Contest Winner Cameo: Difference between revisions

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** The serial murderer being hunted in the Psi Corps episode "The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father" was also named after the winner of a charity auction at a convention. Amusingly, the winner's name was Jonathan Harris, so most viewers thought it was a [[Shout-Out]] to [[Lost in Space]], a previous series starring Billy Mumy, who plays Lennier on ''[[Babylon 5]]''.
** Dr. Lillian Hobbes made a very large charitable donation to have a recurring character named after her.
** Not a competition winner, as such, but the mineral ''Quantium 40'' (vital in Jumpgate construction, was named following a poll held by JMS among members of the old [[GE Ni EGEnie]] boards.
* ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' and ''[[Stargate Atlantis]]'' have done this for several seasons now on Sci Fi. The contest winner has a walk-on cameo appearance in one episode of each show. One winner was the wife of the Ori religious zealot in the Season 9 premiere three-parter.
** The DVD Commentaries for the episode usually reveal the identity of the winner. In "Lost City", it's the woman who enters the Oval Office and shakes Hayes' hand after his meeting with Weird. Later, in "Camelot", director Martin Wood specifically made the contest winner John Noble's wife so "she wouldn't get cut," seeming to imply that other contest winners have had their scenes cut.