with their definetiondefinition of heroic action, which tends towards [[For Your Own Good]] on a national scale.
* ''[[Doom (series)|Doom]]''
** Although [[Word of God]] asserts that he's an [[Featureless Protagonist|AFGNCAAP]], the Marine has Chronic Hero Syndrome in both ''Doom II'' and ''The Plutonia Experiment''. In the former, he volunteers to lead the strike force ([[One-Man Army|consisting of only himself]]) to recapture Earth's spaceport and evacuate the planet's remaining citizens, ''and then'' he voluntarily dives '''back into Hell''' to reverse the invasion. In the latter, he cancels his hard-earned vacation just so he can be the point man to retake another captured spaceport.
** Inverted in ''TNT: Evilution'', where in the second secret level he returns to Earth in the middle of his [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]] for a vacation, thinking [[Someone Elses Problem|"Maybe someone else can kick Hell's ass next time around."]] Unfortunately for him, [[The Call Knows Where You Live|Hell had already sent some demons to the same tourist trap]].
* The title character of ''[[Nie RNieR]]'' may be [[The Unfettered]] in his desire to keep Yonah safe, but that doesn't mean he won't stop to help such diverse problems as help a merchant get started, a family get enough to eat, or get a bartender rare supplies.
* ''Star Ocean: The Last Hope'' has Edge Maverick. Though his job is to find a new habitable planet suitable for humans, he quite quickly ends up trying to save a village of people he doesn't know, destroy a certain race to prevent them invading planets and then accidentally destroys a planet in a different dimension when he was only trying to help it, leading him to mentally break down and blame the entire thing on himself despite everything his friends try to say to him.
* In ''[[Assassin's Creed: Revelations]]'', Ezio's primary goal in Constantinople is to recover the keys that he needs to access the library at Masyaf, but along the way he keeps getting roped into the fight against injustice, and not unwillingly. As he needs help from the Assassins in the city, he winds up working to bolster them in their fight against the Templars. He also befriends Suleiman, the future Sultan, whose father and uncle are involved in a war for the succession of the Sultanate. Further, he meets and falls in love with a librarian in his search for the keys and is eventually forced to protect her from his enemies. At this point in his life he is bone-weary of the constant struggle, but as long as he remains an Assassin, he must keep fighting it.
=== Visual Novels ===
== Visual Novels ==
* The heroes in the [[Nasuverse]] tend to have this very, very badly.
** ''[[Tsukihime]]'': Shiki spends much of "Far Side" investigating the disappearance of Satsuki, who he barely knew.
*** And Mikiya in ''[[Kara no Kyoukai:]]'', who is in some ways a prototype version of Tohno Shiki.
** ''[[Fate/stay night|Fate Stay Night]]'': One Shiro Emiya is like this, thanks to his lack of a sense of self. The sheer ridiculous degree of his selflessness actually forms a large plot basis across the three routes. People actually call him on it, too.
== Web Comics ==
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* Antimony from ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' is constantly going out of her way to help unusual creatures and/or her classmates, from [[Establishing Character Moment|her first week in the Court]] onward. A later [[Flash Back]] reveals that she's been doing this sort of thing since she was six years old.
* ''[[Ronin Galaxy]]'': Cecil absolutely MUST save the day when there is a girl involved.
** [ Once in chapter one by saving Taylor] and [ again in chapter two with Leona.] Though not with the results he was expecting: Taylor almost {{spoiler|gets him shot up by gansters,}} and Leona (who is too heavy for him) slips out of his heroic grasp and lands on her behind.
* ''[[Supermegatopia]]'''s ''Weasel Boy'' series theorizes that heroism is "an instinct that makes people do good things before they can even begin to think about the consequences." Weasel Boy himself suffers from this in spades, even getting himself killed because he tries rescuing a little girl from a burning building just after being hit with a fast-acting poison.
* Mr. Mighty from ''[[Everyday Heroes]]''. On the first day with his new team, he helped a little old lady fix a flat tire, retrieved a truckload of chickens that were blocking traffic, saved a [[Bus Full of Innocents|bus load of orphans]] from a speeding freight train, and foiled a bank robbery... all before he even got to the office. His biggest worry was being an hour late to work.
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* Elysia from ''[[Rumors of War]]'' exhibits symptoms of Chronic Hero Syndrome, going out of her way to help a young woman who's misplaced her lover. Of course, [[Deconstruction|it's shown that]] her [[Refusal of the Call|initial reluctance]] to help out meant she was unable to prevent [[It Got Worse|a chain of events]] that culminated in {{spoiler|the girl's disappearance, the torture of a (presumably) innocent (if somewhat creepy) man, and a violent confrontation with the girl's father}}.
* ''[[Keychain of Creation]]'', an ''[[Exalted]]'' webcomic, features in the character of Misho a person who perfectly embodies the benefits and drawbacks of a high Compassion Virtue. He cannot pass a scene of suffering and not offer to help, and while he's got more than enough power to do the job, it comes at the cost of possibly revealing himself as a Solar, which causes problems for the group thanks to the Wyld Hunt. The [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|other problem]] with it is aptly demonstrated in [ these] [ strips].
* Rikk from ''[[Fans!]]'' has this in spades. It's surprising that the villains don't use it against him more often.
* ''[[Freefall]]'': Florence Ambrose has a case of this; it almost got her killed at one point, in a [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]] incident at that. Of course, her grand objective is to prove that her species is too valuable to be allowed to go extinct, so it's probably a good thing, assuming she survives future heroism and doesn't get on the wrong side of the company that created her. (The company, Ecosystems Unlimited, is a [[Mega Corp]] which would reach positively [[Final Fantasy VII|Shinra]] levels of villainousness if they could only find their rear with both hands, so this may be harder than it looks.)
* [ Sir Coffee] from ''[[Oglaf]]'' is a play on this. (WARNING: Sir Coffee's comic is worksafe. [[NSFW|The rest of the comic is not]].)
* In ''[[Tales of the Questor]]'', an [ exhausted and injured Quentyn has to be prevented from going to try to help people who would turn on him.]
== [[Web Original]] ==
* ''[[Atop the Fourth Wall]]'': Lewis Lovhaug is seen to have this. Mostly because he is willing to defend ''anyone'' (examples include [[Marz Gurl]], [[Bad Movie Beatdown|Film Brain]] and [[Iron Liz]]) leading to many heartwarming moments. It's kind of gotten to the point where someone being flamed/trolled and Linkara ''not'' showing up is odd!
* Phase of the [[Whateley Universe]]. He was brought up in a filthy rich family where the motto is 'Goodkinds don't complain, they fix things'. And even though he has been kicked out of the family for turning into a mutant, he still tries to fix things for everyone around him. Even if some of them tell him to stop it.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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* Yugo of ''[[Wakfu]]'' can't bat an eye at a person in need without throwing his life on the line to help them. It's eventually lampshaded, mocked, and then outright ''discouraged'' by his companions, since he inevitably winds up making their quests over twice as long as they need to be, but he's too nice of a kid to back down.
* While [[Ben 10|Ben Tennyson]] has been portrayed with different attitudes in his various series, this remains his most definite trait: Ben has a strong desire to help everyone in need, to the point it was the very first thing he thought about when getting the Omnitrix.
== [[Real Life]] ==
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[[Category:Index Syndrome]]
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[[Category:Character Flaw Index]]
[[Category:Motivation Index]]
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