Citizen Kane/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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** Welles himself is an interesting aversion. He was a star since age 16, and became famous for his theatre and (cough) [[The War of the Worlds|radio]], and had in fact made three films prior to this (a bizarre short in 1934, a 40-minute film that was intended to be part of a hybrid stage play/movie performance in 1938, and he narrated a version of Swiss Family Robinson a year before Kane came out), but the movie almost destroyed his career.
* [[Throw It In]]: Joseph Cotten stumbling over the word "criticism". It was a genuine flub, but fortunately both he and Welles stayed in character (albeit Welles grins) and Cotten follows up with a brilliant ad-lib "I AM drunk", so it stayed in the film as-is.
* [[Troubled Production]]: Barely averted - the screenplay might never have been finished had Welles' co-producer Herman Mankiewitz not broken his leg and been cooped up in Welles' home; Mankiewitz was known to disappear for weeks at a time due to his drinking and gambling problems.
* [[Word of Dante]]: Sort of. People assume Marion Davies had a bad career, as her expy in the film shows. In fact, Marion Davies was widely considered [[Show People|a talented actress and comedienne]], independent of all the publicity Hearst arranged for her.
** Hearst did push Davies towards melodramatic leading-lady roles. Davies - along with many others - recognized that her real gift was for light comedy.