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Often, this is used as a [[Comedy Trope]], where a character's usage of a long string of curse words is the joke itself. This often occurs in dark comedies. When movies or shows re-air in syndication, where they often cannot use the amount or severity of swears as they did on their original airing, the curses are [[Unusual Euphemism|often redubbed]] or [[Sound Effect Bleep|bleeped out]], to sometimes amusing results, like [[The Big Lebowski|"Do you see what happens when you ''' find''' a stranger in '''the Alps'''?]]
This trope is named after a combination of the terms [http://en.[ bomb|cluster bombs]] and F-bomb, another term for "fuck." Compare with [[Refuge in Vulgarity]], [[Precision F-Strike]], [[Atomic F-Bomb]], and [[Angrish]]; also see [[Obligatory Swearing]], which sometimes takes the form of Cluster F Bomb. Contrast with [[Foreign Cuss Word]], [[Pardon My Klingon]], and especially [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]]. For more examples, see [http://en.[ of films that most frequently use the word %22fuck%22 |The Other Wiki]]. A RantInducingSlight sometimes triggers one of these. A character who drops these while the other characters use more subdued language is a [[Sir Swearsalot]].
If you're looking for that one ''other'' word, see [[Country Matters]].
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{{quote| '''Art''': You don't fucking understand! {{spoiler|I knew she was going to fucking die ''since I fucking arrived on the fucking Citadel!''}}}}
* Lina Eastwood from ''[[Pretty Cure Hollywood Stars (Fanfic)|Pretty Cure Hollywood Stars]]'' is infamous for this; every single episode has her saying the F word at least once, and the one that doesn't (18) makes up for it by having her say it in the next episode preview.
* Vegtia lets loose a volley of profanity that is beeped out by Jeice's scouter in Ep 19 of [[Dragon Ball Abridged|DragonBallAbridged]], though at the end of the episode {{spoiler|it's revealed to be a tame outburst with not a single F-Bomb}}.
* The Golem in chapter eight and nine of ''[[Poke Wars|The Exigence]]'' swear far more than any other characters.
* [[Magica Madoka Veneficus Puella (Fanfic)|Magica Madoka Veneficus Puella]]. '''Everyone''' (Madoka excluded) swears. This includes KyuBey's replacement.
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* [ I Fucking Hate Horses].
* [ The Elder Swear]. It's bleeped out but still hilarious.
* In [[Tribe Twelve]], Noah seems to say nothing but curse words when he's scared. It's enough to warrant its own [http:[Tribe Twelve (Web Video)// Game|Drinking Game]]
* There is a commedy piece that's presented as a gramatic lecture on the word 'Fuck'. It notes it can be used as a verb, noun, or almost any word in a sentence: "Fuck the fucking fuckers!"
* In [[The Dark Id]]'s LP of ''[[Clock Tower (Video Game)|Clock Tower]] 3'', to express frustration at... well, [ see for yourself.]
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* [[Twisted Metal|David]] [[God of War (Video Game)|Jaffe]], essentially knows no social context, and will sprinkle these into his speech, whether it be on his personal blog, while doing interviews, or appearing on a panel of guests. Most of the time he's not even upset when he says it.
* The founder of the Parti Quebecois, Rene Levesque, is famed among other things for being the first person to utter the word "fuck" on television in Canada, as noted by Bowser and Blue in their aforementioned song. "C'était foké."
** Please note that "fuck" in Quebec French is a mild Expletive and an Anglicism. The direct equivalent is... Just pick ''any'' of [http://en.[ French profanity|them]].
* EGM once noted that, in person, John Madden seems to say "fuck" every other word, and his most impressive power is the ability to ''stop doing this'' when he goes on-air. This may explain his sometimes redundant speaking style; he's concentrating too hard on not cussing to say anything informative.
* An amusing [[Curse of the Ancients|now-PG version]] is recorded in a letter to Abraham Lincoln from a slavery proponent:
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* [[Yoshiki Hayashi]] [ would like to offer a Cluster F Bomb]... with his apologies for doing so.
* Hokkien ''peng'', not least the Singaporean variety, (stereo)typically cluster '''C'''-bomb. And insult [[Your Mother]].
* Ferenc Gyurcsány, former Prime Minister of Hungary, dropped one that lasted over an hour. It pretty much killed his career (not because of the profanity, but because of the long list of things he [[Engineered Public Confession|accidentally confessed to]]. His native language being Hungarian, you'd wish 'fuck' was the worst thing he said. [http[wikipedia:// Gyurcs%C3%A1ny%27s_speech_in_Balaton27s speech in Balaton%C5%91sz%C3%B6d_in_May_2006B6d in May 2006|It wasn't]].
* DKos Oil Booming School: "Rope is not rope. It is fucking rope. All of it. Every yard of rope is fucking rope. Every section of boom is fucking boom." -- [ Fishgrease]
* When you've a place named "[http://en.[ austria|Fucking]]", articles about it are bound to fall into this. Such as that above otherwiki page.
* Jim Cornette is such a constant cusser (if his RF Video shoots are to be believed) that it is amazing he is even ABLE to turn it off when the camera is on him.
* Actually may serve a purpose: pain tolerance. [ A scientific study] dealing with that was done with volunteers. Both groups were subjected to (an equal amount of) continuous pain (caused by the same thing), and they were to pull away the moment they could no longer bear it. Those who responded to the pain by cursing repeatedly were shown to be able to take the pain for longer amounts of time than the group who didn't. And it appears that neutral words or [[Gosh Darn It to Heck]] doesn't work nearly as well as serious 'fuck'-level obscenities.
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* [ Donald fucking Trump] wants you to know that he's not going to mess around with those motherfuckers in China, he's not going to let OPEC raise the fucking price of oil, and he's going to build a fucking school in Brooklyn.
* [ A bill was recently introduced in the South Carolina legislature to ban profanity]. Several blogs have commented on it, and the fucking comments tend to contain quite a fucking variety of fucking dirty words.
* [[The Other Wiki]] [http://en.[ dirty words|lists "fuck" twice in its list]]. No, it's not "fuck" and "[[Department of Redundancy Department|fuck]]", it's "fuck" and "[[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch|motherfucker]]".
* High school. Even the fucking Honors and AP kids fucking swear like you would not fucking believe.
** ''Especially'' the Honors and AP kids.