Clash of the Titans/Trivia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Star-Derailing Role]]: For both Sam Worthington and post-production 3D conversions in general.
* [[Wag the Director]]: It has been revealed that there's a significantly different edit that has a plotline much closer to classical mythology. The reason why it wasn't released is unclear, but there are indications that Sam Worthington successfully argued that it wouldn't be entertaining to children.
* [[What Could Have Been]]: Matthew Belamy was writing the score, but had to abandon midway through as [[Muse (band)|Muse]] started a tour.
** [ The original ending] is closer to the original myth and movie.
*** Perseus slapping Zeus with a fish would've been closer to the original myth than the release ending.
** The original idea for the movie was a [[Crossover Cosmology]] with [[Sumerian Mythology|Tiamat]] waging war against the Greek pantheon and Perseus being assisted by [[Egyptian Mythology|Thoth, Osiris]], [[Sumerian Mythology|Marduk]] and [[The Bible|Yahweh]]. He would also apparently have a romantic affair with some "Cthonian Earth goddess." (The filmmakers apparently have something against Andromeda for some reason...)
[[Category:Clash of the Titans]]