Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Difference between revisions

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* [[Bland-Name Product]]: McBurger Kong, a spoof of McDonald's and Burger King.
* [[Brick Joke]]: The Soviets momentarily wind up ''too'' far in the past in ''Yuri's Revenge'', fending off dinosaurs before arriving at the correct time due to overcharging the time machine. {{spoiler|This comes back to bite Yuri in the ass when the Soviets repeat the same thing as he steals the time machine, only this time draining the power reserves so he can't come back.}}
* [[Broad Strokes]]: How the game treats the first ''Red Alert'', with its events more or less having happened, including an Allied victory. It's implied as well that the ''Red Alert 2'' timeline also diverged at an unspecified point.
* [[Cartoonish Supervillainy]]: Pretty much the entire premise of Yuri and his faction, which ups the somewhat ridiculous RA arsenal [[Up to Eleven]] with the addition of genetically mutated Hulk look-a-likes, psychically powered infantry, [[UFOs]], and so on. Then there's the expansion campaign, which features such gems as weaponized Moai statues, an Arctic/Moon base, and a gothic Transylvanian mansion headquarters. Regardless of which campaign, all of Yuri's plans end up failing spectacularly and then Yuri himself eventually being submitted to some humiliating fate.
* [[Casting Gag]]: Barry Corbin, who plays General Carville in ''RA2'', is basically reprising his role as General Berringer from ''[[War Games]]''. There's even an explicit [[Shout-Out]] during one of the Ant missions ("I'd piss on a spark plug if I thought it'd do any good!").
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* [[Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods]]: Soviet anti-ship squids.
* [[Evil Laugh]]: [[Mad Bomber|Crazy Ivan]] as well as Tanya.
* [[For Want of a Nail]]: The fact that the Allied and Soviet campaigns of ''Yuri's Revenge'' start ''at all'' story-wise is because the failed American strike on the Psychic Dominator on Alcatraz still managed to cripple the nuclear reactor powering it, allowing precious time for the time machine in San Francisco to be completed.
* [[Game Mod]]: A number have come out over the years. Among the most notable ones is ''[ Mental Omega]'', a full-fledged expansion pack and fan reimagining of ''Yuri's Revenge.''
* [[General Failure]]: General Vladimir, the incompetent glory hound who's your superior in the first half of the Soviet campaign. He gets you into trouble in the second mission by assaulting the vastly superior American fleet with only his personal command ship, and then leaving you to deal with them as he flees the battle. Then when you have completed the destruction of the U.S. East Coast fleet, he takes credit for your accomplishments by returning to Moscow before you can. His one saving grace is being savvy enough to see through Yuri, but it feels rewarding when you finally remove him from command.
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* [[Government in Exile]]: President Dugan and what's left of his staff eventually wind up in an undisclosed location in Canada.
* [[Historical In-Joke]]: Possible example in the briefing for one of the Soviet missions. The player is shown a [ picture] of [[Joseph Stalin|Stalin]], with Yuri edited in on his right. This picture [ really exists] and is famous for being doctored, the real life version showing Stalin sat next to [[Vladimir Lenin|Lenin]], who bears a fairly strong resemblance to Yuri. This version of the picture, created at the behest of Stalin, is a forgery to try and give him more credibility as one of Lenin's closest collaborators.
** Towards the end of the Allied campaign, the Cuban Missile Crisis is recreated. Except this time around, the Soviets and Allies are already at war and the outcome doesn't result in nuclear apocalypse.
* [[Human Resources]]: Yuri's Bio-Reactors from the ''Red Alert 2'' expansion. They don't generate much power on their own, but "garrison" infantry in them and they become some of the best power plants in the game.
* [[Large Ham]]: Premier Romanov.
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** Not only barrels, but pretty much ''every'' scenery prop explodes (albeit harmlessly), even if you only ordered a GI/Conscript/Initiate to shoot at it. A bunch of tires is passable, but ''beach towels''?
** Yuri's "Psychic Dominator" weapon permanently mind-controls a few enemy units. It also, for some bizarre reason, makes all nearby buildings explode.
* [[Monumental Damage]]: A lot of landmarks get blown up or are at least damaged considerably over the game, including the Pentagon. Averted with the Eiffel Tower in the Soviet campaign, however, which is used as a gigantic ''Tesla coil'' to destroy the rest of Paris. In ''Yuri's Revenge'' meanwhile, it's also possible to destroy the Apollo Lunar landing site at one point in the Soviet campaign.
* [[Mood Dissonance]]: The game's cheery atmosphere gets a bit more serious when Carville dies.
* [[No Campaign for the Wicked]]: Yuri in ''Yuri's Revenge'' does not have a campaign.
* [[Nuclear Weapons Taboo]]: Justified. The Allied supplyarsenal is detonated at the start of the game.
** Averted by the Soviet Union, though. Romanov assures the player in one mission that [[Large Ham|"After you feel pain from my nuclear bombs, you will WEESH for ANOTHAIR chance!"]]
* [[Obvious Judas]]: {{spoiler|Yuri, for the Soviet Union}}. There's something suspicious about him from the very beginning, and he only gets more suspicious as the game goes on. By the time it gets the point that {{spoiler|Premier Romanov}} is murdered, it's already blatantly obvious that he has an agenda. Then comes his [ 'proof'] that {{spoiler|General Vladimir}} is responsible. Miraculously, the player character still seems to see nothing wrong.