Community/Recap/S1/E23 Modern Warfare: Difference between revisions

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== The ''[[Community (TV)|Community]]'' episode "Modern Warfare" provides examples of: ==
* [[Affectionate Parody]]: The [[Overly Narrow Superlative|best]] [[Paintball Episode|paintball-based]] [[Satire, Parody, Pastiche]] of [[Post Apocalyptic]] and [[Heroic Bloodshed]] [[Overly Narrow Superlative|action movies since]] ''[[Spaced]]''.
* [[After the End]]: The majority of "Modern Warfare" takes place after Dean Pelton announced the prize to the school's paintball competition, causing almost all of the students to destroy each other almost immediately.
{{quote| '''Garrett:''' '''"Over"'''?! This is not ''over!'' This is ''still happening!'' '''Right now!'''}}
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* [[If We Get Through This]]: "What are you guys gonna do if you win priority registration?" As soon as Shirley mentions her kids, you know she's out the game.
* [[It Works Better With Bullets]]: Jeff removes his magazine before sleeping with Britta, predicting her betrayal.
* [[IveI've Heard of That! What Is It?]]:
{{quote| '''Dean:''' The prize was a Blu-ray DVD player... but it got stolen. So now it's TBD!<br />
'''Troy:''' I want TBD! Is that new? }}
* [[Leap and Fire]]: Abed's introduction (pictured). [[Badass]].
* [[Mexican Standoff]]: Throughout.
* [[Nobody Here butBut Us Birds]]:
** Abed's signal to Troy that he's coming in.
** Another one is heard right before {{spoiler|Troy}} is shot by the Glee Club.
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* [[Playing the Heart Strings]]: Abed and Shirley's outro.
* [[The Power of Trust]]: Played with; the nature of 'The Prize' means that everyone will eventually turn on each other in order to get it -- however, as with the study group, most of the people who make it furthest through the game do so by forming 'packs' with other people they trust to watch their backs. In keeping with this, throughout the episode whenever one of the group tries to betray the others it usually backfires on them (Troy [[Laser-Guided Karma|immediately gets shot]] when he suggests turning on the others to Shirley, and Britta's attempt to betray Jeff is scuttled when he reveals her gun is empty).
* [[Pre -Climax Climax]]: Parodied with Jeff and Britta's hook-up.
* [[Pre-Mortem One-Liner]]: To the Chess Club:
{{quote| '''Jeff:''' Checkmate, [[This Is for Emphasis, Bitch|bitches]]!}}