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Clock Roaches are time's clean-up service. They eat and destroy people and things that directly threaten time with a [[Temporal Paradox]]. Like roaches, they "eat up" the crumbs and mistakes of time travelers, and if they directly make nuisances of themselves, eat them as well. Also like roaches, you can never kill them all, nor hope to survive against their mindless fury for long. At best, you can delay them, and hope to fix whatever it is you've messed up and marked you as Roach-Chow.
The concepts of Clock Roaches probably stems from the difficulty in representing the threat of creating a time paradox. It's hard to ''show'' that the whole of existence is about to slip down the [[Timey-Wimey Ball|timey-wimey plughole of fate]], and that it's definitely bad. It's much easier for a writer to simply break out the Flying Time Monkeys to come and eat people. You could call them [[GaiasGaia's Vengeance|Chronos' Vengeance]].
One of the possible results of a [[Time Crash]]. When it's people doing it, not some kind of natural force, it's [[Time Police]]. Compare to the [[Necro Non Sequitur]], a gratuitous and Rube Goldberg-y way for time to deal with interlopers. Not to be confused with the [[Butterfly of Doom]], in which the insect punishing the time traveler for interfering with the natural progression of events does so by dying, when it's not just a metaphor to begin with.
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== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]''
** The Reapers, [[Monster of the Week|Flying Killer Time Gargoyles]] from "Father's Day". The Ninth Doctor describes them in terms similar to white blood cells -- when a paradox is triggered, they clean up the "wound" by erasing everything inside it. "Before" the Time War, the Gallifreyans kept paradoxes in order in a much less destructive way, but now they're gone.
** The original series serial ''The Time Monster'' had the Chronovores, which were similar enough to the Reapers (giant winged things that eat people's timelines) that they may as well be considered a related critter.
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[[Category:Index of Fictional Creatures]]
[[Category:Clock Roaches]]