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* [[Face Fault]]: The comic's trademarked way to close a punchline. The victim of the punchline pratfalling with a loud ¡PLOP!
* [[Fan Service]]: Most of the women seen in ''Condorito'' are young and [[Hourglass Hottie|beautiful]], providing plenty of eye candy during stories set at pools, beaches and nudist camps, and the occasional Accidental Pervert joke. From the late 1980s on, these jokes escalated more and more until finally showing full and detailed nudity, which didn't please the older fans at all.
** Originally averted on Yayita's case, as René Rios had forbidden his team of artists to give her "sexy" atributesattributes or flirting atitudesattitudes, after his death in 2000 Yayita immediately joined the fanservice and [[Gag Boobs]] bandwagon.
* [[Feather Fingers]]: Matías, Condorito's pet parrot.
* [[Franchise Zombie]]: After René Rios' death, the comic's quality plummeted really hard, and recently it got even worse. The franchise still survives... somehow.
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* [[Generation Xerox]]: Played straight with Condorito's nephew and the sons of Condorito's friends. Brutally averted with Condorito's girlfriend, as Yayita is a slender, beautiful and polite girl, while her parents are fat, ugly and rude.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: It happens from time to time. Interestingly enough, this is ''not'' limited to the jokes involving female nudity or "sexy" situations. For example, British explorer Lord "Eggon", whose name is a crude, Spanglish translation of "Huevon" (Chilean slang for "asshole")
** One joke in particular featured Condorito (as a talented painter) inviting Yayita and her parents to the inauguration of a display of his paintings. One of the paintings was a full-bodied nude painting of Yayita (much for her mother and father's wrath) but Condorito calmed them down by explaining that Yayita didn't posed nude for him... because he painted her fomfrom his memory. Yayita silientlysilently blushed while Condorito was saying this.
* [[I Ate What?]]: "Condorito, have you seen my mom's urine sample?"
* [[Idiot Ball]]: Everyone carries it from time to time, except for Ungenio Gonzalez, who's permanently stuck with it and is blissfuly unaware of it.
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** British explorers Sir Faifoclocti, Lord Esquiusmi and Lord Eggon.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: A few characters were removed because of complaints from the readers. The most (in)famous ones were a full amputee called "Cortadito" ("Choppy") and a very amoral Jewish loan shark called "Don Jacoibo" (sometimes called "Don Salomón" instead).
** Other retired characters were Lucifer, Yayita's hellish cat; Don Guiussepe, a jolly Italian inmigrantimmigrant who owned a grocery store, and Chin-Chu-Lin, a stereotypical Chinese immigrant with buck teeth and a ponytail.
* [[Recurring Extra]]: Most, if not all, of the artists working on the comic created their own set of nameless "filler" characters to be recycled at need, rather than keep creating throwaway characters for every story.
** Two of them, a couple of young and beautiful girls called "Maca" and "Potoca", are worth mention, as they were Yayita's unofficial replacement on jokes involving nudity or very revealing clothes, reaching [[Those Two Guys]] status during the time their creator worked in the comic book.